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Filth by name. . .

This is the Late Donald Burgess ...


(Source: The family of the Late Donald Burgess)

... on 21 June 2022, police officers were called to the St Leonards-on-Sea care home in which Mr Burgess - then aged 93, suffering from dementia and whellchair-bound, having only one leg - lived, following reports that he was threatening staff with a knife.

After 'engaging' with Mr Burgess briefly, an officer pepper-sprayed him and then used his baton on him while a second officer tasered him. 93-year old Mr Burgess was then handcuffed and taken to hospital, where he remained until his death on 13 July 2022.


Sussex Police referred the incident to the Independent Office for Police Conduct after complaints about the excessive use of force against Mr Burgess by its officers. The two Sussex Police constables involved - who have not yet been publicly identified - have now been served with misconduct notices and letters advising them they are under criminal investigation for manslaughter.
this is the tardy garvey lives posting up about a story already mentioned in the thread

Violence against those 1) who live in care settings (and what a life that is), and/or those with a 2) cognitive disability (such as dementia, like the poor sod upthread) is frequent, and lethal violence (whether sudden or in the ‘death-making’ realities faced by such people.)

If you want to be an arse because I’m more preoccupied with the lived experience of those people than I am in going through a massive thread so as to ensure the feelings of clever (if a bit odd) types who obsess over The Zionist Entity and gleefully (and righteously!) joke about ‘retards’ thats up to you. It helps to make sense of why the left is so maddening hypocrisy and how the genocide of those in care settings gets so little attention.
Excuse me?

What are you going on about? Show the 'jokes' about 'r*tards' on this thread please.

Where is anyone making light of the plight of anyone in a care setting?
Just put them on ignore if you don’t appreciate the reportage. I appreciate it myself
I appreciate the reportage. I don't appreciate Dick pics when the poster has been repeatedly and politely requested not to do so. The request is reasonable, and given she has not been in charge of the Met for some months, unnecessary.
I appreciate the reportage. I don't appreciate Dick pics when the poster has been repeatedly and politely requested not to do so. The request is reasonable, and given she has not been in charge of the Met for some months, unnecessary.
sure it's unneccessary, but it's a habit they've got into and they won't be changing for anyone. so it's more disruptive to object to it really
I quite like the little blast of vilifying rage I get on seeing the especially smug, visage of Cressida Dick. I whizz past quite quickly but I am definitely OK with having a regular reminder of her horrendously self-serving arrogance...
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This is the Late Donald Burgess ...


(Source: The family of the Late Donald Burgess)

... on 21 June 2022, police officers were called to the St Leonards-on-Sea care home in which Mr Burgess - then aged 93, suffering from dementia and whellchair-bound, having only one leg - lived, following reports that he was threatening staff with a knife.

After 'engaging' with Mr Burgess briefly, an officer pepper-sprayed him and then used his baton on him while a second officer tasered him. 93-year old Mr Burgess was then handcuffed and taken to hospital, where he remained until his death on 13 July 2022.


Sussex Police referred the incident to the Independent Office for Police Conduct after complaints about the excessive use of force against Mr Burgess by its officers. The two Sussex Police constables involved - who have not yet been publicly identified - have now been served with misconduct notices and letters advising them they are under criminal investigation for manslaughter.

Care home maximising profits by running with almost certainly insufficient staff and staff not trained to deal with the needs of residents/ patients with challenging behaviour. Instead relying on the resources of public funded agencies to fill the gaps.

This should have been a medical intervention by appropriately trained doctors and nurses. But that wouldn’t maximise shareholder value.
Care home maximising profits by running with almost certainly insufficient staff and staff not trained to deal with the needs of residents/ patients with challenging behaviour. Instead relying on the resources of public funded agencies to fill the gaps.

This should have been a medical intervention by appropriately trained doctors and nurses. But that wouldn’t maximise shareholder value.
This, absolutely.
OB have been called in twice when my 90YO FiL has suffered bouts of mental ill-health in last 14 months at his "care" home.

This shows all that Is wrong with the Met.

Took this man ten years to get any justice.

From other police who worked with him this copper had a reputation for stopping people. A poor "work ethic". Known to do this in lunchtime so he wouldn't have to do any work after lunch.

What's worse is that the Met dragged this out for ten years.

So known case of bullying officer. Those who worked with him knew he had a problem. Met defends officer for years.

Adds up either to deeply dysfunctional organisation or further underlines this is the way the Met work and will always work.

This isn't just a case of a rotten apple. Its how the Met refuse to admit any of its officers are out of line. Backs them up all the way.
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The Independent Office for Police Conduct is investigating two more complaints about Metropolitan Police officers strip-searching children.

The latest pair are two 16-year-old boys who were searched in police stations in Ilford and Bethnal Green:

Metropolitan Police strip-searches of two 16-year-old boys to be investigated by Independent Office for Police Conduct


(Source: as stated in image)

The person who was in charge of the Metropolitan Police when these strip-searches of children were taking place left a severance payment of £165,727.36 after "intense and protracted negotiations" with the London mayor’s office for policing after she had reportedly demanded £500,000.

It is not known what compensation, if any, has been received by any of the strip-searched children whose cases have come to light since she left.

More 'bandwidth' issues and 'conspiracies' - the children’s commissioner for England has denounced the Metropolitan police’s record on child protection after new data revealed that 650 children were strip-searched over a two-year period and the majority were found to be innocent of the suspicions against them.

650 children – mostly black boys – strip-searched by Met Police in just two years, with some as young as 10
This PC lied about a) having a girlfriend in the first place and then b) lied about her having cancer followed by c) lying about her dying from said cancer in order to get more time off and better shift flexibility.

Resigned before disciplinary (of course) but got a lifetime ban on being a police officer.

This morning, serving Metropolitan Police officer Sergeant Laurence Knight, who is attached to Met Detention, the Metropolitan Police's custody command, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court charged with rape:

Serving Met Police officer 'raped woman on Brighton beach' after meeting her on stag do


(Source: PA)


Sergeant Laurence Knight was granted bail on the condition he does not contact any prosecution witnesses, and will next appear at Southwark Crown Court on 2 August 2022.

The Metropolitan Police's Sergeant Laurence Knight appeared at Southwark Crown Court earlier today charged with rape and sexual assault ...


(Source: as stated in image)


... Sergeant Laurence Knight was granted bail on condition that he does not contact the complainant and will next appear at Southwark Crown Court for trial on 19 June 2023.
The Metropolitan Police's Sergeant Laurence Knight appeared at Southwark Crown Court earlier today charged with rape and sexual assault ...


(Source: as stated in image)


... Sergeant Laurence Knight was granted bail on condition that he does not contact the complainant and will next appear at Southwark Crown Court for trial on 19 June 2023.
So the woman has to wait nearly another year. Awful. 😡
More 'bandwidth' issues and 'conspiracies' - this time in the shape of 56-year old Anthony Smith of Oatlands Drive, Weybridge, Surrey ...


... earlier today at Guildford Crown Court, former Metropolitan Police officer Anthony Smith was imprisoned for 24 years after being found guilty of 13 counts of rape and sexual assault, offences that he carried out against three teenage girls between 1993 and 1997 while a serving Metropolitan Police officer.


Former Metropolitan Police officer Anthony Smith left the Metropolitan Police in 2004 after he was convicted of gross indecency with a child in an unrelated case.
Yet more 'bandwidth' issues and 'conspiracies' - this time divorced father of two Sergeant Rob Adams, formerly of Sussex Police ...


Sergeant Rob Adams has been dismissed from Sussex Police without notice, after having had allegations of breaching standards of professional behaviour proven against him.

In December 2020, Sergeant Rob Adams was handed a final written warning for sticking a photo of a female officer onto a pornographic image of a naked model and sending it as a "Secret Santa" 'gift'. It was noted that in 2017 Sergeant Rob Adams sent a female police community support officer a full-length naked selfie of himself and conducted an inappropriate relationship with her.

In the same month, a complaint was made by a female sexual assault victim that in March 2014, after reporting the assault, Sergeant Rob Adams had sent a naked selfie to her and told her he wanted to handcuff her to a bed, as well as saying that he was so aroused by her short skirt he would have sexually assaulted her himself.

The victim did not report her dealings with Sergeant Rob Adams because she had deleted evidence from her phone, including the naked selfie and the flirtatious comments, and she was scared and worried about making a formal complaint against a serving officer. She only reported the incident after Sergeant Rob Adams' name appeared in press reports regarfding the final written warning he had received that month.


Sergeant Rob Adams had been referred to as "Police Sergeant X" during the misconduct hearing after he was granted anonymity by disciplinary panel's independent chair, despite opposition to the order by the media who were supported by Sussex Police. This resulted in complaints from rape and sexual abuse charities who accused the panel of prioritising the reputation of an officer over the safety of women and girls.
GMP’s Professional Standards Branch has charged a serving officer with rape

James Andrew Darnton (24/10/70), who is a Temporary Detective Inspector within the Public Protection Governance Unit, will appear at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday 10 July 2023.

The charge relates to a report, received in October 2021, regarding an incident involving an adult female in 2009.

The officer has been suspended. Misconduct proceedings will recommence following criminal proceedings.

GMP Press Release
Following an IOPC investigation which began last August, the CPS have authorised charges of misconduct in public office against one former and one serving Derbyshire PC.

40 year old Daniel Nash, who has since resigned, has been charged with 13 offences of misconduct. "These reflect his conduct with 13 separate women between 2015-2020". (CPS)
46 year old serving Police Constable Matthew Longmate is charged with one offense of misconduct. "This charge is a joint charge with Daniel Nash" (CPS) so refers to both having sex with the same woman. He is currently suspended from duties.

CPS Press Release - IOPC Press Release
Telegraph story (archived): Former police officer ‘had sexual relationships with 13 women while on the job’
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