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Greek elections

not happy about the general feeling expressed here, ie Its all the fault of Germany
So sorry but the same peeps who claim that "democracy" means they don't have to pay off debt accumulated via previously democratically elected governments..
Can you spot the logical inconsistency in that?
Curiously enough the French are not snivelling about how much Germany owes them as they too were invaded
Whatever people may think of Merkel - personally I love her, not in a pervy way mind - she and her country have been thru astonishingly harsh times - please have a look at what German workers have been paid over the last few years and then honestly say they have not taken pain?
Why should someone in Vilnius for example pay for someone in Greece to write off their debts while they struggle thru 5 foot deep snow in the winter?
Or why should Bulgarians who have more refugees per head then Greece has ever had, pay them to sit on their fat arses?
Unless you have actually pledged to put money into the mental scheme to crowd finance Greece - if you have, it was a mad move - why should THOSE people, all MUCH POORER than the average Greek, subsidise them?
Greedy stupid and misguided, every govt the greek people have voted for has been absolutely shit at dealing with reality
If I were Merkel, I'd offer to buy ALL greek debt at 30c in the Euro, then tell em to fuck off
do it on yer own
Their vile blackmail really is so shit, they gotta fuck off
This Not the way do deal with those you claim you want to share a currency with
that can only be based on trust
I trust them like some typical twat trying to sell pills on a street corner

I think there needs to be a very clear distinction made between Greek Government(s) and the Greek people. Whatever the latter's alleged faults, they don't deserve what's coming to them.
not happy about the general feeling expressed here, ie Its all the fault of Germany
So sorry but the same peeps who claim that "democracy" means they don't have to pay off debt accumulated via previously democratically elected governments..
Can you spot the logical inconsistency in that?
Curiously enough the French are not snivelling about how much Germany owes them as they too were invaded
Whatever people may think of Merkel - personally I love her, not in a pervy way mind - she and her country have been thru astonishingly harsh times - please have a look at what German workers have been paid over the last few years and then honestly say they have not taken pain?
Why should someone in Vilnius for example pay for someone in Greece to write off their debts while they struggle thru 5 foot deep snow in the winter?
Or why should Bulgarians who have more refugees per head then Greece has ever had, pay them to sit on their fat arses?
Unless you have actually pledged to put money into the mental scheme to crowd finance Greece - if you have, it was a mad move - why should THOSE people, all MUCH POORER than the average Greek, subsidise them?
Greedy stupid and misguided, every govt the greek people have voted for has been absolutely shit at dealing with reality
If I were Merkel, I'd offer to buy ALL greek debt at 30c in the Euro, then tell em to fuck off
do it on yer own
Their vile blackmail really is so shit, they gotta fuck off
This Not the way do deal with those you claim you want to share a currency with
that can only be based on trust
I trust them like some typical twat trying to sell pills on a street corner
is this drivel a 'conscious lyric'?
I think there needs to be a very clear distinction between the Greeks Government(s) and the Greek people. Whatever the latter's alleged faults, they don't deserve what's coming to them.
Please reference the post
It was a DEMOCRATIC decision to elect those people
Why should the current supposed "democratic" decision overwrite the previous ones?
isn't that kind of how democracy is supposed to work?
so I can change my mind, and all must cow to my current opinion?
don't like that dinner, he'll pay for it - simply pointing some random geezer in the café?
remind me not have a brekkie near you
so I can change my mind, and all must cow to my current opinion?
don't like that dinner, he'll pay for it - simply pointing some random geezer in the café?
remind me not have a brekkie near you
Political and economic relations between nation states bear only a passing resemblance to relations between individuals - this is the same lie the tory government have been peddling for the last 5 years. Did you swallow that too?
I was talking about previous Greek Governments not the current one.
I fucking hated Thatcher but knew we HAD to abided by the international she had entered into
So, being Greek would somehow absolve me of that responsibility?
Even fucking Stalin accepted that
Pot Pot didn't
As I'm not in charge of the Greek justice system I can't answer why charges weren't brought even though there were certainly criminal activities (although I have my suspicions). But it doesn't absolve previous Governments of responsibility.
Political and economic relations between nation states bear only a passing resemblance to relations between individuals - this is the same lie the tory government have been peddling for the last 5 years. Did you swallow that too?
oh molla
so, you think that everything is born new, every day?
Please reject all of that you see around you, buildings, transport, companies, governments, etc
if the sins of the Father are laid on the children, so are the benefits
Unless we can find a nice dry cave to live in, guess what?
What went before is what we have today
oh dear
you seepage has made its way to the page
do you actually have a point to make or is this just one of your typical ad hominem piece of tosh?
If there's one thing that makes me want to start with the ad hominems it is people using the phrase.
Greedy stupid and misguided, every govt the greek people have voted for has been absolutely shit at dealing with reality

Yeah, the stupid people of Britain are being ruled by the wishes of 34% of voters (note: not the sum total of the electorate). It would totally be their stupid fault if the current government turned out to be, say, a bunch of nazis wouldn't it?

... and read some of these. It's not for lack of effort that corruption is so hard to prosecute.

I fucking hated Thatcher but knew we HAD to abided by the international she had entered into

Really? Mrs Thatcher didn't simply abide by the treaties she entered into. She went to Brussels, stamped her feet and demanded a shed load of money back (and got it).
As I'm not in charge of the Greek justice system I can't answer why charges weren't brought even though there were certainly criminal activities (although I have my suspicions). But it doesn't absolve previous Governments of responsibility.
then let these liars take it to court and have it proven
IF they really have an argument, let them try to press it
Simply standing and saying " my Mum and Dad" didn't understand me is totally stupid
This not an argument that can win friends, and fuck know Greece needs friends
IF the current Greek govt really cared for their people, which I doubt they do, to me they look the same privileged crew that have shat on the people for years, simply better marketing/manipulation techniques
they NEED to take these fucks to court - failing that cant they at least arrest at least ONE high level tax dodger?
without some effort to catch and punish those they claim fucked them over, why would anyone trust them and simply think they are part of the same ruling crew, just different faces?
You might not have noticed but taking previous politicians to court isn't exactly the priority at the moment.

Even you would agree that dealing with the possibility of total economic, political and social meltdown takes precedence.
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Yeah, the stupid people of Britain are being ruled by the wishes of 34% of voters (note: not the sum total of the electorate). It would totally be their stupid fault if the current government turned out to be, say, a bunch of nazis wouldn't it?

... and read some of these. It's not for lack of effort that corruption is so hard to prosecute.

oh dear
if you accept the notion of Democracy you have to accept its decision, however misguided our fellow voters may be
Do you have fair alternative?
then let these liars take it to court and have it proven
IF they really have an argument, let them try to press it
Simply standing and saying " my Mum and Dad" didn't understand me is totally stupid
This not an argument that can win friends, and fuck know Greece needs friends
IF the current Greek govt really cared for their people, which I doubt they do, to me they look the same privileged crew that have shat on the people for years, simply better marketing/manipulation techniques
they NEED to take these fucks to court - failing that cant they at least arrest at least ONE high level tax dodger?
without some effort to catch and punish those they claim fucked them over, why would anyone trust them and simply think they are part of the same ruling crew, just different faces?

Actually don't bother. If you can't even factor in the shaky ground on which the euro has always stood throughout the whole saga, it's a waste of time to engage with you on any meaningful level.
You might not have noticed but taking previous politicians to court isn't exactly the priority at the moment.

Once Greece has dealt with what could be a total economic, political and social meltdown they might revisit the situation.
They have had 5 years
Or perhaps you only became sentient lately?
as soon as the guff with the Goldman swap came out I called the woman who had set it up
Goldmans had moved her to one of their Insurance subsidiaries
I asked her if she felt ashamed, she say no,
they were an elected govt etc
oddly, her direct line seems to have vanished from Bloomberg
The Greek govt, current and previous, know who she is, they know exactly what happened
why no court case?
The yanks would not hold back
oh dear
if you accept the notion of Democracy you have to accept its decision, however misguided our fellow voters may be
Do you have fair alternative?

I question things like sins of the fathers visiting the children actually, especially when we know that the vast majority of people who are taking the brunt of austerity had nothing to do with, nor a voice on where the money went. Tell you what, half a million young people left Portugal since the austerity started. They'll be working and raising the tax buckets of some other countries. Perhaps that will make it better for Portugal in the long run.
Actually don't bother. If you can't even factor in the shaky ground on which the euro has always stood throughout the whole saga, it's a waste of time to engage with you on any meaningful level.
I'm terribly sorry that I didn't answer you before your brief attention span had faded onto other thoughts....
I was getting so many other messages by others who have your own level of grip on the notion of "democratic decision"
I'm terribly sorry that I didn't answer you before your brief attention span had faded onto other thoughts....
I was getting so many other messages by others who have your own level of grip on the notion of "democratic decision"
You seem to have the whole thing backwards. The financial system exists (or should exist!) to oil our economic wheels, to help enable functioning economies. Not the other way around, as you appear to be suggesting. Obey the rules of money at pain of death! Why? For what? For whom? For whose benefit? Not ours - you seem to have swallowed the idea that it is the general populations of other countries that would be bailing out the Greek government.

It's all backwards. Look at what you need to provide as a govt, then see how to arrange the finances for it. Not the other way around - that's the tail wagging the dog.
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