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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

I guess it depends, depending on numbers working from home, and not coming into central London at all.
In my experience of minicabs and tube strikes it's a bit of a pain with traffic but it's a guaranteed earner. Black cabs charge extra while stuck in traffic so should be even better. Those with licenses restricting them to certain ranks might struggle but there were people stood outside my local train station and the rank was empty this morning.
There's some interesting comments on GBN in this article.

Both outlets are reportedly currently financially unsustainable, with questions over their long-term future. GB News secured funding from a range of overseas investors for its first three years, but one major shareholder, US media company Discovery, is now understood to be looking to exit.

As a result, the company needs new shareholders willing to suck up the cost of running a loss-making, ad-funded channel with a recession looming. Sources at GB News said both its HR director and commercial director have left in recent weeks.

This is something I predicted after their 'merger' with Warner Media, owners of CNN.

This has led to speculation that Murdoch could choose to cut his losses, buy GB News, and unite the channel with talkTV. He has form for such ruthlessness. In the early 1990s, soon after it launched, he took his heavily loss-making Sky satellite broadcasting service and merged it with the similarly stricken rival British Satellite Broadcasting to create BSkyB.

This was a possible outcome that I floated on this thread some months ago.

A News UK spokesperson played down the prospect of such an outcome and said they were happy with the current outlook for talkTV, while GB News said it was not aware of any talks.

Happy with the current outlook for talkTV, my arse. :D

And, I am not surprised that GBN is not aware of any talks, because I doubt any have taken place, Murdoch only arrived back in the UK a few days ago, and as the report says he 'is taking an active interest in his station’s fate', if he decides the best outcome would be to make a bid for GBN, that's what he will do.

Yes you did and it looks like the most likely scenario still as it did then

I think it's even more likely now that TalkTV has launched and flopped, and back then GBN was a complete mess, whereas they have got their act together somewhat and are beating TalkTV, plus Discovery looking to pull out of GBN will leave them in a far weaker position if a bid is made now.
I was just reading a historical (1995) diatribe on Fascism from Umberto "Name of the Rose" Eco:

"3. Irrationalism also depends on the cult of action for action's sake. Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation. Therefore culture is suspect insofar as it is identified with critical attitudes. Distrust of the intellectual world has always been a symptom of Ur-Fascism, from Goering's alleged statement ("When I hear talk of culture I reach for my gun") to the frequent use of such expressions as "degenerate intellectuals," "eggheads," "effete snobs," "universities are a nest of reds." The official Fascist intellectuals were mainly engaged in attacking modern culture and the liberal intelligentsia for having betrayed traditional values."

Seems to apply to GB News - and Talk TV, though presumably Talk TV attack culture because you have to look like a lorry driver to appear on Talk TV.
Tuesday 5th (the evening of the Sunak/Javid resignations) GB News had Kate Hoey on the sofa bigging up Boris.

Meanwhile over on the lorry driver channel there was a much more entertaining 2 hour Piers Morgan on acid special which was a bit like darts. Morgan was keeping score of the resignations coming in, with entertaining wise words from Dr Evil - Trevor Kavanaugh political supremo of The Sun.

So how come GB News can't even get the line right as the UK's Premier Neo Fascist TV Station ?
I think Freeview channel 66 - TBN UK deserves some attention.

Obviously those who know what it is (an American creationalist fundamentalist Christinan channel) would normally avoid,
I am interested in it becase
1. It is going out on the BBC HD multiplex and has scuppered the transfer of BBC Four HD from 746 MHz to 546 MHz
2. The programme I am watching - Takeaways with Kirk Cameron - is denouncing state schooling as Marxist.
Not only this state schools promote transgender activities, drugs and gays.(They say)

Why is the \BBC facilitating this station on its transmitter?
Is OFCOM braindead?
Why hasn't someone started a 38 degrees or Change uk petition?

Last but not least when so we get BBC Four HD back - were are paying for it in our licences - not for fascist US fundy Christina trash TV!

Edit: Not corrected in the line about state schools.......
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Tuesday 5th (the evening of the Sunak/Javid resignations) GB News had Kate Hoey on the sofa bigging up Boris.

Meanwhile over on the lorry driver channel there was a much more entertaining 2 hour Piers Morgan on acid special which was a bit like darts. Morgan was keeping score of the resignations coming in, with entertaining wise words from Dr Evil - Trevor Kavanaugh political supremo of The Sun.

So how come GB News can't even get the line right as the UK's Premier Neo Fascist TV Station ?
Lorry driver channel?
Lorry driver channel?
As a son of a lorry driver who ran a business with depots in Birmingham, Bury St Edmunds, Felixtowe and Tooley Street I think I could say "it takes one to know one"
Have your fingers ever strayed to Freeview 237. I admit Julia Hartley Brewer is NOT a lorry driver, but everyone else is.
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