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French magazine publishes controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad - many killed in revenge attack

if these fucks had any style, they would go for a movie style ending for max PR & exposure - more Butch Cassidy that Bonnie & Clyde though

Brothers 'came out firing'
Posted at 16:30

A source to AFP says that the Kouachi brothers "came out firing" on security forces.

um. i was right...
er... i was right being as #1101 traditionally comes before #1196.
A media observation of this event is that I should watch Aljazeera more often. They seem to have an old fashioned idea that a reporter's job is to present the facts as they emerge and collate useful background information to make sense of what is going on. What no Emily Matlis or Kay Burley standing on a corner filling up time with facile speculative vox pops with whatever rentagob is available? Thankfully no, well done.
Nobody wants to be stuck at work after five on a Friday, not even police gunmen.

Hope that's it for the bodycount, is everyone at the warehouse safe?
A media observation of this event is that I should watch Aljazeera more often. They seem to have an old fashioned idea that a reporter's job is to present the facts as they emerge and collate useful background information to make sense of what is going on. What no Emily Matlis or Kay Burley standing on a corner filling up time with facile speculative vox pops with whatever rentagob is available? Thankfully no, well done.

A media observation of this event is that I should watch Aljazeera more often. They seem to have an old fashioned idea that a reporter's job is to present the facts as they emerge and collate useful background information to make sense of what is going on. What no Emily Matlis or Kay Burley standing on a corner filling up time with facile speculative vox pops with whatever rentagob is available? Thankfully no, well done.

Rolling news has been such a shit phenomenon, and has for a lot of people been rendered pointless by social media - much of the output just seems to be regurgitated tweets anyhow. No, BBC, I don't care to know what platitudinous tweet/HYS comment was made by Richard of Salisbury. It's bollocks.
I take back my earlier comment regarding the incompetence of the french police.

Edited: BBC now saying 4 hostages now sadly killed.
Although there's no information yet on when they were killed. There had been earlier - unconfirmed - reports (before the sites were stormed) that members of the public had been killed in the supermarket.

One report said hostages in the basement of the supermarket had been able to phone relatives and were saying 5 people had been killed.

It's early yet to be able to reconcile these reports.
Although there's no information yet on when they were killed. There had been earlier - unconfirmed - reports (before the sites were stormed) that members of the public had been killed in the supermarket.

One report said hostages in the basement of the supermarket had been able to phone relatives and were saying 5 people had been killed.

It's early yet to be able to reconcile these reports.
R4 saying 'unconfirmed' police reports of 4 hostages dead with hostage taker 'neutralised'
Got an idiot friend on FB claiming it was staged cos you don't see any blood in the shooting of the cop. I'm assuming it's cos there's no exit wound but I'm not a ballistics expert
ViolentPanda ?

The human body is underlaid with this pesky thing called a skeleton, which means through-and-through/in-and-out wounds (which are generally the worst bleeders) are rarer than Hollywood would have us believe. More often a bullet bangs into a bone and lodges, or goes on a ricochet tour of your insides. Unless that bullet also ruptures an artery, there's not going to be gallons of claret everywhere, even from an intermediate-power round like the AK's 7.62 x 39mm.
As for the headshot, thats another one where the bullet is more likely to stir your brain pudding than punch through two thick plates of bone, and won't bleed excessively.
R4 saying 'unconfirmed' police reports of 4 hostages dead with hostage taker 'neutralised'
Are they saying the hostages were killed in the process of "neutralising" the hostage taker? Or are these the same dead hyper marcher hostages that had been subject of unconfirmed reports some hours ago?
The human body is underlaid with this pesky thing called a skeleton, which means through-and-through/in-and-out wounds (which are generally the worst bleeders) are rarer than Hollywood would have us believe. More often a bullet bangs into a bone and lodges, or goes on a ricochet tour of your insides. Unless that bullet also ruptures an artery, there's not going to be gallons of claret everywhere, even from an intermediate-power round like the AK's 7.62 x 39mm.
As for the headshot, thats another one where the bullet is more likely to stir your brain pudding than punch through two thick plates of bone, and won't bleed excessively.
Mate saw someone kill his wife and then himself when he was a kid. Lots of blood.
Also believes in chemtrails and other conspiraloon and woo woo nonsense.
Are they also claiming the gun men must have been Israeli as they were light skinned around the eyes?

Which is fucking daft because most Sabras are indistinguishable from most other Middle easterners and North Africans in looks, and it's usually Sabras (Israelis descended from the original Jewish communities of the area) that are used for roles requiring the impersonation of "Arabs".
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