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French magazine publishes controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad - many killed in revenge attack

Thanks for that completely useless contribution, sergeant.

If half of your posts didn't consist of needlessly degrading and dehumanising people you would perhaps be able to comprehend the utterly despicable and perverse motivations of these (for the most part, well-educated and articulate) people.

Nothing more articulate than gunning people down in cold blood.
Yes, we have a violent history but we didn't virtually wipe out a native population and we didn't directly import slaves and then torture, abuse and rape them etc etc. The mass of the British population were barely aware we had an empire nevermind the things we were getting up to with it.
Are you really as dense and smug as you appear?
"barely aware we had an empire" ???????? - fucking idiot
Just come late to the thread...so apols if already covered...but what are we make to of the escape tactic? Not a suicide mission, then?
Wouldn't be suprised if it ends with their death... could they really escape with this much surveillance going on? A delayed suicide mission, perhaps.
I can't believe how many British journalists and politicians are now waving the Freedom Of Speech flag in the same month when most of them have been silent or at least have closed off all public comments on the Andrew Windsor affair.
The Telegraph's contribution to freedom of speech...


Those fuckwits definitely just made life a lot harder for Muslims in France, that's for sure.

That's what they want. Our first instinct might be to shout in exasperation "but you just made it worse for Muslims everywhere, you fucking idiots" but in reality a ramping up of tensions suits them perfectly. The more governments and public sentiment move to the right and the more attacks there are on Muslims as a result, the more they can justify to themselves their reason for existing and the more they can ratchet up their activity, their follower base, and their influence.

(I expect this has already been said, still reading the thread.)
No but the argument usually goes that the US has high rates of gun ownership ergo that is why they have so many gun related murders. If they knew every area in Paris how a local militia it would at least give idiots like this something to think about or (more likely) physically stop them in their tracks. They're still out and about with their guns in Paris, aren't they? Wonderful.
Oh, fuck off.
Rushdie’s statement reads:

Religion, a medieval form of unreason, when combined with modern weaponry becomes a real threat to our freedoms. This religious totalitarianism has caused a deadly mutation in the heart of Islam and we see the tragic consequences in Paris today.

I stand with Charlie Hebdo, as we all must, to defend the art of satire, which has always been a force for liberty and against tyranny, dishonesty and stupidity.

‘Respect for religion’ has become a code phrase meaning ‘fear of religion’. Religions, like all other ideas, deserve criticism, satire, and, yes, our fearless disrespect.
Are you really as dense and smug as you appear?
"barely aware we had an empire" ???????? - fucking idiot

Yes, try some basic reading on British working class history. The vast majority wouldn't have been aware until the late 18th/early 19th century.
My French friend just text me saying that four of the dead are well-known long-running satirists - France is in shock.

Her dad is a reader of Charlie Hedbo since she was small - she said she's seen loads of rude and provocative cartoons of the pope over the years. They are famously anti-religion.

However- they did not adhere to Alan Partridge's rule - “Never criticise Muslims. Only Christians, and Jews a little bit.”
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I broadly agree with the sentiment, but he always gets it slightly wrong, doesn't he? Wrong enough to make you roll your eyes and think, "liberal twat, you should have stopped at x, y or z".

But he remains a symbol for freedom of speech, and in that he has my support. (I also like his books, and even if I didn't I'd still buy them).
That's what they want. Our first instinct might be to shout in exasperation "but you just made it worse for Muslims everywhere, you fucking idiots" but in reality a ramping up of tensions suits them perfectly. The more governments and public sentiment move to the right and the more attacks there are on Muslims as a result, the more they can justify to themselves their reason for existing and the more they can ratchet up their activity, their follower base, and their influence.

(I expect this has already been said, still reading the thread.)

On one level, I agree with you but on another I find these arguments increasingly difficult to believe.

It's rational actor territory, which social psychology and behavioural economics has shown to be deeply unreliable.

Ostensibly these chaps believe in Allah, a monotheistic being that created everything in the most perfect manner.

The idea that they are also tightly and cynically strategic doesn't sit well with that, which is a good thing.

Honest question - was Machiavelli a devout Catholic?
Tell you what, if the attackers are intent on a spectacular and a spectacular death, esp if they have others waiting in the wings, then 5pm tonight at the Place de la République would be a pretty inviting target.
Tell you what, if the attackers are intent on a spectacular and a spectacular death, esp if they have others waiting in the wings, then 5pm tonight at the Place de la République would be a pretty inviting target.
Tell you what, if the attackers are intent on a spectacular and a spectacular death, esp if they have others waiting in the wings, then 5pm tonight at the Place de la République would be a pretty inviting target.

Yeah, if they are still on loose/have others about, gathering en masse in a big open space seems unwise
On one level, I agree with you but on another I find these arguments increasingly difficult to believe.

It's rational actor territory, which social psychology and behavioural economics has shown to be deeply unreliable.

Ostensibly these chaps believe in Allah, a monotheistic being that created everything in the most perfect manner.

The idea that they are also tightly and cynically strategic doesn't sit well with that, which is a good thing.

Honest question - was Machiavelli a devout Catholic?
The logic of polarisation is writ through all these actions, do you really think that all the current ongoing conflicts involving radical islam are due to individual psychological pathologies that render them unable to act or plan collectively in order to achieve identified specific aims? If so, then you're pretty much on your own in that belief or understanding.
I can't believe how many British journalists and politicians are now waving the Freedom Of Speech flag in the same month when most of them have been silent or at least have closed off all public comments on the Andrew Windsor affair.
The story of whether Andy is a nonce or merely a friend of known nonces will be bumped clean off any page now...
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