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Gender idealism?

I’m out.
given Editor is now actively watching the OP of this thread ... i'm sure it won;t be long before we get an outcome one way or t'other

has the OP posted on anything other than this thread where they engage in beard stroking , concern trolling transphobia disguised as a philosophical position? ( ETA as well dealing with a typo - the answer is no, just 72 posts of unmitigated beard stroking pseduery and transphobia )
In a thread format where one post follows another, rather than the next post overwriting the one before, 'speaking over' literally isn't possible
it fundamentally is , becasue in a discussion there is one or both of an (attempt at) explanation / rationalisation of a position or an evolution of the position as those with actual expertise inform someone who holds a position which is not supported by evidence
I know what it is and I had the right to label it as revisionistic. You wonder why you're accused of revisionism, yet you are actively supporting a reactionary cause that denies medical transition because "muh social transition".
I think the 4chan slang here pretty much definitively settles this as being a human troll. Say what you like about Lenin or Tito, but they never used 4chan memes.
It's not a "convenient insult" and I have no desire to insult anybody, whether human or not. I admit, I haven't read the whole thread but from the posts I did read, it just seems to scream AI. I also admit I'm no expert on AI generated content so I don't know that for sure. I do know quite a bit about people (some of them are my friends), and for me, these posts don't pass the smell test. Yes, I am aware that I may be wrong about this and that the newbie might be a real person. If that turns out to be the case, then I apologise in advance.

On a side note, while I am a materialist, particularly in respect to Marx and Engels' materialist conception of history, I've always been sceptical of dialectical materialism. It always struck me as a bit too priestcraft-like. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.
I realised that I do not understand the "boiling a kettle of water" example of dialectics. How is heat the antithesis of water?
I think the 4chan slang here pretty much definitively settles this as being a human troll. Say what you like about Lenin or Tito, but they never used 4chan memes.

I realised that I do not understand the "boiling a kettle of water" example of dialectics. How is heat the antithesis of water?
It’s the transformation from quantity to quality. How one small step that has been made many times before with no fundamental change occurring, suddenly transforming a thing entirely. An antithesis doesn’t have to be like matter/antimatter, it’s just two different states - heat from kettle v waters nature to remain the same.

(Engels via TA Jackson. The extent to which that there is a dialectics of nature is still well disputed even amongst those who agree with its role in society.)
I'm fine with having fun with this Fabianite forum. All I know is, that regardless of whether this is British or American, the West seems to be commonly united against Marxism-Leninism and is in common favor of bourgeois liberal reformism.
Any time you feel ready to fuck this "fabianite" forum off, you just be sure not to let the reactionary capitalist running dog door hit your socialist arse on the way out...
Imagine in 2024, rocking up to a relatively obscure Internet backwater, to pitch communism, Marxism flavour there of. On the basis that trans people will be enabled, encouraged, forced? To medically transition. And this is a good thing. And that’s your pitch. In 2024. nothing about working glass solidarity, just trans people can do this should be able to do this. otherwise it’s just ideology. And that’s this guy modus operandi because he fell out with his trans mate. You sad fucker.
A very good post.

I have a comment about this sentence.

“One could argue that transgender rights activism is fundamentally materialist if it’s understood as a struggle against concrete social, legal, and economic structures that enforce binary gender norms”.

It seems to me that some trans rights activism reinforces binary gender norms.
you could try listening to people who know what they are talking about rather than TERFs
1. you are a transphobe
2. you are mansplaining and cissplaining the trans experience
3. you are speaking over trans people
4. you are speaking over people who understand this
Four lines of Fabianite revisionism.

You clearly are not a real socialist and never will be. Social democracy is not socialism. You do not support workers' rights. It's clear that you do not follow the Marxist line but the Bernstein-Fabian line.
Imagine in 2024, rocking up to a relatively obscure Internet backwater, to pitch communism, Marxism flavour there of. On the basis that trans people will be enabled, encouraged, forced? To medically transition. And this is a good thing. And that’s your pitch. In 2024. nothing about working glass solidarity, just trans people can do this should be able to do this. otherwise it’s just ideology. And that’s this guy modus operandi because he fell out with his trans mate. You sad fucker.
But you see, that's just the part of what I advocate. This forum is about a part of what I see as fit for communism. We can debate about other aspects of mine Marxism-Leninism, per your interest and mood.
Do you "listen" to other people or do you just tell them what to think and dismiss their socialist credentials?
But don't they want to be free of their gender dysphoria? Isn't that the common cause that the trans people advocate for? In a socialist state, this is carried out without any delay! These people simply wanna be recognized and affirmed.
But don't they want to be free of their gender dysphoria? Isn't that the common cause that the trans people advocate for? In a socialist state, this is carried out without any delay! These people simply wanna be recognized and affirmed.
Well, trans people are telling you what they want, but you appear to be ignoring them and projecting what you want for them instead.
Well, trans people are telling you what they want, but you appear to be ignoring them and projecting what you want for them instead.
The majority of trans people clearly have an outcry that they want to medically transition for their current pre-transition body is doing much emotional pain. Revisionism is killing their dreams. The vanguard party will proceed as usual and liberate them from their misery. After all, if we ought to emancipate the proletariat by a revolution, then we can emancipate the transgender with medical transition. It is a revolutionary step!
Step away from the keyboard.
"The petty-bourgeois democrats, those sham socialists who replaced the class struggle by dreams of class harmony, even pictured the socialist transformation in a dreamy fashion — not as the overthrow of the rule of the exploiting class, but as the peaceful submission of the minority to the majority which has become aware of its aims. This petty-bourgeois utopia, which is inseparable from the idea of the state being above classes, led in practice to the betrayal of the interests of the working classes, as was shown, for example, by the history of the French revolutions of 1848 and 1871, and by the experience of “socialist” participation in bourgeois Cabinets in Britain, France, Italy and other countries at the turn of the century."

- The State and Revolution — Chapter 2

The truth is painful. There is no reconciliation with the bourgeoisie. There will be a workers' revolution and a socialist state of the workers themselves and it will have trans people get into the medical transition for that will liberate them from their misery just as how workers got emancipated by the fall of the bourgeoisie from the power.
I believe our new poster is conducting a scientific experiment. The idiom 'to die of boredom' is common, but it's generally considered hyperbole. It is never entered as the reason for expiry on a death certificate. However, some have queried whether it is in fact possible, and at this point I wouldn't bet against it.
It’s the transformation from quantity to quality. How one small step that has been made many times before with no fundamental change occurring, suddenly transforming a thing entirely. An antithesis doesn’t have to be like matter/antimatter, it’s just two different states - heat from kettle v waters nature to remain the same.

(Engels via TA Jackson. The extent to which that there is a dialectics of nature is still well disputed even amongst those who agree with its role in society.)
"waters nature to remain the same." Water does not have a nature to remain the same.
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