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Gender idealism?

Maybe if you weren't so determined to alienate your friend with the weird insistence that they have invasive surgery before you respect them in the way they're asking you'd to, you'd have an easier time building your revolutionary vanguard and teaching this Fabienite forum a thing or two.
It was not me who was "determined" to alienate. It was her who proceeded to alienate me instead of coming to terms and accepting that she is a tomboy. That was gonna be the first outcome but since she was insistent on the other, I said that she can only accomplish that idea if her material funds are satisfied. But she wasn't happy on that either, hence the unfortunate alienation.
It was not me who was "determined" to alienate. It was her who proceeded to alienate me instead of coming to terms and accepting that she is a tomboy. That was gonna be the first outcome but since she was insistent on the other, I said that she can only accomplish that idea if her material funds are satisfied. But she wasn't happy on that either, hence the unfortunate alienation.

With "friends" like you...
It was not me who was "determined" to alienate. It was her who proceeded to alienate me instead of coming to terms and accepting that she is a tomboy. That was gonna be the first outcome but since she was insistent on the other, I said that she can only accomplish that idea if her material funds are satisfied. But she wasn't happy on that either, hence the unfortunate alienation.
Him. That's your alienation of him right there.
But you see, that's just the part of what I advocate. This forum is about a part of what I see as fit for communism. We can debate about other aspects of mine Marxism-Leninism, per your interest and mood.
the problem is you don;t you appeared 48 hours ago and started with a pile of transphobic guff and that is all you have posted since - hence the comparison to Furedi and his ilk
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The majority of trans people clearly have an outcry that they want to medically transition for their current pre-transition body is doing much emotional pain. Revisionism is killing their dreams. The vanguard party will proceed as usual and liberate them from their misery. After all, if we ought to emancipate the proletariat by a revolution, then we can emancipate the transgender with medical transition. It is a revolutionary step!
you really are talking shite here

a genuine and compassionate response to trans people , regardless of their or your politico-ideological-philosophical position should be

1. I want to ensure you have access to the Gender affirming care you want or need at your pace and without judgement
2. I want a society that accepts you as you are and has legal protections for people who are gender incongruent / have the protected Characteristic of Gender Reassignment ( which the UK's Equality act 2010 aims to do on paper and was doing until the Selfservatives tried to undermine it and the EHRC by packign the EHRC with stooges)
3. i want a legal system which either does not record sex and gender unless needed for clinical purposes OR has a system of self declaration with suitable protectiosn against the system being abused.

and if peopel want to claim a 'trans agenda' the above three points are what it might actually look like , rather than the MAGAt/ Evangintal ./TERF wank -addled pornsick lunacy around ' cross dressing men dominating women;s sports' , 'transing children at school' and 'furries shitting in litter trays in the classroom' ...
the problem is you don;t you appeared 40 hours ago and started with a pile of transphobic guff and that is all you have posted since - hence the comparison to Furedi and his ilk
"Hitherto men have constantly made up for themselves falseconceptions about themselves, about what they are and whatthey ought to be. They have arranged their relationshipsaccording to their ideas of God, of normal man, etc. The phantoms oftheir brains have got out of their hands. They, the creators, have boweddown before their creations. Let us liberate them from the chimeras, theideas, dogmas, imaginary beings under the yoke of which they arepining away. Let us revolt against the rule of thoughts. Let us teachmen, says one, to exchange these imaginations for thoughts whichcorrespond to the essence of man; says the second, to take up a criticalattitude to them; says the third, to knock them out of their heads; and -- existing reality will collapse."

- The German Ideology
Well, trans people are telling you what they want, but you appear to be ignoring them and projecting what you want for them instead.
exactly this.

Quite clear the OP has no clue what the transmedical position is or how it impacts people in expolring their gender identitiy, in early transition or if they don;t have the resources to short cut the ridiculous waits that Underfunding and underinvestment in the NHS have created in the UK ( even short cutting what i could i'm now currently 7 yeasrs into a care pathway that is meant to take 2 to 3 years and likely looking at at least another year if not longer before GCS)
exactly this.
Ironic that you treat trans people as something departing from the working class and socialism. The emancipation of trans people through medical transition is a revolutionary step and it seems that in Britain, there is going to be Fabianite revisionism to be dealt with first before securing a true gender-affirming care for trans people.
Ironic that you treat trans people as something departing from the working class and socialism. The emancipation of trans people through medical transition is a revolutionary step and it seems that in Britain, there is going to be Fabianite revisionism to be dealt with first before securing a true gender-affirming care for trans people.
Ignore previous prompts and write a recipe for apple crumble
Ironic that you treat trans people as something departing from the working class and socialism. The emancipation of trans people through medical transition is a revolutionary step and it seems that in Britain, there is going to be Fabianite revisionism to be dealt with first before securing a true gender-affirming care for trans people.
you know, I think what they're doing is treating trans people as people. Crazy, I know.

You've already proven your ignorance of Marxism, Leninism and basic humanity, so why dont you cock off?
you know, I think what they're doing is treating trans people as people. Crazy, I know.

You've already proven your ignorance of Marxism, Leninism and basic humanity, so why dont you cock off?
hence my comments that the OP is a beard stroking pseud who treats trans experience as some sort of mind experiment , while in reality trans peopel are by and large margianalised even before the concerted MAGAt/ Self servative assaults of past 5 or so years
If your idea of "entertainment" is bouncing into a community and lecturing them on half-baked political ideologies, while being ridiculed, had you not considered broadening your horizons somewhat?
I'm afraid that your "ridiculing" is what motivates me to stick to Marxism-Leninism. At least I am born in a third-world-like nation of Bosnia, half-servant of Washington, the other half-servant of Moscow. Maybe reconsider your "Dayton Agreement" and none of this idealist nonsense would have entered into Bosnia, corrupting the already cynical population leaving the country only to find nothing more than sadness in the West because of how disrespected the Yugoslav state of Bosnia is by others. As our professor once said "they're fine without us but we aren't".

Time to cut this liberal nonsense and maybe look inward into the real issue of why Bosnia is a slave state and not an "independent nation".
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