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Filth by name. . .

I'm not sure this is really the right place to put this but anyway.... What the fuck? It's really sinister and quite possibly done at the behest of the French authorities. Met police in massive overreach shocker:

never mind conspiracy, it's a fucking scandal and i wouldn't be at all surprised if it turns out the cops were racist as fuck - as well as (at best) reckless about this unfortunate man's safety
I suspect there's way more to this case than has so far been released into the public domain, not least an explanation of how tasering this man made him safe.
Six serving and three former Gwent police officers are being investigated for allegedly sharing offensive messages. Those being investigated range from constable to inspecting ranks.

An investigation was launched after "offensive messages" were found on the phone of the late Ricky Jones, a retired PO, who took his own life in 2020. Now the BBC article says:

[The Sunday Times] said that racist images, pornographic videos and sensitive information about misconduct and corruption investigations were among the material exchanged between Mr Jones and former colleagues.

...but this article from November 13th last year goes into more detail:

After [Jones's] death, WhatsApp and Facebook discussions between him and other officers were found on his phone.

They openly talk about the sexual harassment of junior female colleagues, racist, homophobic and misogynistic abuse, the leaking of sensitive police material and corruption, according to the report.

GarveyLives posted about Ricky Jones in post #937, which links to this archived Times piece: Dead officer's phone exposes police misogyny, racism & corruption (content warnings, it's heavy going).

Some bloody awful stuff in there - racism, mostly against Muslim women, including a horrible comment about Grenfell, homophobia and many years of sexual harassment and domestic abuse.
Had the messages on the iphone not been reported and Jones's family felt able to speak out after his death, none of this might have come to light.

Today's article: Gwent Police: Nine officers investigated over offensive messages
A Metropolitan Police officer who policed West End bars and nightclubs allegedly took bribes including escort services and a £7,000 family trip to Morocco, a court has heard.

Between 2013 and 2015, then-Sergeant Frank Partridge "nurtured" relationships "for his own benefit", Southwark Crown Court has been told.


(Source: as stated in image)

Frank Partridge, of Wing, Buckinghamshire, is charged with eight counts of conspiracy to commit bribery and five counts of bribery between 1 February 2013 and 25 June 2015

Metropolitan Police sergeant accepted bribes including £7,000 holiday and services of escort, court hears

The trial of former Sergeant Frank Partridge continues.
From 12 April:

A South Wales Police officer has been dismissed for punching an arrested man in the face and kneeing him in the ribs. (Or maybe I should say, for being caught out doing so.)

The Independent Office for Police Conduct found PC Rowan Knight used excessive force and gave a dishonest account of the arrest in February 2021.

At Cardiff Magistrates' Court in October 2021, PC Knight was found not guilty of assaulting Christian Summers.

However, a gross misconduct hearing found he should be dismissed.

During the court case, a judge ruled PC knight had acted in self-defence while arresting Mr Summers on Cardiff's Northern Avenue and cleared him of the charge.

But following an investigation by the IOPC, South Wales Police agreed the officer had a disciplinary case to answer for gross misconduct.

Cardiff: Police officer who punched arrested man dismissed
The Met have been at it again:

The family claims that they have been failed for nearly 25 years, since their daughter went missing. What do the Met say in response?

'The Met said: “We are not prepared to provide an ongoing commentary. We have no comment to make.”

Epic, Met. Not even an apology. FFS.
"A black man who was stopped and searched while his white friend was not has reached an out-of-court settlement with the Metropolitan Police ..."

Metropolitan Police: Black man stopped and searched but not white friend


The Metropolitan Police settled the claim before it went to court but has not admitted liability. Hopefully, the person who was in charge of the Metropolitan Police on 21 April 2020 will explain why this incident occurred.
Ha, then I should be stopped and searched by that logic (wearing too many layers) because I am always too cold at present, and multiple jumpers is the only way I can feel vaguely warm.

As for 'hos bike was too small', I have never heard anything ridiculous. To say the Met were clutching at straws here is a massive understatement.

I'm glad he sued
From the guardian today:

This is not a brand new finding, it's been long known that crimes such as indecent exposure are a gateway crime for some offenders. Also crimes such as being a peeping tom and stealing underway from clothes lines.

Earlier today, PC Imran Mahmood of Plaistow, east London, a member of the Metropolitan Police Territorial Support Group, whose previous application to keep his identity out of the public domain was refused by the court, appeared at Southwark Crown Court and denied causing grievous bodily harm to Jordan Walker-Brown, who fell from a wall after being hit with a Taser device in Burgoyne Road, Haringey on 4 May 2020, and has been left paralysed from the chest down and told by doctors he will never walk again.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Imran Mahmood, who was previously known only as IM or BX140 until a judge refused to grant him anonymity at Westminster Magistrates' Court last month, has been granted unconditional bail ahead of his trial on 20 February 2023.

Earlier today, the trial of PC Imran Mahmood, who is accused of unlawfully inflicting grievous bodily harm on Jordan Walker-Brown during a patrol on 4 May 2020, begun at Southwark Crown Court.


(Source: as stated in image)

The court heard that PC Imran Mahmood, who was attached to the Metropolitan Police's Territorial Support Group which deals with outbreaks of public disorder, was patrolling the Haringey area of north London with eight other officers when he noticed Mr Walker-Brown walking along the pavement on his own and decided to speak to him "to see if he could legitimately explain what he was doing in the area" during the Covid-19 lockdown. PC Imran Mahmood also did not believe Mr Walker-Brown was dressed appropriately for exercise with his hood up and woolly hat on in warm weather.

PC Imran Mahmood and a colleague chased Mr Walker-Brown and drew their Tasers while the van followed. PC Imran Mahmood tasered Mr Walker-Brown as the latter tried to escape causing him to fall backwards from a wheelie bin over a gareden fence, landing head-first on the footpath below and breaking his back.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Imran Mahmood does not dispute inflicting serious injury, but denies it was unlawful

The trial continues.
Bonanza round-up!

Misuse of police powers and other shit

Four times over the drink drive limit!

Being a general creepy fuck

Animal abuse

Police officer assaulting another officer
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