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Giant owls ate my conspiracy thread…

nick1181 said:
The reason I (once in a blue moon) chip in on these threads is that I don't like seeing people being bullied - and I may be totally, completely wrong and misguided about that, but it's sure the way it looks to me.

Have a think about how much and how quickly these forums would become DOMINATED by nutcase conspiranoids if it became widely known in nutjob circles that they could post their made up claims on Urban without them being effectively challenged.

Those challenges that you see as 'bullying', I see as utterly essential to keep these loons in check.

And 36% percent of Amercians may or not believe '9/11' was an inside job. 44% (was it?) believe in Creationism, a similarly scarily high percentage of Amercans can't place either Iraq or the UK on a global map.

OK, those percentages may not coincide, and may very well be made up of different people in each case (think Venn diagrams though -- sure;ly a lot of overlap), But for nick to summon up that 36% believing in '9/11' inside jobbery adds ZERO credibility to his case -- somewhere around 80% to 90% (??) of Americans believe in 'the right to bear arms' and an even higher pecentage in the death penalty.

(Hands nick an NRA approved gun to shoot himself in the foot even more).
nick1181 said:
The reason I (once in a blue moon) chip in on these threads is that I don't like seeing people being bullied - and I may be totally, completely wrong and misguided about that, but it's sure the way it looks to me.
I didn't invite people to come here and keep breaking the FAQ with endless repetitions of cut and paste odysseys, containing the same bonkers drivel from the same bonkers sites, so I'd say they get off very lightly indeed.
William of Walworth said:
Those challenges that you see as 'bullying', I see as utterly essential to keep these loons in check.
if you change the 'l' in 'loons' to a 'c', you have a nice example of a klansman's argument from the american south in the 50's.

am I saying you are as bad as the klu klux klan? of course not. I am merely using the device to point out that this kind of arrogant, prejudiced statement is exactly the kind of smug reasoning that informs any attempt to subdue another human being.

'keep them in their place'. hmmm.... where have I heard that before?

Have a think about how much and how quickly these forums would become DOMINATED by nutcase conspiranoids if it became widely known in nutjob circles that they could post their made up claims on Urban without them being effectively challenged.

again, perhaps you are joking here, but it sounds like the kind of argument that people make for not letting Asians into Britain, because they will all start claiming social security. maybe you are joking, but I don't see any indication... so I'd have to say, I think that this is a conspiracy theory in itself- the idea that there are hordes of conspiracy theorists just wandering around cyberspace, eternally trying to outdo each other by making up ever more outlandish theories...
snouty warthog said:
if you change the 'l' in 'loons' to a 'c', you have a nice example of a klansman's argument from the american south in the 50's.

am I saying you are as bad as the klu klux klan? of course not. I am merely using the device to point out that this kind of arrogant, prejudiced statement is exactly the kind of smug reasoning that informs any attempt to subdue another human being.

'keep them in their place'. hmmm.... where have I heard that before?

Fuck off?

You might want to apply similar criticisms to some of your fellow conspiracists.

Haven't time to expand properly now, but rationalists/anti-conspiracists like myself are constantly being bombarded with accusations of 'narrowmindedness'. We also get frequently (and just as insultingly) accused of being gullible dupes of establishment propaganda.

What many full on conspiracists signally fail to do though, is to apply some of the same scepticism towards their own theories, that they demand 'we' apply to establishment sources/'official' versions**

** (under the deluded impression that anti-conspiracists never doubt the government/official versions anyway, simply because 'we' don't unquestioningly subscribe to bonkers made up 'alternative' versions from rense, vialls, prisonplanet, Azrael23, Jazzz, etc.) ... .

Verifiable Facts. Rational Interpretation of Actually Existing Evidence. Common Sense. Principles of Occams Razor and objective assesssment of the credibility of ALL sources.

Conspiracists should try all these sometime.
Shippou-Chan said:
pi is real


That is wonderful
Don't 50% of Americans still believe that Saddam was sitting on a big pile of chemical weapons at the time of the invasion, despite repeated reports stating that they had no such weapon capability at all.

And something like 90% of Daily Mail readers believe that Princess Di was killed whilst reading the Bible Code (by an immigrant asylum seeker who ate her Royal Swan whilst loosening her seatbelt)

Ok, so I made one of those stats up. Possibly the latter one.
snouty warthog said:
if you change the 'l' in 'loons' to a 'c', you have a nice example of a klansman's argument from the american south in the 50's.


Fuck off indeed. There should be no comparison between the unthinking, genuinely harmful prejudice and racism in the American South and some folks on a bulletin board lightly taking the piss, based on the contributions, logic and writings of a poster. You don't choose your colour, but you can choose not to put together a boneheaded, unsourced pile of speculative bullshit and post it on a bulletin board.

Frankly, the sheer fact that you've made such a hyperbolic, pathetic comparison indicates to me that you're a numbnut who desperately needs to get a sense of perspective. You may not like the term 'conspiraloon,' but you've exhibited one of the worst qualities of the 'breed' there....

snouty warthog said:
if you change the 'l' in 'loons' to a 'c', you have a nice example of a klansman's argument from the american south in the 50's.

am I saying you are as bad as the klu klux klan? of course not. I am merely using the device to point out that this kind of arrogant, prejudiced statement is exactly the kind of smug reasoning that informs any attempt to subdue another human being.

Do you really think there is any analogy to be made whatsoever between the systematic oppression of black people in the deep south and a few conspiracy cranks having the piss taken out of them on a messageboard?

Do you not see that that could be extremely offensive to some people?
snouty warthog said:
if you change the 'l' in 'loons' to a 'c', you have a nice example of a klansman's argument from the american south in the 50's.

am I saying you are as bad as the klu klux klan? of course not. I am merely using the device to point out that this kind of arrogant, prejudiced statement is exactly the kind of smug reasoning that informs any attempt to subdue another human being.

'keep them in their place'. hmmm.... where have I heard that before?

again, perhaps you are joking here, but it sounds like the kind of argument that people make for not letting Asians into Britain, because they will all start claiming social security. maybe you are joking, but I don't see any indication... so I'd have to say, I think that this is a conspiracy theory in itself- the idea that there are hordes of conspiracy theorists just wandering around cyberspace, eternally trying to outdo each other by making up ever more outlandish theories...
Go fuck yourself.
apologies if I have offended you, vince. obviously, there is a vast difference in scale between the two things, that I intended to make clear. my point is about the nature of prejudice itself. the idea that it is ok to insult someone, or give them a derogatory label because of their beliefs, is a dangerous idea. a lack of respect for others is not a good quality to cultivate.

I find it personally find it offensive that I can't discuss certain topics without being labelled. I find labelling offensive. Obviously racism is a far bigger problem than a jibe on a messageboard. But the ethos that informs it is the same; 'we know better than you'.

my point is that I feel, more respect and tolerance are needed.
It is not the belief itself that defines a conspiraloon, it is the idiotic method of their argument. Zero checking of "facts", total disregard for reliability of sources, and an unswerving belief that there is a "bigger picture" that only they can see.

Put forward logical argument, backed up with reliable evidence, and you may gain more respect.

Otherwise, expect the ridicule you deserve.
snouty warthog said:
apologies if r. my point is about the nature of prejudice itself. the idea that it is ok to insult someone, or give them a derogatory label because of their beliefs, is a dangerous idea. a lack of res

Just give it a rest you prat. People in the deep south did not call folks 'coons' as a 'derogatory label' based on black people's 'beliefs.' That's just idiotic in the extreme.

Take your mealy mouthed apology and illogical attempt at moral grandstanding elsewhere and go fuck yourself frankly. That's not based on my prejudices towards you by the way, it's based on your pathetic comparisons and contributions on this very thread. You deserve everything you get.

snouty warthog said:
. But the ethos that informs it is the same; 'we know better than you'.
But that is precisely the central, consistent theme in the endless dodgy claims made by the conspiracy fans here!

"It's really obvious that the WTC was brought down by the weight of invisible giant owls and you're all too stupid to realise that".


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See the button at the top of the page marked "search"?

Try using it.

This stuff has been gone over time and time again here.
Azrael23 said:
So basically your acting like a fool because you think we`re threatening your ego? Riiiiight.

Again its not about me, or alex jones or the owls....

No, you're right.

It's the lizards.

editor said:
But that is precisely
"It's really obvious that the WTC was brought down by the weight of invisible giant owls and you're all too stupid to realise that".

I mean dur, who didn't know that! It's comon knowlege giant owls are so heavy they make everthing below them fall at the speed of gravity with a side effect of flying saucers.
Azrael23 said:
Again its not about me, or alex jones or the owls....
It's all about Alex Jones and the Owls.

I read it on some site somewhere.


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Azrael23 said:
Except you don`t point out the flaws...

If mockery is your chief weapon you are indeed weak.
You are not the first to bring this stuff up. 9/11 was in 2001 and since then we've seen this stuff over and over and over. So excuse us please if we can't be bothered to rip it all to shreds again for your amusement.
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