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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Israeli military continues to shell el-Wafa hospital #Gaza 6 staff members have been injured, the 17 patients inside cannot be moved
'limited operation'


is there something about eton that makes it turn out so many stupid people?
cant be sure its Eton especially
I suspect its the parental wealth and trust fund endowment that cocoons one from the consequence of any decision
I have known so many people that conform to that "type" I am utterly convinced that their world is simply reduced to being "best at the game"- devoid any interest in the wall of dead that announce the claim the winner
Goldstone might as well just hand the exact same report in again as the exact same thing is going to happen.

I'm actually quite incensed by this, not just this ground invasion but this whole recent operation. It's caused me to learn more about the conflict as a whole. Been listening to lots of Finkelstein lectures, reading btselem's website, watching interviews with zionists etc because I've never really made an effort before but now I have I'm pretty outraged about it. It's just a sickening injustice, the whole thing and Israel is in the wrong on pretty much all counts.
This is fucking insanity.

I wouldn't be surprised if Israel itself supports the firing of rockets from palestine: it's given them everything they want to continue this 'slow motion genocide', which is exactly what this is. Year after year, assault after assault, the Palestinians are slowly being wiped out.
Just as children who are bummed are more likely to turn kiddie fiddler
Israel has turned into the epitome of child arse fuckry
No excuse
Thou shalt cut off their hands/eyes etc
And thine eyes shall have no pity for them
God, don't read the tweets of Israel/supporters, it's the most depressing thing ever!

I don't want to play the H card, but these tweets wouldn't sound out of place in Nazi germany. Gott mitt uns!

This is absolute madness. We have people like Bob Stewart as an MP who, at every turn, will talk about the necessity of the UN intervention to prevent a genocide in the Balkans, yet his government and the west turn their backs on this genocide and in fact enable it. The cunts in Yankland don't give a shit, the toffs over here, pretty much the rest of the world doesn't seem to give a shit about the Palestinians.

When you're dropping bombs on a place like Gaza, as densely packed and small as it is, you know full well you are causing collateral damage and putting innocent lives at risk. That's the Israel attitude= they are all terrorists, they are all dogs, we are the master fucking race!

Fuck you, fuck your nation and fuck you cunting god.
The answer was in relation to some pix I posted (which it turns out may be old ones) I am mostly following reporters who are there and Arabic people.
All i've seen from pro-Israel twits is 'god is with us' or some such. It's just depressing.
A pox on all their gods
I'd like some person, at least once to shout
God is shite
as a salvo launches
I despise, with all my heart, all the Abrahamic tosh
There's reports of the power being cut in Gaza. How can anyone claim that Israel is not a terrorist? Blowing the shit out a defenceless population in the dead of night while you cut the power is the very definition of terrorism. I can't imagine many things more terrifying than being on the receiving end of that. Huddling in a darkend room, not knowing when or where a bomb's gonna land, not being able to see, just waiting FFS :mad: :mad: :(
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