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Giant owls ate my conspiracy thread…

snouty warthog

Just a few general points I wanted to make-

I don’t like the term ‘conspiraloon’. It seems to be used by some as a blanket rebuff to anyone with a point of view differing from the norm, or the official story. Or indeed to anyone who would even question the official story. Or just anyone who disagrees with the opinions of certain users.

And so to owls (hurrah!) It seems that on these forums, the people who bring up owls the most, albeit with the intent of humour, are the people who use the ‘conspiraloon’ tag most often also. Occasionally I find the owl jokes funny, but I think it is being overdone to a degree that stifles debate. And clearly, it is not the members here who are discussing such events as Bohemian Grove who have an owl obsession. It is the people who attend the event who do. and perhaps also the posters here who continually bring it up as a running joke. “Worship ye now at the shrine of yet another owl joke… sacrificed before the great owl god of sarcastic quips...”

As far as I am aware, the owl jokes are referring to some members’ interest in an annual ceremony at Bohemian Grove, where world leaders make a mock human sacrifice to an effigy of a giant owl. This is well-documented, in both print and film, even by anti-conspiracy journalists like Jon Ronson. So if we accept that this happens, who are the so-called ‘loons’- the people who have a cosmology of sacrificing to owl deities, or the few people here at U75 who have noticed that it seems a bit odd and occasionally remark on it. I mean, I don’t see how saying that I find that ceremony at the very least extremely weird, makes me a (and I quote) ‘loon’. Conspiracy orientated or otherwise… and I think that kind of labelling plays into the hands of those who wish to forward the reptilian agenda- haha, just kidding…;)… The rest of my points, apart from that last sentence, are serious, just to be clear.
snouty warthog said:
Conspiracy orientated or otherwise… and I think that kind of labelling plays into the hands of those who wish to forward the reptilian agenda- haha, just kidding…;)… The rest of my points, apart from that last sentence, are serious, just to be clear.
Ladies, gentlemen and fellow owls.

We have a....


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I think people just got fed up of typing lizards and choose an animal with less letters in its name.

Just pure laziness.
snouty warthog said:
I don’t like the term ‘conspiraloon’. It seems to be used by some as a blanket rebuff to anyone with a point of view differing from the norm

No. It's used to describe people who believe anything with no evidence to back it up and who demonstrate a complete inability to think rationally.
I've got them all on ignore these days anyway. Far easier! Once the initial impulse to read their rubbish passes, you're home free :cool: :D
vince noir said:
I've got an owl obsession, I've even explained why. What of it, eh?
er, nothing vince. I like that thread. owls are cool. I just needed to get that off my chest. 'conspiraloon' is a derogatory comment, and it's distracting to be wading through derogatory comments when you are trying to discuss something. it was getting on my nerves a bit. I'm fine now:)
snouty warthog said:
er, nothing vince. I like that thread. owls are cool. I just needed to get that off my chest. 'conspiraloon' is a derogatory comment, and it's distracting to be wading through derogatory comments when you are trying to discuss something. it was getting on my nerves a bit. I'm fine now:)

I'm glad to hear it. And that you think owls are cool :cool:
snouty warthog said:
'conspiraloon' is a derogatory comment
Well deserved for those obsessed, self centred cut'n'pasters who seem to think it's OK to abuse this site by endlessly posting up the same unresearched, half arsed shit from the same laughable, book-flogging sites week after week after week.
snouty warthog said:
er, nothing vince. I like that thread. owls are cool. I just needed to get that off my chest. 'conspiraloon' is a derogatory comment, and it's distracting to be wading through derogatory comments when you are trying to discuss something. it was getting on my nerves a bit. I'm fine now:)
In nearly every case before the abuse starts we've already tried logic, discussion and debate in general.

In short we've given up trying to show them the flaws in their delusions. We merely post derogatory comments to flesh out the time before they piss a mod off with their insanity and get banned.
vince noir said:
Did you know that the collective noun for owls is a parliament?

It's like a game of chess. You take their pieces, one by one.
that's good... I did know that actually, from an interview with Brian Molko... he should know about owls...

I'm glad to hear it. And that you think owls are cool

sure do... I stayed up in a caravan in the hills of Lochwinnoch last year, near Glasgow. it was around mid-summers day. you aren't far north enough to get the midnight sun, but it doesn't seem to get fully dark up there either. I remember waking up around three a.m. one morning, and seeing the dark shape of an owl swoop down out of the early morning sky and onto it's prey, about 20 feet away from the caravan. it was an amazing sight...:cool:
ahHA!!! now i know your lieing they would have used their team of precogs to detect that you were going to make the picture in the future and would have used their high orbit laser to assasinate you
who said I wasn't dead? I am actually hovering above you right now, in the spirit form of a giant reptile... and I see you don't clean your desk of coffee cups very often...
but if you were dead you would never have drawn that picture then had it deleated it must ba a false memory implanted to cover up the true memory of have the micrchip implanted in your brain by the FBI
I've got a conspiraloon ringing me at the moment. Don't know him from Adam.....I asked how he got my contact details and he said 'on a scrap of paper'. He says an old friend of mine was murdered in 2001. He's barking, but it's still very distressing.
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