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French magazine publishes controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad - many killed in revenge attack

I'm liking this method of reporting from le Monde:

Ce que nous savons pour l'instant :
  • Les deux preneurs d'otages de Dammartin (Chérif et Saïd Kouachi) ont été tués. Le preneur d'otages de la porte de Vincennes, identifié par nos sources comme Amedy Coulibaly, a aussi été tué. Amedy Coulibaly était également le principal suspect de la fusillade de Montrouge, jeudi matin.
  • Certains otages ont pu être évacués à la porte de Vincennes mais 4 d'entre eux ont été tués, vraisemblablement avant l'assaut des forces de l'ordre. Au moins un membre des forces de l'ordre a été blessé.
Ce que nous ne savons pas encore :
  • S'il y avait un(e) autre preneur d'otages à la porte de Vincennes

Since I last looked they've knocked three things of the "what we still don't know" list.
pity it's in french

Now it's in Googlish:

What we know so far:
  • The two hostage-takers Dammartin (Sharif and Said Kouachi) were killed. The hostage-taker of the Porte de Vincennes, identified by our sources as Amedy Coulibaly, was also killed. Amedy Coulibaly was also the prime suspect in the shooting of Montrouge, Thursday morning.
  • Some hostages were evacuated to the door of Vincennes, but 4 of them were killed, probably before the onslaught of the forces of order. At least one member of the security forces was wounded.
What we do not know yet:
  • If there was a (an) other hostage-taker at the door of Vincennes
C4's Darshna Soni just reported from Marseilles that some school students have been suspended for refusing to stand for the minute of silence in memory of those representatives of freedom of expression/speech killed at Charlie Hebdo.

If correct, pretty fucking ironic.
Maybe the supermarket hostages that died had a go at their assailant. Fair play if they did, it's probably worth it with Islamists, they're not usually after unmarked notes and a helicopter out of the place.
It's too big a run for the ebay speculators to get much out of it. In a couple of years they'll be the French equivalent to all those yellowing copies of Royal Wedding pull-out special supplements fluttering in the wind at boot sales.
tbh a lot of people who don't read ch won't read this issue no matter how strongly they feel about jihadis.
Apparently...(no links...sorry)...some French media outlets managed to speak with one on the brothers and Coulibaly whilst they were 'at work' today. Also 'apparently'...during those phone conversations Kouachi confirmed links & support from AQ(Yemen), Coulibaly claimed he was acting for ISIS and that their 'operations' were co-ordinated. If anywhere near true that's got to worry the authorities.
Apparently...(no links...sorry)...some French media outlets managed to speak with one on the brothers and Coulibaly whilst they were 'at work' today. Also 'apparently'...during those phone conversations Kouachi confirmed links & support from AQ(Yemen), Coulibaly claimed he was acting for ISIS and that their 'operations' were co-ordinated. If anywhere near true that's got to worry the authorities.
Yes - BFMTV said they did.

Surreal the way we expect to see live coverage of everything these days - and no one will ever be able to forget either.

I noticed French live feeds dropping around the actual time of the raids.
Surreal the way we expect to see live coverage of everything these days - and no one will ever be able to forget either.

I noticed French live feeds dropping around the actual time of the raids.
tell you what, we'll revisit this in a few months and then we'll see how your memory's holding up.
I will be doing my damndest to erase it from my mind as with all such horrors.

I think I mean the people directly involved and those close to them.
Roundup of 8 mosque attacks, from graffiti to grenades, now in Googlish:

At Le Mans, Sarthe

At the mosque Sablons Le Mans, police surveillance has been strengthened. This mosque where, in the words of the police commissioner they practice a "peaceful Islam, integrated, an Islam of France" had seen on the night of Wednesday to Thursday two grenade tosses - which have done no damage or casualties.

Tension rose in the night from Thursday to Friday. Around 22 hours, small groups of young people from the neighboring district of Sablons - reacting to the rumor that has been circulating on Facebook saying that skinheads wanted to sack the mosque - burned trash cans and cars and smashed the windows of a tram stop. The clashes with the police lasted two hours.

In Saint-Juéry, Tarn

Four shots were fired Thursday, at 23 hours, on the facade of a mosque in the Tarn of Saint-Juéry, near Albi, causing no injuries. Friday morning, the first faithful who opened the mosque located in a distinctive building with no damage found, and officials then complained, according to a police investigator.

At Aix-les-Bains, Savoie

A mosque was burned Thursday, January 8 to 22 hours, according to Dauphiné Libéré, on Friday, the prosecutor of Chambery announced "priority criminal acts."

A Lievin and Bethune, in Pas-de-Calais

Two housing mosques were desecrated in the Pas-de-Calais. Swastikas, Nazi slogans and an inscription "Charlie lives" were daubed on the future mosque in Lievin, under construction, according to La Voix du Nord. A pig's head was also found on the floor. A Bethune, the tag "outside the Arabs" was visible on a fence of the mosque construction.

A Vendome in the Loir-et-Cher

Vendome mosque in the Loir-et-Cher, was the target of two shots, according to The New Republic. Two impacts were found Friday in the morning, on the doors of the place of prayer. Two other impacts were recorded on a newsagent at the other end of town.

At Corte in Corsica

In Corsica, a pig's head and viscera were discovered Friday morning clinging to the door of a Muslim prayer room at Corte (Haute-Corse), announced the police.

In Rennes

In Rennes, the inscriptions "Er Maez" - "outside" in Breton - and "Arabs" were daubed bomb on the night of Thursday to Friday on the facade of an Islamic cultural center under construction, reported at AFP an official of the center.

A Bischwiller, in Bas-Rhin

A Bischwiller, Bas-Rhin, an inscription "Ich bin Charlie" ("I'm Charlie" in German) and obscene drawings were discovered Thursday morning on the outside wall of a building into a mosque, reports www.Alsace.com

You miss the point that they are equally mocking of christianity. They mock religion - that's their tradition - so not to mock Islam isn't an option if they are to be true to that tradition.
so from observing this i think a lot of people who claim to 'mock everything' only actually mock things they dislike/have no interest in. do they mock self-righteous journalists? do they mock people who gratuitously offend under the banner of self-expression? do they challenge themselves? Or do they just claim to mock 'equally' when really they're just criticising things that they don't hold dear?

e2a: it's like Private Eye. Do they really mock everyone?
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