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Goldsmiths University Diversity officer facing sack

Should she be sacked?

  • Yes she should

    Votes: 71 53.4%
  • No she should not

    Votes: 32 24.1%
  • Official warning

    Votes: 7 5.3%
  • Attention seeking option

    Votes: 23 17.3%

  • Total voters
she's white herself, I'm not sure how being (presumably of Turkish origin) lets her start talking about 'people of colour' as though she, a white person, faces the same potential for discrimination day to day as a black person may

I think she is just seeking attention
When I see people acting this stupidly I can't help but speculate whether they are provocateurs sent in to discredit various movements, even when I know they're not. I do know someone who is very politically astute who uses the term "white trash" though. It makes me cringe, but maybe that kind of language is acceptable in some circles.
Here is the text for the petition with some accusations that were not mentioned in the Metro

We call for a vote of no confidence on the current Welfare and Diversity Officer. In summary this petition states that the current Welfare and Diversity Officer has: - Made students feel intimidated, unsupported, and unrepresented - Been unprofessional in her public conduct and behaviour towards both students and staff - Encouraged or expressed hatred based on an individual’s race, gender, or social position Students have come forward who do not believe that the current Welfare and Diversity Officer can represent the student body.

believe that she has refused to represent students unless they agree with her actions and beliefs, and has frequently spread anger and hatred instead of providing unbiased welfare support. The recent media storm, that has wrongly targeted BME only events, has also resulted in students being shouted down for trying to voice any concerns about the current Welfare and Diversity Officer. As a result individual students have been too afraid to come forward with their issues to their student representatives. In addition to this, had the BME meeting been handled in a more professional way many feel that BME meetings at Goldsmiths would not now be facing a public attack.

The Welfare and Diversity Officer has attempted to discourage students who disagree with her from speaking out, and actively sought to oppress students trying to voice their concerns and negative experiences. This is especially relevant to the repercussions of the recent occupation she was involved in leading.

During the occupation she booked a short amount of leave and then declared she was ‘on leave until further notice’, leaving students without an official Welfare and Diversity Officer. When asked to attend a meeting intended to allow disabled students to voice their concerns in a safe space where they would not be shouted down, she complained to the organiser that this was a negative sounding meeting and asked people to attend to voice support for the occupation.

This has actively oppressed the voices of disabled students seeking to speak to their representative officers. The current Welfare and Diversity Officer has spread slanderous rumours of staff bullying to support her campaigns, and encouraged students to believe that an individual member of staff is directly responsible for student suicide attempts disclosed to her as the Welfare and Diversity Officer. Blaming any individual for this is never ok, let alone using sensitive student disclosures to support her own agenda.

The current Welfare and Diversity Officer has used hate speech based on race and gender. For example the consistent use of hash-tags such as #killallwhitemen and #misandry, and publically calling someone ‘white trash’ under the official GSU Welfare and Diversity Officer twitter account. Any apologies given have been presented in a way that attempts to shift the blame and refuses to see genuine fault in her conduct, which has not changed.

The response is still to attack or invalidate students who speak out. Full-time Officers ‘help steer us through the year by representing students, making sure their voices are heard and their needs are met.’ The Welfare and Diversity Officer should provide unbiased welfare support and represent students. Students should not feel bullied or coerced into agreeing with their representatives, and certainly not feel intimidated or silenced. There appears to be no accountability in the actions of Full Time Officers unless students speak up.

We call for this vote to determine whether the wider student body still feels that they are represented by the Welfare and Diversity Officer. By signing this petition I agree to a vote of no confidence.
she's white herself, I'm not sure how being (presumably of Turkish origin) lets her start talking about 'people of colour' as though she, a white person, faces the same potential for discrimination day to day as a black person may

I think she is just seeking attention
depends what you mean by white. does she identify as white?
she's white herself, I'm not sure how being (presumably of Turkish origin) lets her start talking about 'people of colour' as though she, a white person, faces the same potential for discrimination day to day as a black person may

I've seen this sort of thing before, young middle class white kids who so desperately want to be something other than white and middle class. If you're aware of the struggles facing migrants, ethnic minorities, lgbt people or (insert oppressed people here) and you find yourself wanting to be in the same boat they're in so that you too can feel hard done by then there's a good chance you've missed the point.

Victims of real oppression generally realise that, while they may have many entirely valid reasons to hate the rich white men who run the world, being a petulant dick about it just plays into the hands of their enemies.
I would read up all the storifies and pastebins and one-post blogspots and tweets of screencaps of Facebook posts with screencaps of tweets in them, but I'm not going to.

The general point of the Metro trying to imply that the use of "misandry" and #killallwhitemen is outrageously racist and sexist is a bit more interesting but really not that interesting—of course it's doing that.

"White trash" is a really bad term to try to repurpose, given its origin as a classist term, but I'm having trouble giving much of a toss about it in this instance; it isn't widespread.
I've seen this sort of thing before, young middle class white kids who so desperately want to be something other than white and middle class. If you're aware of the struggles facing migrants, ethnic minorities, lgbt people or (insert oppressed people here) and you find yourself wanting to be in the same boat they're in so that you too can feel hard done by then there's a good chance you've missed the point.

Victims of real oppression generally realise that, while they may have many entirely valid reasons to hate the rich white men who run the world, being a petulant dick about it just plays into the hands of their enemies.
Do you think that's what's happened here?
I would read up all the storifies and pastebins and one-post blogspots and tweets of screencaps of Facebook posts with screencaps of tweets in them, but I'm not going to.

The general point of the Metro trying to imply that the use of "misandry" and #killallwhitemen is outrageously racist and sexist is a bit more interesting but really not that interesting—of course it's doing that.

"White trash" is a really bad term to try to repurpose, given its origin as a classist term, but I'm having trouble giving much of a toss about it in this instance; it isn't widespread.
try harder :mad: you're a mod. you're supposed to set an example :mad:
I've seen this sort of thing before, young middle class white kids who so desperately want to be something other than white and middle class. If you're aware of the struggles facing migrants, ethnic minorities, lgbt people or (insert oppressed people here) and you find yourself wanting to be in the same boat they're in so that you too can feel hard done by then there's a good chance you've missed the point.

Victims of real oppression generally realise that, while they may have many entirely valid reasons to hate the rich white men who run the world, being a petulant dick about it just plays into the hands of their enemies.
i don't doubt she's said some unwise things and perhaps should not be working as a diversity officer, but why are people saying she is white herself? it's not up to you
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