LilMissHissyFit said:
Thats something F4J seem to be placing very much on the back boiler while they allow people who have been denied contact after displaying a history of violence to campaign at the supposed 'injustice' they have suffered through the family courts. Especially in the case of the father featured in the ar who went to prison for defying an order to not contact the family.
Things need to get to near fatal incidents before the courts will decide that a father should be subjected to those measures. believe me Ive been thorugh it. He had to try and run me over with the children in the vehicle at the time after beating me up with them there before I was able to protect my children.
What about starting a new organisation... Justice for CHILDREN. Thats who matters in these case. Not either parent.
F4J seem intent on getting their own way no matter what the father does to the mother in front of the children. How can that be right or fair to the chidlren involved?
I know what you mean. At least I think that I do. The biological parent of my children (see, I have trouble with the word father after it was the second husband brought up our kids) beat me too.
So what society has to do it work at (with?) these damaged parents to make them more social and reasonable - if it can. What it does in fact is stick them in an adversarial situation where either they or the other parent can win - but not both - and thus, not sadly, the children.
You are SO right that it is the CHILDREN'S rights which need promoting.
It might be so that the damaged parent will never change and so will have to be banned from contact, in which case sitting on a lamppost and disrupting London's traffic will earn him not a jot of sympathy, - but wouldn't it have been better for you if someone could have tried to make your father see what a dangerous tosser he was and helped him change? If he had, YOU would have gained.
Instead, our current system allowed him to be the wanker he was and you lost a parent.
Hell, please don't think I don't, in some way, understand your pain, though. My own kids went through what you did and I watched (hard for a parent) - but I was able to pay to help my bastard first husband be some sort of (inadequate) father to them, and at least they knew him, and in some respects they know aspects of themselves that he gave them and have come to terms with it (and in some cases even liked the good aspects - the aspects of him that they made good in themselves).
But I know there is a cut-off point where you just have to say - NO MORE. My former best mate whose old man put her on the streets to keep him in heroin is the case in point. There isn't a court anywhere except in Hell which would have given him access to his kids.
I hope your kids are as great as mine - must be, eh? We love them, how could they be anything else, faults and all? We may wish the best for our kids, but sometimes we have to accept that life happens in spite of ourselves. Hope your kids knew that as well as mine did. Mine, bless them, forgave me for my faults. (And now they have kids of their own they are learning how to forgive themselves!)