Nigel Irritable
Five, Ten, Fifteen Years
Nobody is saying that all men are violent and abusive, I hope. What is being said is that the father's rights movement agenda is sinister and reactionary.
LilMissHissyFit said:But F4J want people to believe that they are devnied access on a whim. that women are the evil party who get their own way ( this is not accurate or correct) and that they are victims of miscarriages of justice ( unlikely given how far my ex was able to go before his access was denied, regular beatings on contact and changeover times and police advice to not allow contact
Hollis said:"chooses not to pursue it"
Yeah right.. or maybe the woman shouldn't have been so hard nosed about things?
"chooses not to pursue it"
Nigel Irritable said:What? Am I missing something here?
I think as longas the children arent placed in any danger then no parents shouldnt be denied contact. That said I think if an inadquate parent is making a child unhappy they should have the right to say that and be believed.They should also have the right to say I love my violent or abuseive parent and I should have the right to see that parents without my other parent being assaulted ( and therefore statutory agencies should be putting measures/services in place to allow this to happen)chrissie said:Is Pennimania suggesting that the label 'lesbian' is all right - but 'feminist' isn't? I would hope NOT!
Also at what point does a child have the acumen to make an informed choice? (Mind I am playing Devil advocate here.)
Little misshissyfit - even inadequate fathers are better than NO father at all (only the downright dangerous need banning from contact), surely?
chrissie said:Is Pennimania suggesting that the label 'lesbian' is all right - but 'feminist' isn't? I would hope NOT!
Also at what point does a child have the acumen to make an informed choice? (Mind I am playing Devil advocate here.)
No I think you know I wasn't doing that! just trying to say that perhaps theterm feminist is open to misinterpretation.
My son was about 13 when he made that choice and we lived very near his dad. I DID say when viable. But I do think children should be listened to more generally, and not just on this matter.
Hollis said:Yeah.. like not everyone fancies getting involved in legal action.
LilMissHissyFit said:So shouldnt moan about it when they dont fancy getting involved in legal action and dont see their children as a result. I'd be worrying about how my child was going to feel about me thinking I cared more about avoiding court than making an effort to fight for them.
LilMissHissyFit said:Not at all. What is his argument???
He chose not to fight for his child through the courts although that avenue was open to him and easily accessible.
chrissie said:Maybe we ought to strengthen the Probationary Service and their conciliation programme?
But the court's power are all very negative for the child, either fines or imprisonment and neither of those outcomes are good the child or either parent. A choice between putting the mother of your child, who the child presumably loves, in jail and not seeing your child should not be the only choice open to people who's partner is not allowing contact.Sorry that argument doesnt wash with me. If he has the court system but chooses not to use the legal support that is open to him then I dont believe he should be able to complain about not seeing his child. If hes chosen to let her have her own way then thats his choice. however sad or wrong that choice may be he still made that choice. he has the weight of the law behind him.
laptop said:I do believe you're exaggerating.
{To pour petrol on troubled waters... or not?}
It's seriously tempting to suggest that whenever men get so worked up about a woman generalising about men, what the woman said must strike some kind of chord. Otherwise it'd be water off a drake's back?
Thread started off about divorced/separated fathers. I've been looking around for the proportion that lose contact and an estimate of those that do so because they can't be bothered. Not found those yet.
But something struck me forcibly while reading what I did find: that this whole thing has blown up since the state started enforcing maintenance payments. Ah. It must indeed be galling to see money disappearing from the bank but not to see the kids. But there weren't all these campaign groups when the money wasn't disappearing...
But thats not what happens when you go to the family court it isnt the only choice open to people whos parent is denying contact.meanoldman said:But the court's power are all very negative for the child, either fines or imprisonment and neither of those outcomes are good the child or either parent. A choice between putting the mother of your child, who the child presumably loves, in jail and not seeing your child should not be the only choice open to people who's partner is not allowing contact.
Cid said:Quick point to lilmisshissyfit - It's entirely possible that meanoldman's mate feels intimated by his ex, doesn't want to put his kids through more legal shit, and has become somewhat resigned to a bad situation. You also have to think of costs in time and money, obviously kids should come above both, but at the same time you have to be a role model... Overall it's probably just a hopelessly confusing situation for the poor guy, one that it's easy to lose hope in.