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Gaza under attack yet again.

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I know brothers are chaffed in their minds towards one another, and I hope they work that out: knowing that the land has to be one contiguous, than one divided. Ben Netanyahu was acting like he had a steathascope on everyone's chest from the same hour that Fatah and Hamas declared unity. Dealing in treachery is a dirty job, but nobody has to do it.

The news reporting and comments I have skimmed are the same kind of idle speeches and lofty presumptions from distant perches: coming from a people who celebrate their own country's freedom-fighting, freedom of movement, rebel-streaks, anti-racism/fascism, it yet is spoken blithely about the oppressive conditions in the Holy Land, as if there was some legitimacy or nobility in Israel's methods to begin with, in once thrusting out of the inhabitants of Ashdod and Ashkelon, for example, and restricting the Gaza and West Bank rites of passage abroad without reprieve.
So yet again, there have been zero deaths or injuries in Israel from Hamas rockets, but in retaliation hundreds of Palestinians are being killed, many hundreds more injured and it is not over yet.

The imbalance and unfairness of the situation could not be being shown in a more stark way!
This is simply a gimmick

Unfortunately it's going to be spun as though the Israeli govt is being accommodating and compromising while Hamas are sabotaging peace efforts...already on the BBC in fact http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28305830
Either Hamas will relent and more of the same for Gaza until forever, or they refuse and probably Israel go in for ground assault and the rest of the world thinks they brought it on themselves. Don't see it getting any better for Gazans any time soon :(
Unfortunately it's going to be spun as though the Israeli govt is being accommodating and compromising while Hamas are sabotaging peace efforts...already on the BBC in fact http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28305830
Either Hamas will relent and more of the same for Gaza until forever, or they refuse and probably Israel go in for ground assault and the rest of the world thinks they brought it on themselves. Don't see it getting any better for Gazans any time soon :(
Exactly what I meant
Its the current militarist and mass murdering crew in charge in Egypt helping out the militarist and mass murdering crew in charge in Israel
It was never for a second intended to be real
The comments below that "They started it" whine are the most interesting
It would seem the mass of Israeli are belligerent nutters hell bent on killing people while shouting they asked for it
yeh. but tbh if you judged everyone in this country by the comments on the mail website you'd think the uk was solely populated by loons.
@unrwausa: Emergency operations and repairs suspended in #Gaza due to water utility problems, as a result water supply to 600,000 at risk.

"The Ministry of Health in Gaza reports the following statistics as at 1600 hours on Tuesday 15 July 2014:

Deaths: 192 – 39 children, 24 women 18-60 years, 11 persons over 60 years
Injuries: 1,481 – 422 children, 271 women 18-60 years, 51 over 60 years. ICU 21 patients"

Israeli cabinet to meet in 2 hours.

I'm going to post this link & put it out there - http://www.imemc.org/article/68475
No Iron Dome missile has ever collided with a single rocket.
I find that statement hard to believe but I'm sure it's effectiveness is exaggerated.

Israeli ambassador to US on TV saying Iron Dome saves Palestinian lives also since if more rockets got through, Israel would have to take even stronger methods to defend itself. :rolleyes:
And mad Benny says;
Israel to 'expand, intensify' Gaza onslaught

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged Tuesday to ramp up Israel's military campaign against Gaza, after an Egyptian truce plan failed to end eight days of cross-border fire.

"This would have been better resolved diplomatically, that's what we tried to do when we accepted the Egyptian truce proposal today," he said.

"But Hamas leaves us no choice but to expand and intensify the campaign against it," Netanyahu said.

"That's how we will act till we achieve our goal of bringing quiet to Israel's citizens, while significantly harming [Hamas]," he said.


The fucking cunt.
Do we know how many Israeli citizens were being killed from rocket fireworks fired from Gaza before Iron Dome?
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WASHINGTON — Congress is showing tangible support for longtime ally Israel as Gaza militants fire rockets, backing a measure that would double the amount of money for Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system.

The Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee approved a defense spending bill on Tuesday that would provide $621.6 million for Israeli missile defense, including $351 million for the Iron Dome system that intercepts short-range rockets and mortars. In the latest hostilities between Israel and Hamas, Iron Dome has been successful in shooting down rockets and preventing Israeli deaths.

"It works," said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill, chairman of the subcommittee.


Increasing number of Israeli strikes going off twitter accounts this evening, & then this from Joe Catron who's been tweeting from el-Wafa hospital over the past 7 days;

#Gaza's el-Wafa hospital received a call, allegedly from "Israel's" war ministry, ordering its evacuation by morning.

A larger group of foreigners are heading to #Gaza's el-Wafa hospital to reinforce our team there and make plans.
Ah yes the demo outside the BBC that was being reported on BBC R2 in the traffic news as Langham Place being closed due to a demonstration.
Do we know how many Israeli citizens were being killed from rocket fireworks fired from Gaza before Iron Dome?

Not many, which begs the question as to why Hamas do it.

India and South Korea both want to buy Iron Dome so while not 100% prophylaxis against "fireworks" I'm sure it does something.
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