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French magazine publishes controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad - many killed in revenge attack

Strange somebody claiming false flag from RT comments. Copy and paste

I have waited to comment until I had more facts. This is a FALSE FLAG!!!! Watch the video of the man shot on the ground if you can find it. Youtube is aggressively pulling down this video. Note the following: 1) No recoil impulse from AK47 being fired. 2) No impact impulse from victim shot at close range 3) Clearly visible bullet impact on concrete in front of prone victim. Sniper was involved. 4) This was staged. 5) Constant changing of the official story. 6) Immediate propaganda material available for media coverage. If this stinks, then the story is a BIG FAT LIE. So who would want to pull this FALSE FLAG? Let's look at recent events. 1) France wishes to reconcile with Russia over Mistral blunder. 2) France supported Palestinian Statehood. 3) Netanyoyo stated that France would suffer for supporting Palestine. 4) Recent drone sighting over French Nuclear Facilities 5) Accelerated demand for European GOLD repatriation from the USSA and UK. 6) Accelerated rejection of the toxic US debt paper and USD. Therefore, I would say the evidence is pointing to the collapsing/desperate Trifecta of Evil (USSA/UK/Israel) and Cabal Banker Warmongers as the perpetrators of these crimes.
about 3 hours agoReply
  • blue
"trifecta of evil": what a strange phrase. I guessed: LaRouchies? Old-skool!

But all I find, searching, is people who don't know what "trifecta" means.

Yesterday, someone posted a piece talking about a 'Nexus of Islamists'. Then you add the old-time Axis Of Evil......:cool:
Strange somebody claiming false flag from RT comments. Copy and paste

I have waited to comment until I had more facts. This is a FALSE FLAG!!!! Watch the video of the man shot on the ground if you can find it. Youtube is aggressively pulling down this video. Note the following: 1) No recoil impulse from AK47 being fired. 2) No impact impulse from victim shot at close range 3) Clearly visible bullet impact on concrete in front of prone victim. Sniper was involved. 4) This was staged. 5) Constant changing of the official story. 6) Immediate propaganda material available for media coverage. If this stinks, then the story is a BIG FAT LIE. So who would want to pull this FALSE FLAG? Let's look at recent events. 1) France wishes to reconcile with Russia over Mistral blunder. 2) France supported Palestinian Statehood. 3) Netanyoyo stated that France would suffer for supporting Palestine. 4) Recent drone sighting over French Nuclear Facilities 5) Accelerated demand for European GOLD repatriation from the USSA and UK. 6) Accelerated rejection of the toxic US debt paper and USD. Therefore, I would say the evidence is pointing to the collapsing/desperate Trifecta of Evil (USSA/UK/Israel) and Cabal Banker Warmongers as the perpetrators of these crimes.
about 3 hours agoReply
  • blue
Why even bother to repost this fucking drivel?
I was wondering when this eejit would pipe up. Not a lot of #solidarity here and obviously hasn't lifted a finger to research the mag. Lest we forget, she picked a creepy wee nazi to be an example of a proper hero.

laurie penny vile racist charlie hebdo troll.jpg
I'm well aware of the religious angle, but not many consider him a Christian terrorist for many many reasons. If he was such a foaming mouth religious nutter, he would have attacked muslim, jewish and other religious non-Christian targets.

against my previous stated 'I'm out' I'm going to have to respond because I can't help myself. He targeted the youth camp of a labour party precisely because he saw them as fifth columnist muslim terror enablers in league with the wider zionist conspiracy. He made no bones about why he did what he did. He murdered the kids at utoya because he sees the left as an enabling force in the mythical clash of civilisations that exists in his head.
Strange somebody claiming false flag from RT comments. Copy and paste

I have waited to comment until I had more facts. This is a FALSE FLAG!!!! Watch the video of the man shot on the ground if you can find it. Youtube is aggressively pulling down this video. Note the following: 1) No recoil impulse from AK47 being fired. 2) No impact impulse from victim shot at close range 3) Clearly visible bullet impact on concrete in front of prone victim. Sniper was involved. 4) This was staged. 5) Constant changing of the official story. 6) Immediate propaganda material available for media coverage. If this stinks, then the story is a BIG FAT LIE. So who would want to pull this FALSE FLAG? Let's look at recent events. 1) France wishes to reconcile with Russia over Mistral blunder. 2) France supported Palestinian Statehood. 3) Netanyoyo stated that France would suffer for supporting Palestine. 4) Recent drone sighting over French Nuclear Facilities 5) Accelerated demand for European GOLD repatriation from the USSA and UK. 6) Accelerated rejection of the toxic US debt paper and USD. Therefore, I would say the evidence is pointing to the collapsing/desperate Trifecta of Evil (USSA/UK/Israel) and Cabal Banker Warmongers as the perpetrators of these crimes.
about 3 hours agoReply
  • blue

are you sure? wind up, right?

people narf talk some bollox
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I was wondering when this eejit would pipe up. Not a lot of #solidarity here and obviously hasn't lifted a finger to research the mag. Lest we forget, she picked a creepy wee nazi to be an example of a proper hero.

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She has so obviously woken out of her bubble just long enough to spew two platitudes, an uneducated opinion (after a swift google) and a very clever twist on a hashtag! Top work. Wonder what she'd make of this (nsfw cartoon from The Onion)
great picture. all of the dudes in that picture can handle a joke, and if they can't, they are shit gods and not worth following for shit
Strange somebody claiming false flag from RT comments. Copy and paste

I have waited to comment until I had more facts. This is a FALSE FLAG!!!! Watch the video of the man shot on the ground if you can find it. Youtube is aggressively pulling down this video. Note the following: 1) No recoil impulse from AK47 being fired. 2) No impact impulse from victim shot at close range 3) Clearly visible bullet impact on concrete in front of prone victim. Sniper was involved. 4) This was staged. 5) Constant changing of the official story. 6) Immediate propaganda material available for media coverage. If this stinks, then the story is a BIG FAT LIE. So who would want to pull this FALSE FLAG? Let's look at recent events. 1) France wishes to reconcile with Russia over Mistral blunder. 2) France supported Palestinian Statehood. 3) Netanyoyo stated that France would suffer for supporting Palestine. 4) Recent drone sighting over French Nuclear Facilities 5) Accelerated demand for European GOLD repatriation from the USSA and UK. 6) Accelerated rejection of the toxic US debt paper and USD. Therefore, I would say the evidence is pointing to the collapsing/desperate Trifecta of Evil (USSA/UK/Israel) and Cabal Banker Warmongers as the perpetrators of these crimes.
about 3 hours agoReply
  • blue

It might be difficult for someone drip fed on RT's drivel, but Russia isn't always relevant to world events. I think we can interpret this one without even mentioning it.
I was wondering when this eejit would pipe up. Not a lot of #solidarity here and obviously hasn't lifted a finger to research the mag. Lest we forget, she picked a creepy wee nazi to be an example of a proper hero.

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Fucking amazing, after the areselicking of that cunt weez. Most of the time I just think she's a daft liberal but that tweet marks her out not just as a moron but a prick.
je suis charlie? it’s a bit late - Kenan Malik


‘Je suis Charlie’. It’s a phrase in every newspaper, in every Twitter feed, on demonstrations in cities across Europe. The expressions of solidarity with those slain in the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices are impressive. They are also too late. Had journalists and artists and political activists taken a more robust view on free speech over the past 20 years then we may never have come to this.

Instead, they have helped create a new culture of self-censorship. Partly, it is a question of fear, an unwillingness to take the kind of risks that the editors of Charlie Hebdo courted, and for which they have paid such a heavy price. But fear is only part of the explanation. There has also developed over the past two decades a moral commitment to censorship, a belief that because we live in a plural society, so we must police public discourse about different cultures and beliefs, and constrain speech so as not to give offence. In the words of the British sociologist Tariq Modood, ‘If people are to occupy the same political space without conflict, they mutually have to limit the extent to which they subject each others’ fundamental beliefs to criticism.’


Yet, hardly had news begun filtering out about the Charlie Hebdo shootings, than there were those suggesting that the magazine was a ‘racist institution’ and that the cartoonists, if not deserving what they got, had nevertheless brought it on themselves through their incessant attacks on Islam. What is really racist is the idea only nice white liberals want to challenge religion or demolish its pretensions or can handle satire and ridicule. Those who claim that it is ‘racist’ or ‘Islamophobic’ to mock the Prophet Mohammad, appear to imagine, with the racists, that all Muslims are reactionaries. It is here that leftwing ‘anti-racism’ joins hands with rightwing anti-Muslim bigotry.

What is called ‘offence to a community’ is more often than not actually a struggle within communities. There are hudreds of thousands, within Muslim communities in the West, and within Muslim-majority countries across the world, challenging religious-based reactionary ideas and policies and institutions; writers, cartoonists, political activists, daily putting their lives on the line in facing down blasphemy laws, standing up for equal rights and fighting for democratic freedoms; people like Pakistani cartoonistSabir Nazar, the Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen, exiled to India after death threats, or the Iranian blogger Soheil Arabi, sentenced to death last year for ‘insulting the Prophet’. What happened in theCharlie Hebdo offices in Paris was viscerally shocking; but in the non-Western world, those who stand up for their rights face such threats every day.

I like Kenan Malik but his writing is confused when it comes to freedom of speech. Considering free speech issues, it simply does not matter whether Charlie Hebdo is racist or not. You're either for freedom of speech or you're not. Further there has been no assault on freedom of speech here. Nobody is banning CH, this was a terrorist attack murderous in intent and fanatical in ideology. But the aim wasn't to stop CH from publishing. It was to strike back at it, to make an example, and probably to promote the terrorist sect carrying out the attack. It was no more an attack on freedom of speech than the assault on Robert Faurisson a few years ago. And if it were a matter of freedom of speech then there is still no reason to declare solidarity. Is Kenan Malik going to declare "Je suis Robert Faurisson?" I'm certainly not going to declare solidarity with a publication I know little about. Is it racist? It's pathetic to assume it isn't just because it has just been attacked. This looks racist to me:


Freedom of speech is a red herring. And a hypocritical one as well.
Thanks for your explanations about the context BA. I think it's interesting that they still needed to put out the statement. Perhaps my own personal experiences and lack of knowledge of the magazine/context has made me over-sensitive as even now I am still angered by it and would struggle to defend it to others tbh. I wonder if the cartoonist and magazine would have understood my feelings on this and whether they would have actually cared?
Only just noticed this post mate - honest answer is that i don't know. I don't know whose feelings they would have been taking on board after the last few years of attacks on them - from the ultra-montane catholics, to the violent loons of the Jewish Defence league, the anti-semitics of the diedonne/soralcircle, the violent fringe of the far right, those marching against gay marriage and the fundie nutters - i suspect they may well have been a bit defensive and inward looking. Are you following the other thread? There's a link to another good piece giving more french context.
I was wondering when this eejit would pipe up. Not a lot of #solidarity here and obviously hasn't lifted a finger to research the mag. Lest we forget, she picked a creepy wee nazi to be an example of a proper hero.

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Predictable whining response when challenged...

No, just don't traduce the dead as racist trolls.
It's the callinicos/seymour/rees/german/uaf/stw response just with the collective instrumental reasons for it (look at us defending muslims,we're the best defenders of Muslims, come join the party) replaced with a individual self-regarding look at how anti-racist i am everyone (well not everyone...) - even in the face of immense crushing social and political pressure. I'm a little bit like a resistance hero.

And no, that's not the choice. You've chosen to make that the choice for the reasons given above.
It's the callinicos/seymour/rees/german/uaf/stw response just with the collective instrumental reasons for it (look at us defending muslims,we're the best defenders of Muslims, come join the party) replaced with a individual self-regarding look at how anti-racist i am everyone (well not everyone...) - even in the face of immense crushing social and political pressure. I'm a little bit like a resistance hero.
You nasty little misogynist...
Knotted your points have been more than addressed in the thread. Read on.

Not sure they have, but with respect to the monkey cartoon, I understood that it was supposed to be a satire on racism. The cartoon is still racist, though of course racist publications should not be banned anyway nor is it going to be banned in any case. Malik is hopelessly unprincipled on this.
This looks racist to me:
The background is given in a piece linked to already :

For example, Charlie Hebdo published a caricature of the French Minister of Justice, Christiane Taubira – who happens to be black – as a monkey.

The kind of imagery above would be completely beyond the pale of political discourse in the Anglophone world, and for good reason. So why was it used by Charlie Hebdo? The accompanying caption offers a clue: Rassemblement bleue raciste, a pun on the name of Rassemblement bleu Marine, a political coalition set up by far-right politician Marine Le Pen – who recently called the left-wing Taubira a “monkey”. The caricature therefore does something that few Anglophone cartoonists would dare attempt: it uses overtly racist imagery as a means of satirising racism.

The article goes on to make the fairly obvious point that even given that background it's entirely proper to question whether this cartoon was a good idea or avoided the racism it was satirizing. It concludes
We could, most importantly, respect the dead by trying to understand where they were coming from, and resisting the urge to make Charlie Hebdo stand for something it never has.
Something which could usefully be applied to all of the tedious sermonizing whether pro or anti which is currently taking place.
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