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Green Party's 'unapologetic, socialist broadcast'

who said it was unapologetically socialist? last time the torygraph said "I'm sure itsounds better in the original Russian":D

trying to outflank Labour from the left while they're in opposition seems risky, but they don't appear to be making it too hard
because Labour ganged up with the Tories to reject the Greens' budget with a small(ish) council tax rise and passed one with massivecuts to the services the Green budget was trying to protect.

Frankly, I think we should've called their bluff and let Labour and the Tories form a coalition to run the city, sucks if you live there but long term, it could've permanently damaged the Labour party locally, and possibly wider
ridiculous a) you mean you were trying to increase the taxes of working class people and b) you now plan to fire council workers and re-hire them on inferior pay and conditions.

I'm the last person to give a free pass to the Labour leadership, nationally or locally, but seriously....
about 1,100 staff – including refuse staff, street sweepers and elderly care managers – will lose between £5 and £95 a week from their salary.
For a bin man on £18,000 a year, this amounts to about £4,000 a year.
Just don't ask the unions representing council workers in Brighton

Things have changed slightly since the Argus reported that on April 3rd. Ms Lucas isn't best pleased & is apparently checking the figures quoted! She was voted in, Jason the Cat & Ms Thompson certainly fucking were not.
I agree, Labour put their own interests first as usual and put the Council in an impossible situation, they're a sly bunch and they played us like a fucking banjo

I agree with articul8 not DC for the record, I distrust careerists and opportunists of any colour

e2a, council tax cannot be made more or less progressive, councils set the band D rate and the other bands are fixed by statute as percentages of that "average" rate
Ah, Labour party showing their true blue colours.

I watched "This Week" last night and there was moaning about how Labour looks like its lurching to the left. I don't know where they're getting that from. I can't think of a single policy that event resembles 1992, let alone 1945. Liam Byrne is so rampantly Tory I genuinely can't imagine what he's doing there. Maybe he just literally prefers the colour red slightly and didn't want to have to invest in new ties. It's a mystery. Actually, they don't even wear red ties now in case it looks a bit scary on telly so it can't be that either.
Things have changed slightly since the Argus reported that on April 3rd. Ms Lucas isn't best pleased & is apparently checking the figures quoted! She was voted in, Jason the Cat & Ms Thompson certainly fucking were not.

Oh yes - I hear the local Green party is seriously fucking angry. But Jason Kitcat is after delivering this attack on the council workers
I'm completly out of the loop since I moved to Reading, but the reank and file members passed a motion condemning this and some of the councillors, largely Alex Phillips, are angry as well
He can try, but we'll seriously fuck his City up.

Good. I'm not after attacking the local greens. I'm sure they are are trying to hold the councillors to account. But this points to a general problem. Council officers think they are in the driving seat and elected councillors - of whichever party - just have to spin it to the voters.
Good. I'm not after attacking the local greens. I'm sure they are are trying to hold the councillors to account. But this points to a general problem. Council officers think they are in the driving seat and elected councillors - of whichever party - just have to spin it to the voters.

Since 1996 the council have dug a massive hole for themselves regarding single status payments, appeals, re-grading etc, & 16 years later are 30 million worse off. Penny Thompson was brought in as CEO to crack the whip, & has her hand up the Cat's arse. Rather than cutting jobs they're going for the wage budget (worse case scenario dismissal & re-engagement) which makes up 70% of the councils outgoing bill. But as I said, Ms Lucas ain't happy, her mantra is that there are alternatives, & it's her seat lost if the Greens fuck up.

We (the GMB) certainly ain't having it - & there will be fuck loads of stinking rubbish festering on the streets for weeks if they fuck us over. Out sourcing the bins was tried before, & it failed, miserably.
we hunted the Lib dems to extiction at the last couple of council elections

anyway, I still havent watched the bloody ppb! OH is on the dog n bone and I can't find my earphones anywhere
I find PPB are improved greatly by watching them with the sound off and looking at the dead eyes pf the person begging for your vote

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