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French magazine publishes controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad - many killed in revenge attack

But this isn't Islam, its not Muslim's. Its a vocal recalcitrant minority. But this shit needs to be called out. Im up for a mutual faith mocking day, lets have a pop at all of them, an hour each? id like to think that the Muslims I know have a sense of humour & are not insecure about their faith.
I'd imagine the imaginary "Muslims you know" think you're a dickhead tbh
France 24 again saying there was a rocket launcher. Perhaps they were going to blow the whole place up? I hope it failed and was abandoned (didn't see iit as they escaped)...

You can't really blow a large building up with a rocket-launcher/rpg, unless it's a timber building. You could blow a hole in it, but the explosion would have to be pretty fuck-off big to demo a whole building. Be handy for getting through security features (steel-reinforced doors, etc), though.
You can't really blow a large building up with a rocket-launcher/rpg, unless it's a timber building. You could blow a hole in it, but the explosion would have to be pretty fuck-off big to demo a whole building. Be handy for getting through security features (steel-reinforced doors, etc), though.

ah right, i know fuck all about them tbh, still wouldn't want to be in the building tho, that's for sure.
it'll just be an endless line of attacks, over and over. just waiting for the next one over here. the only doubt is what it'll be - school, tube, train? who knows. it'll happen though.

Shit will always happen. 100 year ago and more it was anarchists and Fenians blowing shit up, from the '70s to the '90s it was the PIRA. Now it's occasional nutty religionists. It's unavoidable given the world we live in.
as for suspects, I've heard Yemeni al qaeda mentioned on that france24 a few times.
how much of this shit is caused by western imperialism and how much is caused by medieval, religious, backward savagery?

i am starting to think it's more of the latter than we give ourselves credit for.

It's always going to be a large helping of both, IMO. If it were "more of the latter", it'd be somewhat easier to discredit the schmucks than it is, and for the communities they live in to fuck them off.
It does indeed. However, Christianity seems to be considerably more tolerant. I cannot recall a single incident of an attack on the offices of the film company with semi-automatic weapons as a result of the film.

Muslims do not seem to realise that they are no longer living in medieval times, society has moved on, but they are still stuck some centuries behind.

As the list of Muslim atrocities lengthens, the excuses of their apologists become increasingly thin.

Well done.

*slow handclap*
I have serious doubts. I could easily imagine that if they have got away they'll regroup and go to target no 2.

It's also easier to build a picture of any possible terrorist organisational structure if you have two identified corpses to play with, dig up intel on and otherwise use as the basis for making associations. These chaps will probably know this, and go to ground like good little insurgents.
The reason France is experiencing more jihad attacks than here in UK is simple , France has more muslims . More muslims =more jihad

Tommy Robinson on his twitter feed, he has made his position clear.
But this isn't Islam, its not Muslim's. Its a vocal recalcitrant minority.

To this, and to the comments upthread about whoever did this not caring about dumping Muslims-in-general in the shit: it reinforces for me how modern Islamism is.

The particularly evil strand explicitly doesn't care about Muslims-in-general. They're not-proper-Muslims - takfir.

The thing is to maximise conflict.

So it has more in common with the Oklahoma bomber than with Islam. And in the end it's as fantastical, as delusional, as that attempt to start a race war.
i've heard several mentions of recent high tension in france about islam and muslims, is that so? i heard about anti-musl;im marches etc in germany recently but not france.
I'm guessing that the cctv network footage is being trawled to trace the movements of the cars they used, like in the fillums. They probably weren't driving about masked up for too long before the attack so they could still be id'd.


Why the inverted commas? Because I have profound doubts about the Muslim ideals. It is debatable as to whether it should be classified as a faith, or as a patriarchal system of command and control. I find it absolutely astonishing that anyone who regards themselves as a feminist can espouse the tenets of Islam. Sharia law is deeply biased against women. A woman should be willed half of that willed to a male relative, for example. A man may take four wives, but a woman caught with a 'bit on the side' is stoned to death. Really lovely ideology.

One cannot really cite the Saudi lunatics as being absolutely representative of the Muslim 'faith', but they do base their civil law on the Koran and Sharias. I suppose you could equate them to the 'Christian' lunatics that kill abortion clinic staff.
To this, and to the comments upthread about whoever did this not caring about dumping Muslims-in-general in the shit: it reinforces for me how modern Islamism is.

The particularly evil strand explicitly doesn't care about Muslims-in-general. They're not-proper-Muslims - takfir.

The thing is to maximise conflict.

So it has more in common with the Oklahoma bomber than with Islam. And in the end it's as fantastical, as delusional, as that attempt to start a race war.

Definitely takfiri which in itself is about as unIslamic as one can get and then there's the whole making a religion out of religion which is shirk and warned about in the Holy Quran and quite probably in the hadith too.

Who the fuck does anyone think they are to declare anyone a non Muslim and yet on and on it goes just like the nutters in the US with Christianity and the Zionists with Judaism.
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