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The Metropolitan Police's Sergeant Laurence Knight appeared at Southwark Crown Court earlier today charged with rape and sexual assault ...


(Source: as stated in image)


... Sergeant Laurence Knight was granted bail on condition that he does not contact the complainant and will next appear at Southwark Crown Court for trial on 19 June 2023.


(Source: as stated in image)

Serving Metropolitan Police officer ‘raped woman on his stag night’, court told
I can't even tony.c his actions led to one of his victims potentially facing giving evidence for a fourth time, plus yet again we hear of questions about his behaviour being raised and then swept under the rug.

There's no way these are the only two victims, and they're still assessing whether he's an ongoing danger to women when he raped one of his fellow police officers.

How many rapes have to happen before the Met takes a zero tolerance approach?
Met PC Luke Wenham found guilty of assault by pepper spraying serial robber who was clinging to drainpipe on tower block.
PC Luke Wenham has been convicted of assault for pepper-spraying a suspect who was attempting to climb down the side of a 12-floor building.

The IOPC director, Steve Noonan, said Wenham’s actions could have caused the man to fall to his death.

He said: “At the time he was sprayed, the man was not posing an immediate risk to the officers or anyone else.

“The national guidance on Pava spray lists some of the most common reactions on being exposed to it, including the individual moving their hands to their face, their legs becoming weak and temporary blindness.

“It is clear that in spraying the man twice at considerable heights, PC Wenham exposed him to the genuine risk he may have lost his grip on the pipe and fallen, which would have likely had fatal consequences.”
Former Met PC Joe Lewis failed random drugs test, six times over the limit. Claimed at disciplinary hearing that he shared a cigarette with a stranger in pub (as you do!) not knowing it contained cannabis.
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That is because there has been a crackdown this year after the Sarah Everard murder. They are trying to clean up their image, but it's still probably only the tip of the iceberg.
And because of growing distrust of the Met in particular after the Casey Report highlighting racism, homophobia and misogyny in the force.
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Sort of Catch 22 isn't it? The way they reassure the public that the police are not institutionally racist/homophobic/etc is to have a string of cases demonstrating that the police are institutionally racist/homophobic/etc.
A victim of homophobia has been treated really shoddily by Dyfed-Powys Police.

The abuse started in Summer 2020 after Joshua Beynon, a Pembrokeshire councillor, tried to get a county hall lit up in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

What followed was a "co-ordinated campaign of graphic homophobic and racist messages, some threatening sexual and physical violence." (Mr Beynon is gay.)

Initially he didn't want to report the abuse but it escalated with a threatening message pushed through his door.

Fearing for his safety, he called 101 multiple times but received no response and, when he received another threat of violence online, he panicked and called 999 but it took four days for the police to arrive.

He said there was a complete lack of communication from Dyfed-Powys Police and called the force's response "extremely poor".

Police lost Mr Beynon's evidence, uploaded via a secure portal, meaning he had to re-upload it and re-tell his experiences multiple times.

They also admitted missing the need to interview a suspect and, at one point, his case was lost in a system which meant it had not been flagged to a police officer to review.

When he was called to the police station to give a statement, he found officers recording him on body-worn camera as they told him they did not want him to overreact when they told him they were not going to pursue charges.

Mr Beynon said he went from "feeling like a victim, to feeling like you're some criminal".

Dyfed-Powys Police apologised for the "lapse in service" and said "a full and thorough investigation of the reported hate crime followed".

One of the people abusing Mr Beynon was given a Community Protection Notice, but when it was breached he reported it to the police and said no action was taken.

"I've not reported stuff that I've seen towards me as in hate crime in more recent months because I haven't seen the point," he said.

The guy is only 25.

According to LGBT+ anti-abuse charity GALOP, Mr Beynon's experience is common.

It has had to expand its services, including a helpline survivors can call and an advocacy service to help people through the process of reporting a crime, due to "ever-increasing" demand.

Its research said only one in eight victims reported an incident to the police and, of those, 46% were happy with the response they received.

Victim left waiting 3 years for police investigation
found that extra odd considering they were a councillor, not that it should get them preferential treatment
Greater Manchester PC Phillip Smith sacked after using taser six times on vulnerable suicidal man.
Absolutely disgraceful.

The victim had committed no criminal offence and there was no reason to think he would, he said.

Smith used his Taser on the man twice in his bedroom, twice in his hall and porch and twice in his front garden. The man was already handcuffed for the final four uses of the Taser.

Charles Apthorp, representing GMP, said Smith’s behaviour amounted to a “breach of professional standards and was a discredit to the police service”. He added: “The officer failed to act with self-control and tolerance towards a vulnerable member of the public and failed to use his powers and authority lawfully. Police officers need to show self-control and act in a respectful manner towards colleagues and members of the public.”

How this doesn't get him prison time on an assault charge is beyond me.
Greater Manchester PC Adnan Ali jailed for five years for sexual assaults on cadets aged 15-18.
Just coming to post that tony.c his behaviour is sickening

ETA: his defence lawyer claimed (I expect in mitigation) that he has PTSD. I am no expert on PTSD but I don't think it makes you groom and sexually assault people.
Met PC Sam McGregor appears in court charged with rape.
A Metropolitan Police officer has been convicted of outraging public decency after he exposed himself in a North London park earlier this year. Detective Constable Dariusz Alexander was found guilty after he was caught committing an 'indecent act' at Hampstead Heath on March 18.

A trial at Stratford Magistrates’ Court, which concluded yesterday (Thursday 22 June), confirmed that the officer is given a conditional discharge, for six months, meaning if he does not commit any other offences during that period there will be no punishment. He has also been ordered to pay costs of £625 and a victim surcharge of £26.
Considering this has been proven to lead to more dangerous offences, surprised how light the penalty is.
Considering this has been proven to lead to more dangerous offences, surprised how light the penalty is.
Usually offences like this are against women which often are indicators of more serious offences - Wayne Couzens being an obvious example.
Hampstead Heath is a gay cruising area and it seems that in this case the person may have been looking for a hookup rather than intending to offend or intimidate someone.
Screenshot 2023-06-24 07.49.54.png
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