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Food Banks not necessary says Cameron

"Even Labour MPs"?
Whether they're red, blue or yellow, they're all neoliberals. Same shit, different arseholes.


Tories & Labour, two cheeks of the same arse :D
i know its a common refrain but the whole 'all the money has gone' is a goddamned lie. i registered nary a blip in my personal finances pre and post 2008. This time of bounty we are supposed to be paying for now- I didn't see no bounty. And these cockends think cutting your way out of a reccesion is going to work. Even piss weak social democrats never thought so.

All I see is empty shops in my town centre and a huge surge in people needing charity. So where's all the fucking money going? up Ozz osbornes nose and on whatever latest MOD contract, on their fucking champagne.

I'm used to lean Christmases because I am. This one's going to be done on a fucking shoestring while those absolute bastardsw quaff wines more expensive than the meal I have to feed four. Politics of envy? You're damn right I envy the cunts.

Thought I'd got jaded enough that this shit is just weather to me. But even if it is, rain still falls. Tighten your belts lads. These 28k a year public schoolboys have run out of nose powder and bribe money
"Even Labour MPs"?
Whether they're red, blue or yellow, they're all neoliberals. Same shit, different arseholes.

At least Labour MP's campaign for social democracy and strong public services. Labour are the lesser of two evils and I would vote for them to be in government.

I think neoliberalism is the best system we have currently, although it's not without its flaws. The challenge is to make it work better so its of benefit to everyone - rich or poor.
At least Labour MP's campaign for social democracy and strong public services. Labour are the lesser of two evils and I would vote for them to be in government.

Then you're voting for "more of the same", the only difference being that Labour will use a bit of lube when they buttfuck you, whereas the Tories will do it dry.
Labour MPs don't campaign for social democracy and strong public services. They've happily put public services in private hands, just like the Tories. Their version of social democracy saw the removal of habeas corpus from some UK citizens, the erosion of the right to silence and the beginnings of a shift toward no-jury trials.

I think neoliberalism is the best system we have currently, although it's not without its flaws. The challenge is to make it work better so its of benefit to everyone - rich or poor.

In which case you either don't understand neoliberalism, or you're disingenuous. Neoliberalism is essentially predicated on strip-mining assets. It's not a system you can "make work better", because it has no regard for "better" except insofar as it concerns profit.
At least Labour MP's campaign for social democracy and strong public services. Labour are the lesser of two evils and I would vote for them to be in government.

I think neoliberalism is the best system we have currently, although it's not without its flaws. The challenge is to make it work better so its of benefit to everyone - rich or poor.
What is neoliberalism - and what are the other real options 'currently' on the table that it is better than?
So you're a Thatcherite?

No, that's like calling anyone who votes for Labour today a Thatcherite.

Neoliberalism is a system which has spiralled out of control due to poor regulation of the banks, loss of industry, loss of social housing, loss of the state and huge inequality. After years of growth, the inevitable boom and bust had to happen and that was in 2008. The poorest in society have paid for it since with austerity.

However, I am not anti-capitalist and think it's the system that works best today. There's no going back to Socialism and there needs to be more of a social element to capitalism, which focuses less on the need for big business and rich individuals.
No, that's like calling anyone who votes for Labour today a Thatcherite.

Neoliberalism is a system which has spiralled out of control due to poor regulation of the banks, loss of industry, loss of social housing, loss of the state and huge inequality. After years of growth, the inevitable boom and bust had to happen and that was in 2008. The poorest in society have paid for it since with austerity.

However, I am not anti-capitalist and think it's the system that works best today. There's no going back to Socialism and there needs to be more of a social element to capitalism, which focuses less on the need for big business and rich individuals.
Neoliberalism is a system that has spiraled out of control due to all the things that it planned to do and that it necessarily entails. Nonetheless the way to remedy this in the future is though neoliberalism and all that it entails.

What is neoliberalism?
Neoliberalism is a system which has spiralled out of control due to poor regulation of the banks, loss of industry, loss of social housing, loss of the state and huge inequality.
The five factors that you've listed as causing neoliberalism to spiral out of control are pretty much defining qualities of neoliberalism.

The rest of your post isn't really coherent enough to comment on.
The five factors that you've listed as causing neoliberalism to spiral out of control are pretty much defining qualities of neoliberalism.

The rest of your post isn't really coherent enough to comment on.
That's why I'd like to see a more responsible form of capitalism which keeps big business and banks in order, reverses the trend of growing inequality and doesn't look to shrink the state all off to the private sector. It is possible and it's the kind of policies Labour campaign for. The 11 years of Blair showed it was possible.

As for my post not being coherent, maybe because you don't agree with it?
That's why I'd like to see a greater a more responsible form of capitalism which keeps big business and banks in order, reverses the trend of growing inequality and doesn't look to shrink the state all off the the private sector. It is possible and it's the kind of policies Labour campaign for. The 11 years of Blair showed it was possible.

As for my post not being coherent, maybe because you don't agree with it?
It's because you don't know what neoliberalism is.
No, that's like calling anyone who votes for Labour today a Thatcherite.

Given the current basis of Labour's political thinking, then "Thatcherite" is close to the mark. The Labour Party's core ideology is closer to "one nation" Toryism circa the 1970s/'80s, than it is to anything vaguely resembling socialism. It accepts neoliberalism as the start-point of any policy on the economy.

Neoliberalism is a system which has spiralled out of control due to poor regulation of the banks, loss of industry, loss of social housing, loss of the state and huge inequality. After years of growth, the inevitable boom and bust had to happen and that was in 2008. The poorest in society have paid for it since with austerity.

You're confusing cause (neoliberalism) with effect (industrial decline; flogging of the national silver; "austerity").

However, I am not anti-capitalist and think it's the system that works best today. There's no going back to Socialism and there needs to be more of a social element to capitalism, which focuses less on the need for big business and rich individuals.
Tony Blair thought the same. Shame Giddens was proven to be a guru with feet of clay, whose "third way" was shot full of assumption and wishful thinking.
That's why I'd like to see a more responsible form of capitalism which keeps big business and banks in order, reverses the trend of growing inequality and doesn't look to shrink the state all off to the private sector. It is possible and it's the kind of policies Labour campaign for. The 11 years of Blair showed it was possible.

That's not a red flag you're waving, it's a red rag. :D
The five factors that you've listed as causing neoliberalism to spiral out of control are pretty much defining qualities of neoliberalism.

The rest of your post isn't really coherent enough to comment on.

Harsh! It's worth commenting on the nonsense about Labour, if only to point up just how inaccurate it is! ;)
Yes, I do. It's effectively all about shrinking the state, slashing government spending and enhancing the role of the private sector.
Thus deliberately resulting in "poor regulation of the banks, loss of industry, loss of social housing, loss of the state and huge inequality". Explain how this was both the aim of and what caused neoliberalism to spiral out of control.

(tempted to say moon23 here - def echoes)
Given the current basis of Labour's political thinking, then "Thatcherite" is close to the mark. The Labour Party's core ideology is closer to "one nation" Toryism circa the 1970s/'80s, than it is to anything vaguely resembling socialism. It accepts neoliberalism as the start-point of any policy on the economy.
I agree with you that Labour has moved away from its socialist roots and has moved from the left-wing party it was a few decades back to occupy a space in the centre ground.

Why? That's where the voters are in the battleground, swing seats which decide an election. Modern politics isn't partisan in the same way it used to be. However, are there still big difference between Labour and the Tories? Yes, without a doubt. While Labour are still heavily funded by the unions, the Tories are funded by rich private donors. While Labour want to increase the top rate of tax, the Tories want to decrease it.

While Labour want to keep the NHS in public hands, the Tories are privatising it. While Labour want to introduce a living wage, the Tories preside over a low-wage economy. Do I need to carry on?
Yes, I do. It's effectively all about shrinking the state, slashing government spending and enhancing the role of the private sector.

No it isn't. Go and read some turgid prose by some dead Austrian economists, and find out what neoliberalism really is, for your own good.
I see myself as left-wing but I'm left feeling like a Tory on here.Is the system in China really the kind of society we'd like to live in compared to our own system?
What - brutal state-led top-down neoliberalism with social characteristics. Sounds like just what you want.

At least there's an element of democracy where we all get a chance to vote for a range of different parties.

In China, it's just a one-party communist state which does nothing to promote enterprise and rules the lives' of its people.
it's just a one-party communist state which does nothing to promote enterprise and rules the lives' of its people.
There are 'elements' of democracy in China and it's not a communist state. And it's been pushing private enterprise for 30 years now.
I think neoliberalism is the best system we have currently, although it's not without its flaws.
What? :hmm:

Neoliberalism is a system which has spiralled out of control due to poor regulation of the banks, loss of industry, loss of social housing, loss of the state and huge inequality.
Neloiberalism thrives off this chaos.

There's no going back to Socialism and there needs to be more of a social element to capitalism, which focuses less on the need for big business and rich individuals.
There never was 'socialism' despite what has been spouted over the decades about it.... 'Social' capitalism? Good luck with that...

That's why I'd like to see a more responsible form of capitalism which keeps big business and banks in order, reverses the trend of growing inequality and doesn't look to shrink the state all off to the private sector.
Not going to happen.

It is possible and it's the kind of policies Labour campaign for. The 11 years of Blair showed it was possible.
[wipes drink off monitor]

Yes, I do. It's effectively all about shrinking the state, slashing government spending and enhancing the role of the private sector.
So why go on about how it's the best system we have? Unless you think the above is a good thing? :hmm:
At least there's an element of democracy where we all get a chance to vote for a range of different parties.

In China, it's just a one-party communist state which does nothing to promote enterprise and rules the lives' of its people.
The Chinese state does nothing to promote 'enterprise'? (And is enterprise a word like 'enhancement' - a given unchallangeble good?) Are you sure of this?
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