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Filth by name. . .

Somebody has just ruled themselves of their temporary position being made permanent.

The acting head of the UK’s biggest police force has admitted that cultural problems in the force are “not a few bad apples” and called for a change in procedures to allow managers to speedily sack errant officers.
Somebody has just ruled themselves of their temporary position being made permanent.

House said a “significant campaign” has been launched to root out “subcultures” of racism and sexism.

They just won't deal with it properly will they, it is THE culture, not "subcultures." The whole thing needs a complete overhaul.

Meanwhile in Swansea :)


Meanwhile in Swansea :)

Footage released by South Wales Police shows one of the motorcyclists, who were both wearing helmets

Safety first👍

On 5 April 2022, serving Greater Manchester Police officer, 42 year-old Ernesto Ceraldi of Darwen, appeared before Blackburn Magistrates' Court charged with raping a woman in Edenfield, Lancashire, on 1 April 2022.

No pleas were entered and Ernesto Ceraldi was remanded in custody until 4 May 2022, when he will appear before Burnley Crown Court.

On 4 May 2022, at Preston Crown Court 43-year-old PC Ernesto Ceraldi, a specialist firearms officer and dog handler with Greater Manchester Police, and a serving police officer for 21 years, pleaded guilty to attempting to rape a woman. PC Ernesto Ceraldi had previously been charged with rape but the indictment was amended to attempted rape. PC Ernesto Ceraldi also admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Ernesto Ceraldi was off duty on a night out with friends in Edenfield, Lancashire, on 2 April 2022, when he met his victim. He won the woman’s trust by showing her his warrant card and photographs of his police dog.

They went to her house where she accused him of pulling her hair, spitting at her and putting his hands around her throat. At 1.30 a.m., a neighbour heard a commotion and saw her outside the house screaming for help alongside a naked PC Ernesto Ceraldi. When his colleagues arrived to investigate, PC Ernesto Ceraldi was sitting on the sofa naked. He told officers the sexual activity had been consensual.

PC Ernesto Ceraldi will be sentenced at Preston Crown Court on 22 June 2022.
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Officers in Dorset said relatives of teenager Gaia Pope were "taking the piss" after they made a series of desperate calls when she was missing.

They'd explained that she had been sent indecent images and that they'd triggered a severe mental health episode. She had PTSD after being raped at 16.

In one call played to the jury, a police constable can be heard telling a call handler: “This is the fifth call I’ve had. The last call ended with them talking absolute rubbish … I think they are taking the piss, to be honest.”

Pope, who had severe epilepsy, went missing from Swanage on 7 December 2017. Her body was found 11 days later near a local beauty spot called Dancing Ledge.

Officer said Gaia Pope’s family ‘taking the piss’ with pleas for help, jury hears
If you want to kill someone and get a light sentence, do it in a car. If you want to kill someone and totally get away with it, do it in a police car.

My mate sent me this from the sleepy streets of Peacehaven.

And I'll tell you something else about that story. I first read it a week ago. And it contained this line, damning the dead man for having previous convictions for the killer drug cannabis, which has now been removed.

"Last weekend wasn’t the first time Arthur had been involved with the police. In 2018, he appeared at Eastbourne Magistrates’ Court, where he pleaded guilty to being in possession of a quantity of cannabis and was ordered to pay £85 costs. In 2019 he appeared in court for drug driving, possession of cannabis and driving without a licence."

Luckily my mate had cut and pasted it to highlight it for me.
If you want to kill someone and get a light sentence, do it in a car. If you want to kill someone and totally get away with it, do it in a police car.

My mate sent me this from the sleepy streets of Peacehaven.

And I'll tell you something else about that story. I first read it a week ago. And it contained this line, damning the dead man for having previous convictions for the killer drug cannabis, which has now been removed.

"Last weekend wasn’t the first time Arthur had been involved with the police. In 2018, he appeared at Eastbourne Magistrates’ Court, where he pleaded guilty to being in possession of a quantity of cannabis and was ordered to pay £85 costs. In 2019 he appeared in court for drug driving, possession of cannabis and driving without a licence."

Luckily my mate had cut and pasted it to highlight it for me.
"he had it coming to him, damn criminal" :mad:

We're fucked.

A 14-year-old menstruating mixed race and autistic girl who was forcibly strip-searched by officers from the Metropolitan Police was left traumatised by the incident and later tried to kill herself, her mother says:

Girl tried to kill herself after strip-search by Met officers, mother says


(Source: as stated in image)

The incident happened in December 2020, the same month that a 15-year-old black girl known as Child Q was strip-searched while menstruating by Metropolitan Police officers at her school in Hackney, while this person was in charge.

On 8 April 2022, she was met with applause and cheers of "hip, hip, hooray" as she walked through a guard of honour outside Scotland Yard ahead of her last day in the job that weekend.

Her legacy lives on.

A 14-year-old menstruating mixed race and autistic girl who was forcibly strip-searched by officers from the Metropolitan Police was left traumatised by the incident and later tried to kill herself, her mother says:

Girl tried to kill herself after strip-search by Met officers, mother says

(Source: as stated in image)

The incident happened in December 2020, the same month that a 15-year-old black girl known as Child Q was strip-searched while menstruating by Metropolitan Police officers at her school in Hackney, while this person was in charge.

On 8 April 2022, she was met with applause and cheers of "hip, hip, hooray" as she walked through a guard of honour outside Scotland Yard ahead of her last day in the job that weekend.

Her legacy lives on.
for fuck's sake can you get rid of that fucking picture, you've done it to fucking death.

A 14-year-old menstruating mixed race and autistic girl who was forcibly strip-searched by officers from the Metropolitan Police was left traumatised by the incident and later tried to kill herself, her mother says:

Girl tried to kill herself after strip-search by Met officers, mother says


(Source: as stated in image)

The incident happened in December 2020, the same month that a 15-year-old black girl known as Child Q was strip-searched while menstruating by Metropolitan Police officers at her school in Hackney, while this person was in charge.

On 8 April 2022, she was met with applause and cheers of "hip, hip, hooray" as she walked through a guard of honour outside Scotland Yard ahead of her last day in the job that weekend.

Her legacy lives on.
You diminish the importance of your message by cluttering up our forum with that giant picture. Take the hint, read the room.
GarveyLives I very much appreciate what you're doing with regards to the information being collated, but for fucks sake you've been politely and repeatedly asked not to post that damn image, which is now out of date. So it's pointless as well as irritating.

Also your last paragraph makes it seem like the poor teenager got an honour guard whilst being marched off the premises, not Ms Dick.

Please stop posting the image. If I see it posted again from this point onwards I'll report it for persistently disrupting the thread.
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This is 25 year-old Jordan Walker-Brown, who fell from a wall after being hit with a Taser device in Haringey, north London, during an incident on 4 May 2020 when he ran away from the police because he was carrying a small amount of cannabis. As a result, he was left paralysed from the chest down and has been told by doctors he will never walk again. Mr Walker-Brown has told his family that he was handcuffed as he lay on the concrete and that officers were trying to make him stand up as he complained that he couldn't feel his legs or body.


(Source: as stated in image)


(Source: as stated in image)

A currently anonymous serving Metropolitan Police constable, who was therefore under the ultimate command of Dame Cressida Dick at the time of the incident, will be charged with assault causing grievous bodily harm and will appear appear at Westminster magistrates court on 19 April 2022.


Earlier today, PC Imran Mahmood of Plaistow, east London, a member of the Metropolitan Police Territorial Support Group, whose previous application to keep his identity out of the public domain was refused by the court, appeared at Southwark Crown Court and denied causing grievous bodily harm to Jordan Walker-Brown, who fell from a wall after being hit with a Taser device in Burgoyne Road, Haringey on 4 May 2020, and has been left paralysed from the chest down and told by doctors he will never walk again.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Imran Mahmood, who was previously known only as IM or BX140 until a judge refused to grant him anonymity at Westminster Magistrates' Court last month, has been granted unconditional bail ahead of his trial on 20 February 2023.
A Black social worker, Edwin Afriyie, was tasered by police and suffered a head injury as a result, after being stopped driving home. He was briefly uncounscious. He was handcuffed while incapacitated; the cuffs were only removed after it was requested by medical staff.

During discussions with officers he was Tasered and fell backwards, hitting his head on a stone window ledge.

Afriyie spent much of his working life trying to improve trust between young black Londoners and the police. Yet he believes he was singled out because he was a black man driving a Mercedes coupe.

“I was always a big supporter of trying to bring the police and the community together. I tried to push that so hard over my career.

“But who am I to do that now? I’ve seen for myself that no matter how much you try there’s still racism in the police.”

He was asked to put his hands behind his back to be handcuffed but did not, saying that he had been told to stop blowing into the [breathalyser].

Body-worn video evidence is expected to show that his arms were folded and he was speaking to his friend when a Taser was discharged into his chest.

Afterwards, he experienced severe headaches and other unpleasant symptoms. A psychiatric report says he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression after the incident, and he has had suicidal thoughts. He was off work for three months. Mr Afriyie is suing City of London Police.

Black social worker Tasered by City of London police treated like ‘wild animal’
A Black social worker, Edwin Afriyie, was tasered by police and suffered a head injury as a result, after being stopped driving home. He was briefly uncounscious. He was handcuffed while incapacitated; the cuffs were only removed after it was requested by medical staff.

Afterwards, he experienced severe headaches and other unpleasant symptoms. A psychiatric report says he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression after the incident, and he has had suicidal thoughts. He was off work for three months. Mr Afriyie is suing City of London Police.

Black social worker Tasered by City of London police treated like ‘wild animal’
They just can't help themselves, can they. They seem intent on making everything worse. :(

On 28 July 2021, Sussex Police arrested serving Metropolitan Police officer, Sergeant Laurence Knight, who is attached to Met Detention, Stoke Newington Police Station, after a woman reported being raped on Brighton beach on 17 July 2021. Sergeant Laurence Knight was released on bail, pending further enquiries.

On 27 May 2022, Sergeant Laurence Knight was summoned to appear at Brighton Magistrates’ Court on 23 June 2022 to face a charge of rape. Sergeant Laurence Knight, who was not on duty at the time of the reported offence, has been suspended from duty.
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