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Gaza under attack yet again.

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I've been wondering for the past couple of days whether they were going to send the ground troops in while the rest of the world is watching the football.
They might well start to but it takes more than 90 minutes (even with extra time and penalties) to invade a country with ground troops. The stated aim to "take over Gaza" will take months.
They might well start to but it takes more than 90 minutes (even with extra time and penalties) to invade a country with ground troops. The stated aim to "take over Gaza" will take months.

I wasn't suggesting they would be in and out before the final whistle! I read earlier today they'd already sent some in for a bit anyway.
I wasn't suggesting they would be in and out before the final whistle! I read earlier today they'd already sent some in for a bit anyway.
There may be some special force people on the ground to help direct the bombing but surely regular troops would be at risk from that very bombing.
There may be some special force people on the ground to help direct the bombing but surely regular troops would be at risk from that very bombing.

Yeah some special forces were sent in last night to attack a rocket site. Didn't go well for them and they had to call in air support.
I wasn't suggesting they would be in and out before the final whistle! I read earlier today they'd already sent some in for a bit anyway.

Israeli commandos went in during the early hours & had their arses whipped. I do think it may have been a 'tester' to see what resistance they'd face. I don't buy the 'looking for rocket launch site' shite. Some tweets from folks on the ground earlier today were saying that tanks & APC's have massed on the border. More than yesterday.
When the fuck is the west going to stop pandering to these religious lunatics in israel. it's clear they view everyone else as second class citizens.

"The west" won't, because of their geo-strategic interests in having a non-Muslim bulwark in that part of the world, especially a bulwark that can and does have power over the economy of its closest neighbour: Egypt. That power is in the fact that 60% of food in Egypt is imported from Israel. Israel not only provides a bulwark (and a possible beachhead), it also neutralises what was previously a troublesome thorn in the sides of both Israel and the Mandate authorities before them.
It's not a difficult thing to understand. Two factions in a power struggle with two different strategies neither faction with any record of tolerating dissent try to set up their own little dictatorships.
Dont patronise me you daft little nonsense sponge
What created the situation for them to have such power?
No doubt you are of the belief that the world sprung into being when you seeped from a place near your mams rignpiece, but, guess what?
It didn't
There was something before your pathetic snivlllings on here
Fuck off and learn how not to be so simplistic
It's not a difficult thing to understand. Two factions in a power struggle with two different strategies neither faction with any record of tolerating dissent try to set up their own little dictatorships.
'get knotted' doesn't have the same ring to it as 'get carter'

A Norwegian doctor in the besieged Gaza Strip has strongly criticized Israel for using cancer-inducing bombs against Palestinian civilians.

Dr. Erik Fosse told Press TV that the majority of patients hospitalized in Gaza are civilians injured in attacks on their homes and about thirty percent of them are children.

Dense Inert Metal Explosive, known as DIME, is an explosive device developed to minimize collateral damage in warfare.

Oh fuck with this. Palestinians haven't been driven mad. How patronising is that?

It's hardly patronising to theorise that if you expose a population to particular external stimuli, that they'll develop neuroses and pschoses related to those stimuli, you doughnut! :facepalm:

Hamas are trying to pressure Israel into releasing the latest batch of prisoners Israel took in the West Bank over the last few weeks. It's a modest and quite sane goal. Their methods are terrorist even if their options are limited.

Also there is no "slow genocide". There's plenty of real shit going, without resorting to such contortions.

"Slow genocide" boils down to a matter of perspective, of how we choose to look at the facts of oppression and their results. To choose to see operations such as this as exercises which have a convenient by-product of a reduced (both through death and emigration), further-cowed population is rational, rather than a "contortion". We need to ask ourselves "does the state of Israel need to kill on this scale to achieve lawful aims?". The inevitable answer is "no, it does not, but it uses those methods because they dispose of potential problems in the shape of oppressed individuals and communities".
Dont patronise me you daft little nonsense sponge
What created the situation for them to have such power?
No doubt you are of the belief that the world sprung into being when you seeped from a place near your mams rignpiece, but, guess what?
It didn't
There was something before your pathetic snivlllings on here
Fuck off and learn how not to be so simplistic

This reminds me of the way some leftists don't want to discuss crime in working class areas because it's all ultimately a fault with capitalism.

I tell you what if you really want to blame everything on ultimate root causes (Israel) have a read of this little piece from a Lebonese fervent anti-Zionist anarchist. It's about Syria but discusses Fatah (Fath).
Syrian "revolutionaries" are not angels

Whenever I criticize the Syrian "revolutionaries" (and they are to revolution what I am to Zionism), I am often met by comments along the lines: the revolutionaries are not angels. Today, I remembered those statements. During the Lebanese civil war, when I was a radical leftist boy, I was always criticizing the thuggery of the Fath Movement and its gangs in Lebanon. I kept saying that those crimes will bring so much damage to the Palestinian revolution. I was always told: the "revolutionaries" are not angels, and one Fath fanatic once wanted to arrange my assassination because I dared to "criticize the revolution". (Comrade `Imad saved me, thanks you wherever you are now). Later, when the Israeli invasion happened, it of course relied on the climate of hostility to the revolution that was created by the thuggery of Fath and its affiliated groups. I used to run into some of those who used to tell me "the revolutionaries are not angels" after the invasion and I would look at them with such anger, not really feeling vindicated given the high price we paid. I think about that in the case of Syria. Finally, it is not a revolution when it is all thuggery, as is the case with the Ikhwan and Salafite thugs in Syria. Good night.
Ithink when you have a state thats sunk to the level of actually counting the calorific value of food imports it will permit into gaza ...

Just as some other fascists did in ghettoes in "Greater Germany". I agree with whoever on the thread said they don't like comparisons to the Nazis, but the Nazis did exactly this, at least until they stopped permitting any "imports" into the ghettoes at all.
It's hardly patronising to theorise that if you expose a population to particular external stimuli, that they'll develop neuroses and pschoses related to those stimuli, you doughnut! :facepalm:

Woah that's a bit Skinnerish coming from you. Actually it's thoroughly patronising. Palestinians struggle for dignity, to simply assert that they have gone mad is to kick that struggle straight back in their faces. It's saying that they on their own are a lost cause and that it requires the wise white man to come and rescue them like a knight in shining armour armed with, *cough*, BDS.

ViolentPanda said:
"Slow genocide" boils down to a matter of perspective, of how we choose to look at the facts of oppression and their results. To choose to see operations such as this as exercises which have a convenient by-product of a reduced (both through death and emigration), further-cowed population is rational, rather than a "contortion". We need to ask ourselves "does the state of Israel need to kill on this scale to achieve lawful aims?". The inevitable answer is "no, it does not, but it uses those methods because they dispose of potential problems in the shape of oppressed individuals and communities".

Yes I appreciate that, but give these two questions a moment's thought. Is the Palestinian population increasing or decreasing overall in Gaza? Does Israel have the power to decrease the population if it wanted to?
Just as some other fascists did in ghettoes in "Greater Germany". I agree with whoever on the thread said they don't like comparisons to the Nazis, but the Nazis did exactly this, at least until they stopped permitting any "imports" into the ghettoes at all.
the thing is the uk govt condemned it when it was the germans doing this sort of thing but seem to find the zionists' more technical ways of organising and bombarding a ghetto more to their liking.
you seem to have missed the palestinian deaths caused by zionist action widely reported over the past few days

Well if you want to move the conversation to an abstruce argument about genocide rather than the human consequences of Israel's actions, then we need to stop thinking emotionally and start thinking about numbers. Is this kill rate likely to be maintained indefinitely? How does it compare to the natural birth and death rate?
If the rockets were in any way effective Gaza would be a smoking ruin completely by now. Given how much of a bloodthirsty zealot the Israeli government already is, an actual real attack would be the beginning of armageddon.

If the rockets were in any way effective, Gaza would be more secure from israeli violence than it is, because "bloodthirsty zealots" and all, politicians become more willing to talk when there's the potential of real damage being done in retaliation for any incursions into Palestinian territory.
Well if you want to move the conversation to an abstruce argument about genocide rather than the human consequences of Israel's actions, then we need to stop thinking emotionally and start thinking about numbers. Is this kill rate likely to be maintained indefinitely? How does it compare to the natural birth and death rate?
as per definition of genocide posted above it is not simply about killing people
According to Wikipedia, Gaza population growth stands at 3.422% in 2008. Population is roughly 1.6 million (2010). We're talking about in excess of about 50000 increase in population a year (and that will have grown a bit since then). That far exceeds the kill rate of Israel even in the year of Cast Lead.

Fast growing population, Israel needs to kill much faster and moreover has the power to do so. Ergo there is no genocide. Yet, that is.

Now can we get back to serious stuff?
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