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French magazine publishes controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad - many killed in revenge attack

as sure as the sun rises, the conspiracy loons are saying a mossad false flag.

Relations between French intelligence and the MOSSAD aren't good at the best of times. DCRI are highly unlikely to have let a MOSSAD ASU walk around Paris (and yes, they do all spy on each other and keep rolls of each others' agents. :) ).
Racist cunt

You have lost the argument old chap, as well as your marbles. Muslims are every colour under the sun, from pink to black, with all available hues in between. You really should get out more, then perhaps from observation, your knowledge will increase.
It does indeed. However, Christianity seems to be considerably more tolerant. I cannot recall a single incident of an attack on the offices of the film company with semi-automatic weapons as a result of the film.

Muslims do not seem to realise that they are no longer living in medieval times, society has moved on, but they are still stuck some centuries behind.

As the list of Muslim atrocities lengthens, the excuses of their apologists become increasingly thin.
i don't know where you got the notion that xianity's got a proud history of toleration from.
i've heard several mentions of recent high tension in france about islam and muslims, is that so? i heard about anti-musl;im marches etc in germany recently but not france.
The anti face covering law, the ban on praying in public (did that one ever get through?).
Isn't it time for an armed citizenry? These wankers can get hold of these sort of weapons and yet all the public have (in France and Britain anyway) are smartphones to record all it in great quality? Absurd.

French firearms laws are nowhere near as stringent as those of the UK, so talking about Britain and France as if they're comparable is daft.
This isn't really about Islam. It is political. Anybody blaming Islam would do well to think about history rather than prejudice.

Mentioned few pages back was the massacre of Algerians by Maurice Papon in 1961. The film Cache by Michael Hanake is partly inspired by those events, about how repression of history can lead to outbursts of violence, that the tranquility enjoyed by the privileged is based on historical violence.

There are lessons to be learned here, and none of them are really about Islam.
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It is debatable as to whether it should be classified as a faith, or as a patriarchal system of command and control.

Do not confuse the issue of whether something can be classified as a faith (hint: you don't get to decide what other people find faith in) with the baggage that accompanies many faiths. No matter how bloody the baggage may be.
This isn't really about Islam. It is political. Anybody blaming Islam would do well to think about history rather than prejudice.

A few pages back the massacre of Algerians by Maurice Papon in 1961. The film Cache by Michael Hanake is partly inspired by those events, about how repression of history can lead to outbursts of violence, that the tranquility enjoyed by the privileged is based on historical violence.

There are lessons to be learned here, and none of them are really about Islam.
I'm very sure the killers think it is about Islam. I would expect that they would say that politics and Islam are one and the same thing.
Sas, are you really going to do this? I thought the worst we'd see on this thread would be liberal relativism, but no, it seems we're also to be treated to broad-and-tarry-brushed bigotry.

You're an intelligent man; see if you can spot your own mistake.

Someone posted earlier on the thread 'there is a difference between Muslim and Islamist'. There is indeed.

One of the major problems that the security services have in keeping tabs on Muslim extremists is the close nature of Muslim society, they find it very difficult to get inside. That is perhaps understandable. What is difficult to understand is the failure of ordinary Muslims to stand up and say 'Not in my name'. Whether it be complicit agreement or simply silence, it is impossible to know, but it does not endear Muslims to wider society.
I'm sure you've all been waiting for it, but here it is at last - the judgement of Solomon:

In not at all claiming a conspiracy theory but I'm quite disturbed by people's immediate reaction to the ‪#‎ParisShootings‬. Other than witnesses hearing 'allahu akbar' and what the target symbolises no one actually *knows* who carried out the murders or their actual motivation. The whole of the Muslim community is now even more under suspicion, everyone is talking about Islam/Islamism, freedom of expression and terrorism but no one is suspecting it may be provocateurs. And whether or not they find out that these murders have Arabic names or claim to be Muslim, all Muslims and/or Arabs will still have suffered already. It won't even be a case of innocent until proven guilty, they've all been found guilty already.

Someone posted earlier on the thread 'there is a difference between Muslim and Islamist'. There is indeed.

One of the major problems that the security services have in keeping tabs on Muslim extremists is the close nature of Muslim society, they find it very difficult to get inside. That is perhaps understandable. What is difficult to understand is the failure of ordinary Muslims to stand up and say 'Not in my name'. Whether it be complicit agreement or simply silence, it is impossible to know, but it does not endear Muslims to wider society.
Why should they? Are Christians obliged to stand up and distance themselves from the Oklahoma bomber?
The anti face covering law, the ban on praying in public (did that one ever get through?).

Sorry, should have been more detailed. I got the impression from the bloke on FR24 that it was very recent tensions rather than from the veil banning which according to google was 2010/2011 (doesn't seem that long ago tho:hmm:)
Someone posted earlier on the thread 'there is a difference between Muslim and Islamist'. There is indeed.

One of the major problems that the security services have in keeping tabs on Muslim extremists is the close nature of Muslim society, they find it very difficult to get inside. That is perhaps understandable. What is difficult to understand is the failure of ordinary Muslims to stand up and say 'Not in my name'. Whether it be complicit agreement or simply silence, it is impossible to know, but it does not endear Muslims to wider society.
i think you're talking bollocks. it would help you avoid looking like Orang Utan's "racist cunt" if you made some effort to post contributions which looked less like they'd fallen off a daily mail lorry and more like the considered analysis of someone who had given the matter at least five seconds' thought.
Someone posted earlier on the thread 'there is a difference between Muslim and Islamist'. There is indeed.

One of the major problems that the security services have in keeping tabs on Muslim extremists is the close nature of Muslim society, they find it very difficult to get inside. That is perhaps understandable. What is difficult to understand is the failure of ordinary Muslims to stand up and say 'Not in my name'. Whether it be complicit agreement or simply silence, it is impossible to know, but it does not endear Muslims to wider society.

FFS, what the fuck do you want Muslims to do, they are getting slaughtered in industrial quantities across the world and you want a mea culpa for a bunch of homicidal cunts?
Why the inverted commas? Because I have profound doubts about the Muslim ideals. It is debatable as to whether it should be classified as a faith, or as a patriarchal system of command and control. I find it absolutely astonishing that anyone who regards themselves as a feminist can espouse the tenets of Islam. Sharia law is deeply biased against women. A woman should be willed half of that willed to a male relative, for example. A man may take four wives, but a woman caught with a 'bit on the side' is stoned to death. Really lovely ideology.

One cannot really cite the Saudi lunatics as being absolutely representative of the Muslim 'faith', but they do base their civil law on the Koran and Sharias. I suppose you could equate them to the 'Christian' lunatics that kill abortion clinic staff.

And that's representative of all Muslims?
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