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Greek elections

I question things like sins of the fathers visiting the children actually, especially when we know that the vast majority of people who are taking the brunt of austerity had nothing to do with, nor a voice on where the money went. Tell you what, half a million young people left Portugal since the austerity started. They'll be working and raising the tax buckets of some other countries. Perhaps that will make it better for Portugal in the long run.
that actually does not address the question posed
I'm NOT saying that the decisions of the rulers may be good for us as individuals, but what would you have in its place?
oh man I am getting battered by so many brickbats from peeps who really need to debate, not just kneejerk love of mad non justified rhetoric (how Greek?)that I regret posting something which was about not going all racist on Germany
oh bollocks, enough
Have a nice time pumping up your bigotry and predestined bias
The yanks?

Would that be the same yanks who currently have an utterly unrepayable national debt, but who are not being called on it because they also have lots of big guns?

Those ones?
An inventive strategy really.
1 borrow lots of money
2 use it to buy lots of weapons
3 oh you want your money back, well come on then take it.
I'm terribly sorry that I didn't answer you before your brief attention span had faded onto other thoughts....
I was getting so many other messages by others who have your own level of grip on the notion of "democratic decision"

No apology needed. I simply reached the conclusion that engaging with you was a waste of my time on reading your responses to those other messages.
I don't consider myself the cleverest of people btw. But then that's why I exercise care in choosing the people to engage with. If I'm to disagree with anyone and be proven wrong at least be it with someone who has a better grasp of stuff so I learn from and in the process. It's seems to me unlikely you'll be of any use to me on that level.
what a fool I have been
right do take care all of you, understanding stuff is really hard
This Be The Verse
This Be The Verse

By Philip Larkin 1922–1985 Philip Larkin
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself.
As things stand we’re way past the blame anyway, no matter what Hipipol says. The causes are something for academics to debate at their leisure in the decades to come.

What matters now, particularly to the Greek people, is what is going to happen in the next few hours and days.

For what it’s worth I think the Troika has now by far the strongest hand.

It’s interesting that the terms of the debate, on these boards and elsewhere, has now moved away from the euphoria felt by some after Sunday’s referendum to a more sober assessment of just how bad things could get.

The markets are pricing in a Greek exit and the Troika are planning for it. The Greek Government had to reassure people that food and medicines are not about to run out. There is open talk of the humanitarian assistance that may be needed if Greece leaves the Euro.

I’m not sure anyone, least of all those voting “no”, would have thought things would get this bad this quickly.

I think if another referendum were to be held this Sunday the result would be very different to last week’s.
I’m not sure anyone, least of all those voting “no”, would have thought things would get this bad this quickly.

I think if another referendum were to be held this Sunday the result would be very different to last week’s.
I wonder. The alternative is no better, and they still know that well enough. Be interesting if there is any information about it - the way things have gone since the referendum must have deepened the resolve of at least some of those who voted no.
My main problem is with the negotiating techniques used
these guys are supposedly smart
but they wnet about it in such a confrontational way
if EVEN the IMF - and everyone know how many countries they have fucked up - are saying the debt is unsustainable......
they political manipulation hurts everyone
I think it would be different because the possibility of a Euro exit is now far greater.
For very good reason most Greeks want to stay in the Euro.
In my opinion the Greek Government would have to cut a very bad deal with the Troika for the outcome to be worse than a forced exit from the Euro.
The way things have gone over the past few days may stiffen the resolve of some "no" voters but I think it will have weakened the resolve of many more others.
Just a hunch - I've no evidence either way.
There is open talk of the humanitarian assistance that may be needed if Greece leaves the Euro.

I’m not sure anyone, least of all those voting “no”, would have thought things would get this bad this quickly.

I think if another referendum were to be held this Sunday the result would be very different to last week’s.

Curiously, Varoufakis line since before Syriza got into power has been that, for the sake of lessening human suffering in Greece and elsewhere, the euro had to be saved from itself.
It's easy to talk from afar, but I'm with Krugman on this. If it's going to hurt let it be for something at the end of the tunnel.
BBC's Robert Peston was reporting earlier today that the Greek Central Bank is discussing lowering the €60 per day withdrawl limit to €20 per day to eek out their cash reserves.
I think it would be different because the possibility of a Euro exit is now far greater.
For very good reason most Greeks want to stay in the Euro.
In my opinion the Greek Government would have to cut a very bad deal with the Troika for the outcome to be worse than a forced exit from the Euro.
The way things have gone over the past few days may stiffen the resolve of some "no" voters but I think it will have weakened the resolve of many more others.
Just a hunch - I've no evidence either way.
now we have got finally got to .....
The reason the then Greek Govt wanted into the Euro was to access cheap funds but more important to the freebies, roads for example, whatever the Tory shits may say the road system in outlying bits of the whole UK were wholly built by European union funds - I know we paid into them have you travelled ion Portugal and Spain - you prob don't know what they were like years ago, but the improvement is amazing
as far as the greek economy being tied to Germany was a disaster that simply needed time to play out
I think, entirely looking at Greece, I mean their hospitals cant treat people based on a lack of drugs.....
If I were them I would rather be outside the Euro
BUT in the Union
they can actually drive their own future not being Frankfurt bitch
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