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Serving Metropolitan Police officer PC Jake Cummings from Hemel Hempstead, who is attached to the Metropolitan Police's Central West Command, appeared in custody at Hatfield Magistrates' Court on 23 February 2024 charged with rape, two counts of stalking, two counts of controlling and coercive behaviour and possession of an offensive weapon, after being charged by Hertfordshire Constabulary. The alleged offences in Hertfordshire relate to a single victim and took place when PC Jake Cummings was off duty.


PC Jake Cummings was remanded in custody to appear at St Alban's Crown Court on 26 March 2024. He has been suspended from duty. The Metropolitan Police’s Directorate of Professional Standards has been informed.
In May 2021, Metropolitan Police sergeant Detective Sergeant Neil Buckmaster of their South Area Command Unit, was dismissed from the Metropolitan Police without notice for using “racially offensive names” on a computer game, following a four-day disciplinary hearing held in private which found that his actions amounted to gross misconduct.

At the time, Commander Paul Betts, Metropolitan Police Head of Professionalism, said DS Buckmaster’s actions were “utterly unacceptable”:

"Former DS Buckmaster's conduct fell well below what is expected of our officers and staff, and by its nature can undermine trust and confidence in policing.

“I hope our communities will appreciate that the matter was reported and thoroughly investigated, and that following a rigorous examination of all the available evidence, he has rightfully been dismissed. Former DS Buckmaster will also be placed on the ‘Police Barred List’ preventing future employment elsewhere in policing."


This morning, it was reported that Detective Sergeant Neil Buckmaster has been reinstated and sent on a leadership course:

Metropolitan Police detective sacked for racism has been reinstated and sent on leadership course
In May 2021, Metropolitan Police sergeant Detective Sergeant Neil Buckmaster of their South Area Command Unit, was dismissed from the Metropolitan Police without notice for using “racially offensive names” on a computer game, following a four-day disciplinary hearing held in private which found that his actions amounted to gross misconduct.

At the time, Commander Paul Betts, Metropolitan Police Head of Professionalism, said DS Buckmaster’s actions were “utterly unacceptable”:

"Former DS Buckmaster's conduct fell well below what is expected of our officers and staff, and by its nature can undermine trust and confidence in policing.

“I hope our communities will appreciate that the matter was reported and thoroughly investigated, and that following a rigorous examination of all the available evidence, he has rightfully been dismissed. Former DS Buckmaster will also be placed on the ‘Police Barred List’ preventing future employment elsewhere in policing."


This morning, it was reported that Detective Sergeant Neil Buckmaster has been reinstated and sent on a leadership course:

Metropolitan Police detective sacked for racism has been reinstated and sent on leadership course
it's worse than that, he was reinstated in 2022
I've kept an eye on this case for a large part of my adult life. Police got tunnel vision on a group of Turkish men rather than focus on a credible suspect, known to have raped a number of women. They spent a huge amount of money on surveillance, and later transcripts showed wrong translations or statements taken out of context.

Finally the man who should have been convicted many years ago has now been convicted:

Strathclyde Police as was (now Police Scotland) say they have 'reflected and learned' from the case.

I remain unconvinced.
Police conduct under criticism during interviews of extremely vulnerable man who suffered a brain injury as a baby:

A clinical psychologist assessing him was so concerned he raised the matter with the police but never heard back. He noted the man had a tendency to default to acquiescing when under stress.

Case currently being heard before the Court of Appeal
The Scottish Government may launch a judge-led inquiry into police failings around Iain Packer - so far 19 rapes and sexual assaults committed after Emma's murder have been linked to him:

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Police conduct under criticism during interviews of extremely vulnerable man who suffered a brain injury as a baby:

A clinical psychologist assessing him was so concerned he raised the matter with the police but never heard back. He noted the man had a tendency to default to acquiescing when under stress.

Case currently being heard before the Court of Appeal
he actually raised it with the victim's solicitors who didn't follow it up, duty solicitors at a guess
Johnny Vodka posted this on the Palestine solidarity demos thread; gonna cross-post it here as part of this ongoing catalogue of abuse by the British police.

Various threads this could be dropped into. (Apologies if it's already been posted elsewhere.)

The way they look back down at her and then leave her and carry on, my God. 😡
Also, Labour want to give the police mandatory training on violence against women in the wake of the Angiolini report:

Forgive my cynicism, but aren't they supposed to know how to look out for and better manage this already? Or will this just give those officers that abuse more tools to stay hidden for longer?
Met lose items taken from a suicide victim during the subsequent investigation, finally own up to the loss after her family ask for the items to be returned, but luckily find them again...

Met detective in charge of Sarah Everard investigation doesn't see how the for e can win back trust from the public:

it's good to see a cop has worked out how difficult it will be. i saw a couple of months a claim that half of women don't trust the met. i was surprised at the time, that it seemed so low.
Met detective in charge of Sarah Everard investigation doesn't see how the force can win back trust from the public:

Wow, just shows how little they claim to know about their own:
“Goodwin said: “I knew that I had to tell my boss and I can just remember the shock of having to just sit on the floor of the office and say to her, ‘You’re not going to believe this, that he’s a police officer’. And then the same question went through her head as went through my head… ‘Are you sure?’.”
Whereas the general public would not be so shocked at all.
34-year-old PC Dean Dempster of Langford Road, Manchester, a serving Greater Manchester Police officer who joined that police force in 2021 after serving as a special constable and ambulance service paramedic, has been remanded in custody after appearing at Manchester Magistrates’ Court accused of sexually assaulting a six-year-old girl while on duty. PC Dean Dempster is also charged with misconduct in a public office.


PC Dean Dempster will next appear at Liverpool Crown Court on 16 January 2024. He has been suspended from duty and misconduct proceedings will resume upon the conclusion of the ongoing criminal proceedings.

Serving Greater Manchester Police officer, PC Dean Dempster of Langford Road, Didsbury, Manchester, who is based within Greater Manchester Police's Oldham division, has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a child under the age of 13 while on duty (the child concerned was a six-year-old girl):

Greater Manchester Police officer admits sexual assault of girl, 6


(Source: Elizabeth Cook/PA)


PC Dean Dempster has been remanded in custody until 26 April 2024 when the case will be mentioned at Liverpool Crown Court.

A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said that PC Dean Dempster has been suspended from duty and that misconduct proceedings will resume upon the conclusion of criminal proceedings.

"The superintendent responsible for the city centre personally discussed the incident with the officer and made it clear that her actions were unacceptable and must not be repeated.

"She, along with other employees, received refresher training on how to deal with similar situations in the future."

'must not be repeated'

'refresher training'

:facepalm: :mad:
Revealed: Met Police routinely failed to record basic details about sex offenders - Times (archived)

Rapists are likely to have avoided justice because the Metropolitan Police has been routinely failing to record basic details about sex offenders and their victims, despite repeatedly being told by regulators that its methods are failing women and girls. (...)

Officers regularly failed to properly record details of suspects, which meant they could not easily be identified by other investigators. In thousands of cases the relationship between victim and offender was not recorded on police computer systems.

BBC documentary 'Sarah Everard: The Search for Justice' on BBC1 tonight (5th) at 9.00pm and then on the iplayer.
A few short excerpts up on that page.
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