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French magazine publishes controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad - many killed in revenge attack

Tell you what, if the attackers are intent on a spectacular and a spectacular death, esp if they have others waiting in the wings, then 5pm tonight at the Place de la République would be a pretty inviting target.

The Place de la Republique and access to it is likely to be the most heavily guarded and secured site in Europe at 5pm tonight. I doubt they'll be anywhere near it.
On one level, I agree with you but on another I find these arguments increasingly difficult to believe.

It's rational actor territory, which social psychology and behavioural economics has shown to be deeply unreliable.

Ostensibly these chaps believe in Allah, a monotheistic being that created everything in the most perfect manner.

The idea that they are also tightly and cynically strategic doesn't sit well with that, which is a good thing.

Honest question - was Machiavelli a devout Catholic?

Oh I don't claim to know what strategies they are employing, either as an umbrella group with a cohesive philosophy and long term goal or as smaller groups of individuals acting towards shorter term goals on impulse or otherwise.

The whole thing is so incredibly complex, I don't expect it's as simple as it's one or it's the other. Nothing is.

Whether they intend or not for it to cause further destabilisation and widening of a gulf in public and government sentiment, that's the effect it will likely have, and that will serve their cause well. Theirs is a cause that thrives off 'us' and 'them' - so if the lines are more clearly drawn between 'us' and 'them' they get a boost - whether that's more people joining them abroad, more attacks like this, or whatever.

So my post was less a comment on their strategic mindset and more a comment on the effect this sort of things has and how it benefits them in certain ways.
Apparently this was the last tweet from the magazine before the attack...

As someone said, for this to provoke the attack it would mean that they were already driving around in Paris armed to the teeth, and on the twitter. (I know you're not suggesting this, but given the range of hot takes that are circulating, I'd wager it's out there somewhere)
That's what they want. Our first instinct might be to shout in exasperation "but you just made it worse for Muslims everywhere, you fucking idiots" but in reality a ramping up of tensions suits them perfectly. The more governments and public sentiment move to the right and the more attacks there are on Muslims as a result, the more they can justify to themselves their reason for existing and the more they can ratchet up their activity, their follower base, and their influence.

(I expect this has already been said, still reading the thread.)

strategy of tension ennit
Are the gunmen 'on the loose' or 'at large'? The former suggests they're still driving around with guns; the latter that they haven't been found yet.
A vigil in support of Charlie Hebdo in Trafalgar Square tonight apparently.
I suspect it's difficult to carry a nail file around central Paris at the moment, never mind assault rifles.

i was thinking more of weather they would want to, raster than if they would be able to.

my first thought was similar-ish to butchers - "who's next?" - but the apparent level of organisation, reports of them calling journalists by name etc makes me think otherwise.

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