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Filth by name. . .

Did you know that gang stalking (where a group of people as opposed to one carry it out) isn't illegal?

Why? Well the reason for this is when the police suspect someone of a crime they often liaise with neighbour watch types to get some of the dirty work done for them.
Did you know that gang stalking (where a group of people as opposed to one carry it out) isn't illegal?

Why? Well the reason for this is when the police suspect someone of a crime they often liaise with neighbour watch types to get some of the dirty work done for them.
Long cover story profile of David Carrick in the Sunday Times magazine


The David Carrick files: did Met rapist begin his crimes at 13? (archived)
(The headline on the online version has now changed although the article hasn't).

(...) detectives are also investigating an alleged sex attack committed when Carrick was 13, significantly extending the known timeline of his offending.

However, Carrick’s closest friends believe the power of being a police officer “went straight to his head”. “He looked the same as the boy I knew from school but there was something different about him,” says his school friend. “We met up at school reunions. He had become really cocky. He was still a good-looking guy — the ladies really went for him.”

Carrick’s favourite trick was to flash his warrant card in front of friends on a night out. “There were times when he’d see people rowing in the pub or being too loud and he would flash his card, tell them he’s an off-duty officer and to calm it down or they’ll be arrested. It was a power thing to him. Almost like — ‘Look at me. See what I can do.’ ”
Victims so far thought to be the tip of the iceberg. The lead detective thinks there could be many many more. I would agree with that.
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No amount of red flags seemed to be enough to stop the Met welcoming him into the fold.

In 2000 Carrick was investigated on suspicion of burglary and theft after he had a row with an ex-girlfriend and broke into her home, stealing perfume and underwear. The matter was reported to the Met but the case was dropped when he agreed to return the items and pay for the damage to the victim’s home. Later that year the same woman reported that he was making malicious phone calls to her. Again he was not arrested and the matter went no further, but the separate incidents created two Met crime reports against his name.

During his [policing] probation he was accused of harassment and actual bodily harm following an attack on a girlfriend who wanted to end their relationship. She reported the matter to Scotland Yard but no action was taken and although the Met spoke to Carrick about his behaviour, the matter was not referred to the professional standards team. The allegations registered a third crime report on the system under his name.
Is the Police Federation still a thing? If so, they have been eerily silent for a while; not putting a spokesperson up to defend the occasional bad egg.

It’s still a body that every police officer has to be a member of by law - they can opt out of the subs. Designed to replace a Union because if a police officer joins a union or tries to get someone else to join a Union they face a custodial sentence.

They have been quiet, apart from all of the press releases and statements that they have been putting out on cultural change.

Can’t imagine why they are t getting picked up. It’s not as though the media and politicians would possibly try to be focusing public ire on the, frankly awful state of uk police organisational culture, in he hope the public won’t notice that media, politics, education, health, finance, housing, academia are just as fucking awful in terms of outcomes and culture . Would it?
I suspect a strong Police Federation is partly responsible for so many scum cop’s getting off lightly in disciplinary hearings.

Yeah. Smash (quasi) unions for providing a legal defence to their members.
No amount of red flags seemed to be enough to stop the Met welcoming him into the fold.
Yeah, according to the article by the time he had to go through vetting again to join the Diplomatic Protection Unit he had three crime reports and five complaints from members of the public, which in theory should have vetoed him joining the unit, and I don't know triggered some kind of counselling programme for anger management/ reduced use of force?

But someone seems to have just shrugged and said the vetting was ok? Seems like he was authorised to join the unit regardless of the forest of red flags, which in turn fed his power complex.

Vetting needs to be overhauled as a matter of urgency.
Used to DBS check and child barred list check new recruits when I worked for a FM company with a lot of school cleaning contracts. Think when there was a criminal record depending on what it was the area manager had to make a call re hire or not

Same with our cleaners, even though they don't get into work until the kids have gone home.
Meanwhile there's a lot of places where people should be getting DBS/enhanced DBS checks and they're not - for example, if there's a workshop or activity aimed at children, like at a festival or an outside organisation has come into a school, often only one person in the room has been checked and everyone else is technically there under their supervision only. Absolutely fucking dodgy loophole and while I've never personally seen it exploited for abuse, I've definitely seen people working with kids who wouldn't have been allowed if someone resposible had seen their enhanced DBS.
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