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George Lamb on BBC 6Music: total cock

George Lamb on 6Music..

  • ...is a cunt

    Votes: 55 56.7%
  • ...should be shot

    Votes: 25 25.8%
  • ...I love him

    Votes: 6 6.2%
  • ...Ban Dubversion (for comedy purposes)

    Votes: 11 11.3%

  • Total voters
the comments at the bottom are a better and more accurate read :D
It's an astonishingly arse-sucking piece of writing, but the comments are bang on.

As for the article itself, I agree it's so sycophantic its almost laughable. Almost. The most generous thing that could be said about Lamb is that he's on the wrong station. A more accurate assessment is that he's a small-minded, bullying, Tory-Boy who has nothing but contempt for anyone not part of his little club. By any standard, he's actually a very poor DJ, he crashes every vocal & seems incapable of listening to his guests & engage with them...

...Is this a joke?

I recommend anyone reading this to tune into the George Lamb show and have a listen, then come back and compare this article to the complete crap that you heard.

...I presume that article is satire? Right?

This is this presumably the same Lamb as the one under Ofcom investigation for wishing unpleasant death on Ray Davies, the one who's own listener figures the Beeb won't reveal, who's podcast can't even make the top 100 on Itunes, who has threatened on air to ruin a band's career, has no idea who is on the show until they turn up, and is alleged to have been employed by Lesley Douglas purely to retain the services of Russel Brand.

Not really the sort of investagatitive journalism the Indepedent is supposed to provide, is it really. Unless you're going for the Heat audience....
According to the BBC News at Six the odious turd Lamb is going to be filling in for Jonathan Ross on Radio 2 :eek:

he's a perfect Radio 1 DJ. He'll be around for years to come I'm afraid. He just didn't belong on 6 and Douglas's reasons for keeping him there were patronising and fucking ridiculous.
"He's got the ego of Brand, combined with the interview technique of Alan Partridge and the sense of humour of Nick Griffin. A winning combination...."

too true
Iain Lee is stepping in this week and so far he's been quite good.

[plays Lamb's fucking annoying '"All aboard the disco train" jingle]
Lee: I don't like that sort of thing, so here the Rock Bus Replacement Service
Cue: Kiss track

Iain Lee's back on. At least he admits he hasn't a fuckign clue what he's doing and he's a damn sight more entertaining in the process.
he just ruins 6music.whats with all the stupid sound effects? and all that wafty ,shabba shit?


I hear him, and I think of Steve Wright and Smiley Miley and fucking Mr Silly Voice and all that shite. It's the same fucking show, just with better haircuts and it's total, total pap. Shame on the BBC.
You're not wrong but there's another thread about the twat so I'll merge them.

His latest nugget:

"Where were you when 911 happened?
Where were you when (his mate) did something last Friday?"

i'm glad to see im not the only one who is annoyed that i have to pay his wages.i'm tempted to start emailing the show to tell him what a cunt he is.
I do market research occasionally, and was quite excited when I got a call asking if I'd like to do something about 6music. £85 for a coupla hours chatting. Once agreed, the next day I got a call from the market researchers asking a few general questions - how much radio did I listen to every week, what were my favourite shows etc. Then... did I listen to George Lamb? I laughed, and said 'no, of course not', explaining he was a twat with no business on a radio station dedicated to musical appreciation.

The next day I get another call and told I'm off the list, the reason being that I said I didn't like George Lamb. Which leads me to conclude that someone (the BBC?) is paying a company to do market research about George Lamb, and doesn't want to include the balanced opinions of anyone who thinks he's a cock.
From last week's Private Eye:

The Eye said:
Last week the BBC confirmed that Barry Lally, one of morning show presenter George Lamb's on-air sidekicks, had been repeatedly posting messages of praise for Lamb and his show on the station's messageboard while posing as an ordinary listener behind the nickname "U-Bend".

Lamb - a presenter so actively disliked that 4,961 radio fans have signed a petition to "Get Lamb Out" of the station, while his own on-air appeals to listeners to commit to "Keep Lamb On" resulted in only 2,186 signatures - was doggedly championed by U-Bend. When asked by other messageboard users, "U-Bend" flatly denied he had ever appeared on the show.
But George Lamb has no talent and only got the job because of his public school connections.

My understanding of Lamb is that he is a London media trendy, his dad being an actor, explaining the ease of which he got into in the music biz. He represented Lily Allen at one time AFAIK. It would seem he is in turn represented by the same PR as Big Brother slebs and Russel Brand. That PR companies nefarious deals with the now departed 6Music/R2controller Lesley Douglas surely helped him secure his radio slot, as there can be no other logical explanation for his presence on the station.

With rumours of an upcoming Radio One shake up could the market research story above hint at either Lamb taking a stab at getting on R1? Or maybe even some self justification as a contract comes to an end... The sooner he fecks off the better.

My understanding of the current climate of the Beeb is the 'U-Bend' story could be considered a massive breach of trust and would be a firing offence.
My understanding of Lamb is that he is a London media trendy, his dad being an actor, explaining the ease of which he got into in the music biz. He represented Lily Allen at one time AFAIK. It would seem he is in turn represented by the same PR as Big Brother slebs and Russel Brand. That PR companies nefarious deals with the now departed 6Music/R2controller Lesley Douglas surely helped him secure his radio slot, as there can be no other logical explanation for his presence on the station.

With rumours of an upcoming Radio One shake up could the market research story above hint at either Lamb taking a stab at getting on R1? Or maybe even some self justification as a contract comes to an end... The sooner he fecks off the better.

My understanding of the current climate of the Beeb is the 'U-Bend' story could be considered a massive breach of trust and would be a firing offence.

His father starred opposite Kate O'Mara in Triangle...:D
My understanding of Lamb is that he is a London media trendy, his dad being an actor, explaining the ease of which he got into in the music biz. He represented Lily Allen at one time AFAIK. It would seem he is in turn represented by the same PR as Big Brother slebs and Russel Brand. That PR companies nefarious deals with the now departed 6Music/R2controller Lesley Douglas surely helped him secure his radio slot, as there can be no other logical explanation for his presence on the station.

With rumours of an upcoming Radio One shake up could the market reserch story above hint at either Lamb taking a stab at getting on R1? Or maybe even some self justification as a contract coes to an end... The sooner he fecks off the better.

My understanding of the current climate of the Beeb is the 'U-Bend' story could be considered a massive breach of trust and would be a firing offence.

There was more to the Private Eye article than what I typed (I couldn't be bothered to copy the rest). Apparently Lally (U-Bend) vanished from the show with no explanation a few weeks ago.
With rumours of an upcoming Radio One shake up could the market research story above hint at either Lamb taking a stab at getting on R1?

That's what I guessed. I even said on the 'phone to the market research girl, that the prick would be more suited to R1 because he was basically an idiot broadcasting a children's radio show.
Heard just now:

"If you've lost touch with your Mum because she's a mentalist text in now"


And this is why I don't switch on my radio before midday, it's usually set to Radio 6, and the idea of listening to .10 seconds of this man's drivel, chills my soul.
From Today's Holy Moly

6 Music presenter George Lamb recently asked a TV reviewer off-air to "go easy on Britain's Got Talent, I really wanna stay on the right side of Simon Cowell".

George also recently binned off the book review section of his show. The producer had to phone the reviewer up saying: "George doesn't really connect with books."

And while we're on the subject of George, he was asked to appear on 'Let's Dance for Comic Relief' along with his dad ('EastEnders' actor Larry Lamb) a while ago. He had a word with his agent who told the BBC George would prefer to do "one of them visits to Africa".

The necessary strings were pulled and Larry and George were filmed in Africa for a week, visiting orphans and that. Larry seemed genuinely moved while George appeared to be mute, not knowing what to say (the video's on YouTube).

When he was asked when people would be able to see the clip he said Comic Relief weren't even going to show "the fucking video" on the main BBC1 show and had instead stuck it on a website somewhere.

"Basically, there was no point in me fucking doing it in the first place," he pouted.

It seems the anti lamb posters at the BBC 6Music message board have resulted in it being taken offline.

'Dealing responsibly with the activity provoked by a board where 10 regular users have been responsible for nearly 7000 posts concerning one programme just isn't the best use of BBC resources at the moment.'

It seems to avoid the point his show is shite though.
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