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Food Banks not necessary says Cameron

How far right are you? You sound like a crazy ideologue shouting that they are the centre ground that all things musty revolve around. A confused one mind.

I think if you look back at previous posts on this thread about what I think of the rise of foodbanks, you'll find my position is fairly left-wing. You can be left-wing and still agree with capitalism believe-it-or-not. It doesn't make you a Tory!
I think if you look back at previous posts on this thread about what I think of the rise of foodbanks, you'll find my position is fairly left-wing. You can be left-wing and still agree with capitalism believe-it-or-not. It doesn't make you a Tory!
I think arguing for neoliberalism is right wing no matter what rhetorical condemnations you make of its planned outcomes. And confused.
I think arguing for neoliberalism is right wing no matter what rhetorical condemnations you make of its planned outcomes. And confused.

I did say when I first posted on here that I was probably slight more right-wing on economic issues and considerably more left-wing when it comes to social issues. Most people are somewhere in the middle in this day and age.

It's not as black and white as you are either a capitalist or socialist/communist. Both systems have their pros and cons but I think somewhere in the middle is about right.
I did say when I first posted on here that I was probably slight more right-wing on economic issues and quiet left-wing when it comes to social issues. Most people are somewhere in the middle in this day and age.

It's not as black and white as you are either a capitalist or socialist/communist.
It is. And it doesn't matter what you said when you first posted really. You can still be placed on a scale and supporting neoliberalism (in a confused way) is right wing. No two ways about it.
It is. And it doesn't matter what you said when you first posted really. You can still be placed on a scale and supporting neoliberalism (in a confused way) is right wing. No two ways about it.

The Guardian as a newspaper supports neo liberalism, yet it is classes as a left-wing newspaper, so I disagree.
Classed (sic) by who?

By the vast majority of Guardian readers, as well as politicians and if you look at its description on Wikipedia, it's described as being a centre-left newspaper.

It supports capitalism but is a critic of it at the same time. Kind of like me I guess.
Like you, they may think that you can support neoliberalism and be left-wing. They're wrong. You can't.

For me, the term 'centre-left' (all be it more moderate), implies views which are leaning to the left, hence left-wing.

I just think that anyone who isn't as left-wing as you has to be right-wing?
People have to be forced into destitution so that people like Aduk can continue to believe that they are not believing things that are 'extreme'. It has to be this way so that everything can be nice and 'moderate'.
For me, the term 'centre-left' (all be it more moderate), implies views which are leaning to the left, hence left-wing.

I just think that anyone who isn't as left-wing as you has to be right-wing?
No, i think people who support neoliberalism (despite plainly not know what it is or what it entails) are right wing by definition. And i'm right to think that.

And just saying 'centre-left' and 'leaning to the left'without offering some political content is worthless. Put some meat on these rather paltry bones.
For me, the term 'centre-left' (all be it more moderate), implies views which are leaning to the left, hence left-wing.

I just think that anyone who isn't as left-wing as you has to be right-wing?
Seriously - you just accused people who don't like neoliberalism of wanting to live in (neoliberal) china - and now you're saying others are unfairly labeling people? This is all over the shop.
Seriously - you just accused people who don't like neoliberalism of wanting to live in (neoliberal) china - and now you're saying others are unfairly labeling people? This is all over the shop.

"The centre-left, center-left or moderate left is an adherence to views leaning to the left but closer to the centre on the left-right political spectrum than other left-wing variants. Centre leftists, such as social democrats or social liberals, believe in working within the established systems to improve social justice. The centre-left promotes a degree of social equality that it believes is achievable through promoting equal opportunity."

Definition of the centre-left.

I accused no one of wanting to live in China. I simply posted an alternative to the society we live in now.
"The centre-left, center-left or moderate left is an adherence to views leaning to the left but closer to the centre on the left-right political spectrum than other left-wing variants. Centre leftists, such as social democrats or social liberals, believe in working within the established systems to improve social justice. The centre-left promotes a degree of social equality that it believes is achievable through promoting equal opportunity."

Definition of the centre-left.

I accused no one of wanting to live in China. I simply posted an alternative to the society we live in now.
Nah, don't think i'll be bothering replying anymore
I agree with you that Labour has moved away from its socialist roots and has moved from the left-wing party it was a few decades back to occupy a space in the centre ground.

Except that the centre has shifted rightwards, as any 1st-year student of politics could tell you.

Why? That's where the voters are in the battleground, swing seats which decide an election. Modern politics isn't partisan in the same way it used to be. However, are there still big difference between Labour and the Tories? Yes, without a doubt.

Only if you're ideologically-committed to one or the other, otherwise there are no differences worth a damn. They both mouth the same rhetoric about immigration; about austerity and about the deserving and undeserving poor.

While Labour are still heavily funded by the unions, the Tories are funded by rich private donors. While Labour want to increase the top rate of tax, the Tories want to decrease it.

Do the maths on Labour's proposed increase. It simply reinstates the status quo of 5 years ago, reversing the Tories' own reversal of the 50% rate.

While Labour want to keep the NHS in public hands, the Tories are privatising it. While Labour want to introduce a living wage, the Tories preside over a low-wage economy. Do I need to carry on?

More vocalisation through your fundament.
Labour don't "want to introduce a living wage", they've said they'll raise the NMHR to closer to a living wage rate. As for the NHS, most of the contracting out of services to private medical providers started under Labour. What on earth makes you think that any promoises that "the NHS is safe" will be any more worthwhile than the promises the Tories have made and broken, especially as Labour is hot-to-trot for TTIP.
Nah, don't think i'll be bothering replying anymore
I've posted a definition of the term 'centre-left' which fits into the whole concept of supporting capitalism but wanting a social alternative with it, but it would seem you're not willing to accept other views to your own.

You're comedy gold.
I'm out of this thread.

How far left are people on here?

You mean you're doing a runner because people don't agree with your downright inaccurate summations of politics. Tell it like it is, rather than as you see it, there's a good person.
I've posted a definition of the term 'centre-left' which fits into the whole concept of supporting capitalism but wanting a social alternative with it, but it would seem you're not willing to accept other views to your own.

You're comedy gold.
I think if you look back at previous posts on this thread about what I think of the rise of foodbanks, you'll find my position is fairly left-wing. You can be left-wing and still agree with capitalism believe-it-or-not. It doesn't make you a Tory!

No, your position is liberal. "Liberal" is not necessarily "left-wing".
I've posted a definition of the term 'centre-left' which fits into the whole concept of supporting capitalism but wanting a social alternative with it, but it would seem you're not willing to accept other views to your own.

You're comedy gold.
Doesn't mention neo liberalism though does it, although it does mention social democratism.
Why do you think that might be?
Doesn't mention neo liberalism though does it, although it does mention social democratism.
Why do you think that might be?

People on the centre-left support capitalism but want an element of social democracy to it. Labour describe themselves as centre-left and a social democratic party in the same way that SNP and Plaid Cymru do. Are they for capitalism and neoliberalism, yes.
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