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Filth by name. . .

I'm sure there will be a perfectly innocent explanation
Clearly some 'lessons have been learned' since the last time this happened as they didn't need to taser this guy.

Chelsea Bridge death: The family of Oladeji Omishore raise concerns about misinformation | Inquest

Are they slowly working towards 'drowned while trying to escape' becoming standard operating procedure ?
A Sheffield police officer has been charged with two counts of rape.

PC Rowan Horrocks, 26, who was based on a response team, is due to appear at Leeds Magistrates’ Court tomorrow (Tuesday 30 August).

The charges relate to a report that a woman was raped in South Yorkshire on 28 November 2021. The officer was not on duty at the time of the alleged offences.

Horrocks is currently suspended from duties and internal misconduct proceedings are underway alongside the criminal justice process.

South Yorkshire Police press release
More 'bandwidth' issues and 'conspiracies':

More than 170 serving Metropolitan Police officers under investigation for alleged domestic abuse


"Figures from City Hall show that a rising number of police are subject to inquiries."
Clearly some 'lessons have been learned' since the last time this happened as they didn't need to taser this guy.

Chelsea Bridge death: The family of Oladeji Omishore raise concerns about misinformation | Inquest

Are they slowly working towards 'drowned while trying to escape' becoming standard operating procedure ?

The family of Oladeji Omishore have said that systematic change is needed to improve the treatment of Black men with mental health issues. Mr Omishore, known as Deji, died after being tasered multiple times by police officers and falling into the River Thames. The family has said the police issued misinformation to "portray him as a menacing person." The officers involved are still on active duty.

The family did not know about Mr Omishore's contact with the police or their use of a taser until they saw footage on social media, while he lay dying in hospital.

He was clearly in mental health crisis. Yet instead of deescalating and offering compassion, the police officers shouted and used force against him. This seemed to only increase his fear and anguish.

Deji was so beloved. He was creative, funny, and caring. He loved music, singing, art, nature, and his local neighbourhood. He faced struggles with mental health but was working hard to improve his wellbeing. We have learned that our family now faces a long struggle for truth, justice, and accountability. We are committed to fighting for that, not only in Deji’s name but alongside all the other bereaved families like ours.”

Family of Oladeji Omishore dispute status of investigation of Chelsea Bridge death
Oh look. Another man shot dead in a police pursuit.

This is also being covered in the Streatham Hill and Broxton Helicopter threads.

Possibly unarmed man shot after his car was stopped. Chris Kaba (aka Madix or Mad Itch) recently released from prison. Soon to be a father. Associated with the 67.

That copper who booted the guy in the back, what a shame that no one took one of those nice outdoor cafe chairs to the cunt. One day, hopefully that will become the correct good citizen's response.
Yeah, I'm hoping as shit like this gets shown and passed round on social media more, the more people'll think about what they'd do in that situation. I think a lot of people still have a "not my business" mentality + some level of trust in the police + "normalcy bias," but when they see shit like this outside of that bubble, they'll be more inclined to intervene the next time.

(I realise not everyone's in a position to act or say anything but lots of people can and should.)
Yeah, I'm hoping as shit like this gets shown and passed round on social media more, the more people'll think about what they'd do in that situation. I think a lot of people still have a "not my business" mentality + some level of trust in the police + "normalcy bias," but when they see shit like this outside of that bubble, they'll be more inclined to intervene the next time.

(I realise not everyone's in a position to act or say anything but lots of people can and should.)
People who stand and film without intervening come in for a lot of stick but they can be performing a vital function too. I've never done it or had to do it, but these tips look useful, though more relevant to the US.
Marc Cole, 30, had a cardiac arrest and died after police tasered him. Mr Cole had a severe brain condition and had suffered a recent bereavement; he was experiencing an acute mental health crisis and an episode of self-harm at a friend's home.

Lisa Cole, his sister, has said:
Marc needed urgent medical assistance and a compassionate response. Instead Marc was repeatedly Tasered by Police when he was terrified and confused. Marc never made it home to his children. Marc had a cardiac arrest and died on the pavement.

People experiencing Mental health issues are at a greater risk of Cardiac arrest after being shot with a Taser. Tasers cause extreme and agonising pain, loss of cognitive function and fatal cardiac arrythmias.

Adrian McDonald, 34, also a father to two little boys, was experiencing an episode of mental distress when he was repeatedly Tasered by Police. No ambulance was called and Adrian died at the scene in the back of a Police van .

This lethal weapon has also been implicated in the deaths of Darren Cumberbatch 32, Dalian Atkinson 48, Jordon Begley 23, Andrew Pimlott 32, with horrifying footage recently released of a man named Oladeji Omishore, tased by Police who fell into the River Thames and later died.

Ms Cole believes that "are not unique, but rather a pattern of abusive and excessive force used against people in Mental Health Crisis."

She has set up a petition to ban tasering people who are experiencing mental health crisis:

Sign the Petition
People who stand and film without intervening come in for a lot of stick but they can be performing a vital function too. I've never done it or had to do it, but these tips look useful, though more relevant to the US.

Brixton does tend to stand around and bear witness, hold up phones, when we see cops coming in. It’s pretty normal behaviour. Obviously it’s not possible in all circumstances thoough.

I’ve also seen people calling out the cops, berating them out loud when they’re cuffing youngsters etc.

But tbh it’s only really safe to do this if there are yet more around who can bear witness if the watchers are then set upon.
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People who stand and film without intervening come in for a lot of stick but they can be performing a vital function too. I've never done it or had to do it, but these tips look useful, though more relevant to the US.
Oh yeah, absolutely not criticising whoever filmed that for doing so, and I agree with you. Suppose it depends on the circumstances, but filming stuff like that is essential. Thanks for the link.
On 4 May 2022, at Preston Crown Court 43-year-old PC Ernesto Ceraldi, a specialist firearms officer and dog handler with Greater Manchester Police, and a serving police officer for 21 years, pleaded guilty to attempting to rape a woman. PC Ernesto Ceraldi had previously been charged with rape but the indictment was amended to attempted rape. PC Ernesto Ceraldi also admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Ernesto Ceraldi was off duty on a night out with friends in Edenfield, Lancashire, on 2 April 2022, when he met his victim. He won the woman’s trust by showing her his warrant card and photographs of his police dog.

They went to her house where she accused him of pulling her hair, spitting at her and putting his hands around her throat. At 1.30 a.m., a neighbour heard a commotion and saw her outside the house screaming for help alongside a naked PC Ernesto Ceraldi. When his colleagues arrived to investigate, PC Ernesto Ceraldi was sitting on the sofa naked. He told officers the sexual activity had been consensual.

PC Ernesto Ceraldi will be sentenced at Preston Crown Court on 22 June 2022.

Greater Manchester Police officer who tried to rape woman he met in pub will not have prison sentence extended

Former Lincolnshire Police officer charged following IOPC investigation​

Former Police Constable Shaun Wheeler, 56, has been charged with two counts of misconduct in public office in relation to allegations that he abused his powers for sexual purpose when a serving police officer. It is alleged that he engaged in sexual acts and inappropriate communications with one woman between July 2017 and March 2018 while on duty. It is also alleged that he engaged in inappropriate, sexually motivated communications with another woman between January and March 2019 while on duty. He had met both women through the course of his duties.

We received a referral from the force in February 2019 and investigated the allegations against PC Wheeler, who resigned from the force later that year. (...) Former PC Wheeler is due to appear before Nottingham Magistrates Court on 6 October 2022.
IOPC press release


Northumbria Police officer dismissed for abusing his position for a sexual purpose​

At a disciplinary hearing PC Callum McLennan who sent inappropriate messages to a vulnerable woman he met in the course of his duties was found to have committed gross misconduct and dismissed without notice.

After attending a report of a domestic violence incident, PC McLennan sent personal and unprofessional messages to the woman between 4 and 27 February 2021.

The messages sent by him included leading, personal statements with him using kisses and discussed his own private life and relationship status. PC McLennan also appears to have encouraged the woman to contact him on Facebook.

Initially PC McLennan used text messages as a way to update the woman on the outcome of the incident he had attended. During interview PC McLennan admitted after meeting her in a professional capacity, he had attempted to develop a relationship with her through text messages.
IOPC press release


The long running saga of these charming men finally concluded.

Gwent Police: Two officers sacked for gross misconduct​


Former Chief Superintendent Mark Warrender, Chief Superintendant Mark Budden and Chief Inspector Paul Staniforth.

At a disciplinary hearing which ended this week Warrender was found to have 'inappropriately touched' a junior officer, and all three were found to have engaged in 'inappropriate conversation' with her, at a leaving party for former Gwent Police Chief Constable Julian Williams in June 2019.

Budden was also found to have provided a dishonest account about his conduct, disclosed information in relation to the investigation and have failed to declare a conflict of interest.

Warrender and Budden were suspended on full pay when the complaint was made against them. An investigation was conducted by an outside force overseen by the IOPC. Sixteen months later, in October 2020, a file was sent to the CPS. In March 2021 the CPS decided not to authorise charges against them. Last December Gwent Police were still ''considering proceedings". It was estimated then that the two had been paid over £500,000 while on suspension.

A misconduct hearing finally began in April this year, held behind closed doors 'out of consideration for the victim'. It concluded this week. Budden and Staniforth were sacked. Warrender had retired last Friday but would have been sacked had he not done so.

BBC story
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The execution of Chris Kaba by the MET really deserved a thread of its own.
On the Brixton forum

Further 'bandwidth issues' and 'conspiracies', in the shape of serving Metropolitan Police officer PC Hussain Chehab, who is based in Enfield with the North Area Basic Command Unit. PC Hussain Chehab has been charged with four counts of sexual activity with a girl aged between 13 and 15; five counts of making indecent photographs/pseudo-photographs of a child; one count each of taking indecent images of children; engaging in sexual communication with a child; distributing indecent images of a child, and encouraging or assisting in the distribution of indecent images of children.


(Source: as stated in image)

The alleged offences are said to have occurred between 2019 and 2021.
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