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Food Banks not necessary says Cameron

It takes god's love to open a foodbank

I don't think there's any way to make that not sound sanctimonious and smug.

When working for a third-sector but statutory funded youth organisation a person from a local evangelical church came over to ask us some questions as to how we got funding for various youth groups and what not. They themselves ran 'youthclubs' although i think they forgot to prefix the words 'prosletysing to' (youth clubs). So me and co-worker just to do our nosey took this as an opportunity to go over and see what their facilities where like. They were fucking amazing - way better than anything that was on offer in the standard statutory funded provision - indeed it had long been reconginised that our area did not have a youth centre like other areas that featured at the same level in the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation league table. So whilst we were checking out these amazing facilities another one of them asked us - "so how do you get funded?" and i responded by saying "how do you get funded?". To which the person responded, i kid you not, with God funded us. Which actually turned out to be a lot of bolloxs because they in fact get funded by 'tithes' which is a tenth of ones wealth- and there were a lot of wealthy members in their churches in the states.

The bastards ended up getting statutory funding, indeed in one of their funding apps they put us on as one of their support organisations (without our permission it has to be added - which we got removed), so now the state can be involved in religious prosletyisation moves to vulnerable young people. you couldnt make it up...
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Hard to believe this isn't photo shopped, the C0-OP fails again with its 'food for proles' marketing,
Aren't those signs just clip on things? Move them to the posh bit, or perhaps better go and stick it on the pet food shelves just to make the cunts feel ashamed.

Someone somewhere thought 'I know how we can improve sales!' and this was their idea. That actually happened.
Makes sense to me. That is the sort of stuff food banks need isn't it?

Yeah because food bank users only need that subsistence sort of stuff don't they? If they were given a packet of chocolate digestives or a jar of instant coffee they wouldn't know how to cook them anyway.
Food banks wouldn't have to be necessary if it wasn't for this government's failed welfare reform programme and the low-wage economy they've presided over where the cost of living is higher than one's wage.

Fair do's, just correct that to "this governments and the previous ones failed welfare reform programme"
People on here have a habit of "correcting it for you"
But as your new:)
Their welfare reform program hasn't failed either, it's being very successful in their terms :(

But yes, rage should be directed at neo liberals, not those supporting food banks.

I wonder if these labels did only go up on value stuff or if they were all over on things food banks will take. Grim if it's the former.
Yeah because food bank users only need that subsistence sort of stuff don't they? If they were given a packet of chocolate digestives or a jar of instant coffee they wouldn't know how to cook them anyway.

It's nothing to do with the users, more about what the food bank can store. Instant coffee is on the list of stuff they want round here but biscuits aren't because they get crushed or go off.
Their welfare reform program hasn't failed either, it's being very successful in their terms :(

But yes, rage should be directed at neo liberals, not those supporting food banks.

I wonder if these labels did only go up on value stuff or if they were all over on things food banks will take. Grim if it's the former.

Most value stuff is good (avoid lidl bake beans though :D) If I only have a small amount to spend on something for the food bank, I tend to look for some good value offers - sometimes that is the value stuff - I'd rather several people get a tin of sweetcorn than one person get a mini big green giant tin because it might taste better.
just to put this in context, the house of Lords recently voted to ensure the quality of the HoL's champagne

and these bastards are not talking martini asti prices
Its fucking depressing innit.

My big concern is that FB become comonplace and accepted- and its not a massive stretch of the imagination to assume that down the line , the existance of established and well run FB network could lead to a further reduction of cash benefits to accomodate the provision of free foostuffs as part of the total welfare package recieved.

As a stopgap, I have respect for the people who are running the FBs, even xtian ones- but only in so far as it is a true stopgap - I can see Fbs being run as commercial operations for profit in the not so distant future, hand in hand with the reduction of benefits I touched on above. at least it will stop the reciepeients spending their cash on scratchcards and lager though (/bitter knee jerk sarcasm here)
Its fucking depressing innit.

My big concern is that FB become comonplace and accepted- and its not a massive stretch of the imagination to assume that down the line , the existance of established and well run FB network could lead to a further reduction of cash benefits to accomodate the provision of free foostuffs as part of the total welfare package recieved.

Which is why the food banks have been vigourously resisting govt overtures about "assistance", and continue to keep the state at arms' length, hence retaining the "three days" rule and minimising how dependent people can become on them.
It's nothing to do with the users, more about what the food bank can store. Instant coffee is on the list of stuff they want round here but biscuits aren't because they get crushed or go off.

I can appreciate that, I was seething when I made that post. Not much happier now mind.
just to put this in context, the house of Lords recently voted to ensure the quality of the HoL's champagne

and these bastards are not talking martini asti prices

The French dispatched their ruling classes relatively humanely with the guillotine. I reckon we should build some kind of giant rotisserie instead.
Fair do's, just correct that to "this governments and the previous ones failed welfare reform programme"
People on here have a habit of "correcting it for you"
But as your new:)

I'm not saying the last Labour government were perfect (far from it) but food banks were virtually non-existent under Blair/Brown, while there numbers have risen massively since the current Tory-led coalition.

Labour would also scrap the Bedroom Tax which I think would make a huge difference.
I already think food banks are seen as a viable and accepted form of welfare tbh.
Sadly, you're right.

Foodbanks seem to be the new welfare state. It's the Tories idea of the 'Big Society' for real, which is essentially to shrink the state to the point of no return and offload responsibility for services to community organisations and volunteers.
Sadly, you're right.

Foodbanks seem to be the new welfare state. It's the Tories idea of the 'Big Society' for real, which is essentially to shrink the state to the point of no return and offload responsibility for services to community organisations and volunteers.

Not just the Tories either, plenty of Labour MPs are quite keen on the idea as well. I sat astonished while listening to Hillary Benn explain how it was necessary for volunteers take over the role of the state because "there is not much money around"

On Monday last week, a report triggered hysteria about what poor people knew already – that food poverty in the UK is increasing. In other words more and more people can't afford to eat. With the welfare state emaciated by austerity, charities and food banks are being made to pick up the pieces – at least two new food banks are opening up every week in the UK. With over one million families relying on food hand-outs last year, there's little choice in the matter. But is the impulse to help people in fact just letting the government get away with allowing people to spiral into Victorian levels of poverty while fewer succumb to Victorian levels of malnutrition than would otherwise?

NG7 Food Bank in Nottingham thinks so, and has announced that it's going to shut down. NG7 say it is sick of the freeloading local council, which has been referring people to them rather than dolling out emergency money. The people behind it feel that they're mitigating the things they were set up to oppose – including punitive welfare reforms and harsh immigration policy – and reckon that the solution to food poverty isn't more food banks. They think there needs to be radical, structural change. From January they will be focusing solely on campaigning work and direct action, rather than giving people food to tide them over.
Not just the Tories either, plenty of Labour MPs are quite keen on the idea as well. I sat astonished while listening to Hillary Benn explain how it was necessary for volunteers take over the role of the state because "there is not much money around"

You know things are wrong when even Labour MPs support these ideas.
With the welfare state emaciated by austerity, charities and food banks are being made to pick up the pieces

Its under the cover of austerity, this is what the Tories wanted all along, austerity and the lack of reporting of its consequences by the BBC, etc has allowed to do so.
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