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Black schoolgirl, 15, from Hackney 'traumatised' after strip search by police while on her period


(Source: as stated in image)
"The girl's intimate body parts were exposed during the incident and the search took place without an Appropriate Adult present and without notifying the girl's parent."
Just foul :(

Note it's a 'conduct investigation' not locking people up and charging them with sexual assault of a minor. The teachers involved have also fucked up badly enough that they should be barred from the profession. That child was in their care and they failed her utterly.
That copper in South Wales who kept falsely reporting a woman to Crimestoppers, which led to her home being raided by armed police, has been found guilty.
South Wales Police officer guilty of falsely accusing student

PC Abubakar Masum made calls to Crimestoppers about a 23-year-old student between March and July 2020.
He accused her of drug dealing, storing a gun and killing an Albanian gangster before dumping the body in the sea.
Cardiff Crown Court heard PC Masum developed an "obsession" with the woman after they met at a nightclub.
The judge called for a restraining order to be placed on the officer to stop him contacting the woman involved.
He will be sentenced at a later date.
"Reporter Cara McGoogan investigates shocking claims of bullying, sexual harassment and violence within the ranks of the police towards female officers.

When the revelations about toxic behaviour at Charing Cross Police Station emerged, including WhatsApp messages boasting of graphic sexual violence against female police, officers up and down the country would have been deleting their messaging history. So says an ex-officer who has spoken to Cara McGoogan: “There’ll be a lot of people worried about the information they’ve shared.” ..."


More information:

Bad Apples, BBC Radio Four, 22 March 2022

Meet 53 year-old Rachel Beale who worked as an 'offender manager' in Wiltshire Police’s Management of Sexual or Violent Offenders ...


(Source: as stated in image)

... earlier today, Rachel Beale was sentenced to six months' imprisonment at Bristol Crown Court having previously pleaded guilty to one charge of misconduct in a public office, after being caught having sex with a convicted rapist, Marc Few, that she was 'supervising'. Rachel Beale used her Keyworker status during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns to make hotel bookings knowing they were not for law enforcement purposes. Rachel Beale also allowed rapist Marc Few to smoke cannabis at her home in the village of Kencot, Oxfordshire. The offences were committed between February and September 2020. Rachel Beale's partner Jason Elliott became suspicious when he woke one morning to find her missing, a court was told.

Prosecutor James Haskell said: 'He went to an address where he knew rapist Marc Few was staying and caught him naked in bed with Rachel Beale on top of him in a nightdress.
So wearing a coat while black is grounds for stop and search 🤔


"A Black man says he feels “targeted” by police after being stopped and searched on two occasions just six days apart for no apparent reason ..."

Black man stopped and searched for wearing a coat "cornered" by three police cars a week later in Croydon


(Source: as stated in image)

Eric Taylor said: “I'm scared to go out. Now I feel like cutting my hair or changing my looks when I'm going out. It's crazy. I don't even know how it happened to me again, just right now again. I'm scared now, I don't know. Yesterday the whole night I was shaking the whole time.”



(Source: as stated in image)

Earlier today, at Reading Crown Court the apparently camera-shy former PC Oliver Perry-Smith, of Denman Drive, Newbury, Berkshire, who had been based at Newbury police station, admitted three counts of misconduct in a public office as well as two counts of misusing a police computer, all of which took place between September 2014 and November 2019, during which period former PC Oliver Perry-Smith engaged or attempted to engage in sexual relationships with female members of the public while on duty ... despite earlier previously any wrongdoing whilst employed by Thames Valley Police.

He will be sentenced on 29 April 2022.

Meet former Wiltshire Police officer, 44 year-old PC Darren Thorn, who worked as a response officer in Swindon until he was dismissed for gross misconduct in December 2021 ...


(Source: as stated in image)

... on 29 March 2022, former PC Darren Thorn, was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment after previously pleading guilty to corruption, computer misuse and misconduct in a public office. The charges centred on an inappropriate sexual relationship that former PC Darren Thorn, who is married, started with a vulnerable woman he met while on duty. A few months after he first met her as part of his duty, he accessed the police database to find her phone number and made the first unauthorised contact with her. Shortly afterwards, the two became a couple until 2018, when she suffered a miscarriage and the relationship ended.
Shortly afterwards, the two became a couple until 2018, when she suffered a miscarriage and the relationship ended.

ime relationships (in particular 'relationships' like this) don't end because of the miscarriage, they end either because the miscarriage causes an escalation in abusive behaviour or because before the miscarriage the woman had been trapped by the pregnancy.

Misconduct proceedings probing the behaviour of three senior police officers are to be held in private.
Acting assistant chief constable Marc Budden, Det Ch Supt Mark Warrender and Chf Insp Paul Staniforth, all of Gwent Police, face the hearing next month.

Hearing chairman John Bassett decided to ban the press and public and will release only a brief summary after the decision has been made.
The move has been criticised by two Members of the Senedd (MS).
They said it was important the public had confidence in the police following Sarah Everard's murder by a serving police officer and problems with misogyny, discrimination, bullying and harassment in the Metropolitan Police.

This is 25 year-old Jordan Walker-Brown, who fell from a wall after being hit with a Taser device in Haringey, north London, during an incident on 4 May 2020 when he ran away from the police because he was carrying a small amount of cannabis. As a result, he was left paralysed from the chest down and has been told by doctors he will never walk again. Mr Walker-Brown has told his family that he was handcuffed as he lay on the concrete and that officers were trying to make him stand up as he complained that he couldn't feel his legs or body.


(Source: as stated in image)


(Source: as stated in image)

A currently anonymous serving Metropolitan Police constable, who was therefore under the ultimate command of Dame Cressida Dick at the time of the incident, will be charged with assault causing grievous bodily harm and will appear appear at Westminster magistrates court on 19 April 2022.

This is 25 year-old Jordan Walker-Brown, who fell from a wall after being hit with a Taser device in Haringey, north London, during an incident on 4 May 2020 when he ran away from the police because he was carrying a small amount of cannabis. As a result, he was left paralysed from the chest down and has been told by doctors he will never walk again. Mr Walker-Brown has told his family that he was handcuffed as he lay on the concrete and that officers were trying to make him stand up as he complained that he couldn't feel his legs or body.


(Source: as stated in image)


(Source: as stated in image)

A currently anonymous serving Metropolitan Police constable, who was therefore under the ultimate command of Dame Cressida Dick at the time of the incident, will be charged with assault causing grievous bodily harm and will appear appear at Westminster magistrates court on 19 April 2022.
Can we pls retire the picture of the nefandous dick?
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