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Gender idealism?

The materialist part existed from the 20th century up until the 2010s. Idealism within the trans movement began to arise in the 2010s and now it has become prevalent as of 2020s. Therefore, the trans movement, if to be returned as a civil rights movement, must fight for free healthcare that affirms the transgender and medical transition. Yes, social transition is indeed idealist as you do not fulfill the material requirements of your desired gender and are just making "concessions" to this idealism.
boor off you transphobic wanker
giveing off strong beard stroking 'intellectual' communist deep in purity and philosphical discussion while people are actually suffering and pragmatic social democrats and Socialists are making material change and providing actual support and solidarity

Fit right in to P&P then. They just need to call for Spy to be banned and accuse Pickmans of being undercover police and it’ll be like they’ve always been here…
Yes, Titoism was another form of Stalinism, but at the time some Trotskyists thought it was something new and something-or-other. Good news, anyway.
aah, but Milovan Djilasism, now that was a bold new form of communist thinking.
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If you were a Marxist, you woud know that gender is a social consruct, and therefore social tranition doe not require a physical change.
That means, that abolishing gender identities, you support the abolishing of transgender identity, meaning that trans people will not be called "trans" but instead "gender dysphoric" for gender is social construct, and if abolished, the only material reality will be the biological sex. So, men, women, and Intersex.
You don’t think that a Bosnian pan-Slavic Leninist might legitimately be keen on outmoded political trends?
Marxism-Leninism isn't "outdated". You have Vietnam, Cuba, maybe China, and Laos (no I will not consider North Korea "communist" despite its "communist decorations"). Cuba is in a bad shape because of US sanctions which caused many Cubans to leave, especially doctors, hence why Cuban healthcare is bad. But Cuba is the most LGBT-friendly Marxist-Leninist state. Cuba might be the closest.
giveing off strong beard stroking 'intellectual' communist deep in purity and philosphical discussion while people are actually suffering and pragmatic social democrats and Socialists are making material change and providing actual support and solidarity
Social democrats doing welfare? How? By stealing from third world countries to help their own domestic kind? You really need some read on what socialism really is and not just believe in some Nordic nonsense of a "social democracy" which lost all Marxist meaning since early 20th century.
Could you prove to us that you're not an AI bot, Yugoslav ? Thanks
Well I finished my CAPTCHA test when I registered. I don't know why you all like to joke about this but I suspect the Russians may have given you some hard time.


1. you are spouting beard stroking bollocks
2. you have consistantly Othered trans people
3. you speak over trans people
4. you speak over those who point out you are speaking over trans people, and finally,
5. you are spouting beard stroking bollocks
I don't know how me advocating for medical transition of transgender people is "nonsense" and "bollocks".
How exactly is China Marxist-Leninist, by the way, though I'll probably be sorry for asking?
I only implied "maybe" because China is state capitalist and is yet to return back to state socialism.

I have no doubts for Cuba, Vietnam (although Vietnam may be the next China but is more socialist than China), and Laos. North Korea is an isolated monarchy decorated with commie themes.
This is why working from home is bad for me, if I was working in the office today I might be bored but I would be way less tempted to actually get myself into an argument about whether Vietnam is socialist in 2024.
Better yet, why is it that the majority of the people here are tuning into this funny liberal leftism of the British bourgeoisie and their "Labour Party". These Starmerites surely are trying their best to be "truly democratic" while making concessions with the bourgeoisie.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Labour tried to implement the "self-ID" policy on trans people (a.k.a banning medical transition for trans people because its "transmedicalist") but the odds of that are low due to Keir Starmer obviously being a catch-all conman who wanted fame and got it by copying Sunak's homework.
You've got us there, we do all love Starmer here.
Aha! So this is a reformist liberal plot after all. The Labour Party I would have voted for if I were an Angleman, would have been the one with the 1900s aesthetic, truly committed to the working class of Britain, workers' ownership, and no idpol. But sadly, Clause IV is bygone thanks to these "moderates". And so, the Labour Party sadly has become another reformist party that is making concessions and not helping the workers.
What, has the Labour Party become reformist? Shit, this is the first I've heard of this.
The Fabian-influenced Labour Party is indeed the greatest catastrophe for the working class of Britain. Rejection of workers' ownership is one major thing to point out as seen in the "Future of Socialism" is a Fabian revisionist book that advocated for the removal of Clause IV, claiming that workers' ownership to not be satisfying of socialism. The Fabian society of Bernstein thought social democrats cannot be considered worthy of socialism.

They have an article as to why they're not socialist and why Labour Party is revisionist -> Why Labour must embrace a new revisionism | Fabian Society
So your friend is a trans man and dialectics means that you must always misgender him. Unless he has surgery that he doesn’t want. Nice.
The contradictions are a dialectical necessity for her to fully transition into a man, not that she is to be violently discouraged by it but encouraged with a civil contradiction that her biological sex is the prime determiner of what "sex" the human is. The only correct solution is for her to contradict the expectation and become a fully transitioned man and only then it is a "he" that we will talk of. Two contradictions become a drive for a material cause, hence dialectical materialism.

But unfortunately, she was very regressive with her idealism and has yet to learn from the material reality before she finally embraces dialectical materialism and no longer is stuck in the "wrong body".
That means, that abolishing gender identities, you support the abolishing of transgender identity, meaning that trans people will not be called "trans" but instead "gender dysphoric" for gender is social construct, and if abolished, the only material reality will be the biological sex. So, men, women, and Intersex.
People (you heard of them? They're like "ideas" only they actually exist) don't need to be labelled - or othered - by you to know who they are.
People (you heard of them? They're like "ideas" only they actually exist) don't need to be labelled - or othered - by you to know who they are.
So, you're a proponent of gender abolitionism. I see that we may be on the same page then for gender abolitionism seeks to root away with labels, meaning that there will only be men, women, and Intersex, based on their material existence and not ideal existence per cultural and per mainstream "gender norms". That means doing away with other non-mainstream but idealist cultural aspects (two-spirit, etc.).
So, you're a proponent of gender abolitionism. I see that we may be on the same page then for gender abolitionism seeks to root away with labels, meaning that there will only be men, women, and Intersex, based on their material existence and not ideal existence per cultural and per mainstream "gender norms". That means doing away with other non-mainstream but idealist cultural aspects (two-spirit, etc.).
You have a way of making great leaps of assumption on no basis whatsoever. Which makes me doubt all the other bullshit.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Labour tried to implement the "self-ID" policy on trans people (a.k.a banning medical transition for trans people because its "transmedicalist") but the odds of that are low due to Keir Starmer obviously being a catch-all conman who wanted fame and got it by copying Sunak's homework.
the fact you think that

1. self ID is not fundamentally in place in the UK all ready
2. introducing Self ID for Passports and the purposes of the Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriage would lead to cessation of medical necessary care , when in reality the NHS has just issued a draft revised Service Specification for GICs acknolweding the scuessof the trial new model schemes, that self referral is to be a normal route of adults accessing Gender affirming care
3. that the provision of Medically Necessary Gender Affirming Care is 'Transmedicalist' and that social transition in some way negates the provision of this care the exact pathway and nature of which is individually discussed between the individual and their named clinician and can include some or all of the commissioned services.

indicates that you are engaging in beard stroking intellectual transphobia and engaged in speaking over the voiceso f trans people, some of whom have Primary Qualifying Degrees in their own right
The contradictions are a dialectical necessity for her to fully transition into a man, not that she is to be violently discouraged by it but encouraged with a civil contradiction that her biological sex is the prime determiner of what "sex" the human is. The only correct solution is for her to contradict the expectation and become a fully transitioned man and only then it is a "he" that we will talk of. Two contradictions become a drive for a material cause, hence dialectical materialism.

But unfortunately, she was very regressive with her idealism and has yet to learn from the material reality before she finally embraces dialectical materialism and no longer is stuck in the "wrong body".
you are a transphobe , now boor off you beard stroking prat
I wouldn't be surprised if the Labour tried to implement the "self-ID" policy on trans people (a.k.a banning medical transition for trans people because its "transmedicalist") but the odds of that are low due to Keir Starmer obviously being a catch-all conman who wanted fame and got it by copying Sunak's homework.
Sunak who wanted to repeal the GRA ( but realised he needed to leave both the EU and the ECHR to do so )

Sunak who actively claimed that the Equality act does not apply to children as a prelude of removing rights from all children,. trans children and young peopler were just the test case, Bad Enoch 's test case is Austistic folks

your transphobia and ignorance really is marked
your transphobia and ignorance really is marked
Ignored no such for she turned reactionary on me. A reactionary in the sense that she vehemently defended her idealism from the painful truth of such for it was clear that her "opposite-gender" clothing was not enough and that she looked like a funny tomboy to me. But what is there to not like about tomboys, especially when you have a soft tomboy? Sadly, tomboys are labeled as "TERFs" by the idealists because tomboys are materially confident with not wearing traditional female clothing.

Her being a tomboy would have pleased both her femininity and masculinity.
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