I think this point needs explaining in more detail. In the '90s, I remember lots of Brick lanes and lots of 'etcs'. In fact I remeber beacon, Lecomber et al hightailing it back up the side street of brick lane in the '90s the day after their National Conference.(That certainly wasn't on the agenda, especially when they were trying to impress the Scottish branches they had down for the weekend)
Who, exactly, was busier physically confronting fascists in this period? why were the leaflets pointless? did you want those engaged physically to remain as a tight knit group without engaging the local community?
At a guess, I would venture that you're referring to the crew of assorted anarchos , DAM maybe, that attacked a mob of theirs that was shown on t.v. (not one of their better mobs either). You were busier on that one day. After Lecomber et al had declared a change of strategy as physical confrontation had worked; 'no more meetings, marches, punch ups...remember? Not to denigrate your efforts, but nor should you of those who were involved in both physical and ideological confrontation throughout the '90s.