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F1 2021

Well, Ladies and Gents, whatever you think, that was an event. And we get to do it all again next week. Hard to believe that it's Chrimbo in a few seconds - Liberty are really squeezing their money-making lemon.

These are the race times, UK style:

Fri 10 Dec
FP1 - 09:30
FP2 - 13:00

Sat 11 Dec
FP3 - 10:00
Qual - 13:00

Sun 12 Dec
Race - 13:00

Whoever among Maxwell and Hammy finishes better, wins the World Championship.
If I've got my sums right, 3rd and 4th are settled?


'Best of the rest' is a three-way battle between the two Ferraris and young master Norris, though.
I do hope the stewards or Masi have pointed out to Verstappen and Red Bull that if he had “given back the position“ by slowing before the DRS line then draughted back past Hamilton to be in the lead again by turn 1, it would not have been accepted.

Just like Lewis lost the 2008 Spa win because after allowing Kimi back through at the final corner of the Spa track, he slipstreamed him down the start finish straight and passed into turn 1. A disproportionate 25 second time penalty was whacked on after the race, to make sure Lewis dropped to third for the egregious offence of not conceding the position fairly. And yet we have Verstappen jumping on the brakes to try to let Hamilton by in a way that allows him to be back ahead later on the following straight , plus on top of that the dangerous jinking and braking which caused the collision, and all he gets is a toothless 10 secs which doesn’t affect his finishing position.
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Maybe the race director should request drivers to give back the position and teams to disable the car's DRS for 1 lap?
Maybe the race director should request drivers to give back the position and teams to disable the car's DRS for 1 lap?
They certainly need to do something to clarify what conceding a position at the request of race control means. Otherwise there’s sure to be toys thrown from prams next time someone tries to do what Max was attempting - a ”strategic“ concession which allows an immediate repass and amounts to none at all.
Lewis was clearly biting his tongue and surprisingly restrained in his immediate post-race comments, but I see he’s got a bit more fruity in the press conference:

Lewis referred back to another incident between the pair in Brazil, where Verstappen was allowed to stay ahead of his rival despite running wide, taking Hamilton with him.

“I don’t think I’ve changed the way that I race,” said Hamilton. “I think we’ve seen multiple instances this year – even with Brazil – we’re supposed to do our racing on track in between the white lines. And the rules haven’t been clear from the stewards – those things have been allowed, so that’s continued.

“From my understanding, I know that I can’t overtake someone and go off track and then keep the position. I think that’s well known between all us drivers – but it doesn’t apply to one of us, I guess.”

Meanwhile Max being downright disingenuous with trying to convince the world that by throwing his car beyond the track limits as a defensive ploy, pushing Hamilton off the track, somehow Lewis was equally at fault:

“I find it interesting that I am the one who gets a penalty when both of us run outside of the white lines,” he said.

“In Brazil it was fine and now suddenly I get a penalty for it. Well, you could clearly see both didn’t make the corner.”

I’ve lost respect for Verstappen after this race. He’s an amazingly talented driver, has driven fantastically to get to this point, but this belief he has that he should be able to do a professional foul and just push people off the track to avoid them passing him smacks of entitlement and lack of moral fibre. In sport you either have ethics or you don’t, and when the chips are down, character weakness will show through, just as it did with Schumacher at times.

The FIA have allowed the problem to grow by tolerating his dirty driving in Brazil and although they’re now doing something to penalise him, I can’t help thinking this dishonesty in his character will keep emerging in future races. It’s a shame he devalues his talent with pushing too far and I hope even dedicated Max fans can see it.
Remember when Verstappen first came into F1 and developed a signature move of weaving under braking to prevent overtaking? He didn't just do it once, it was obvious enough to be a pattern. Something so dangerous the rules were then changed.

I think it's fair to say he has a new signature move, done often enough to constitute a pattern of behaviour. "If you're going past me, I'm going to own the corner saying I was alongside by missing my braking point by 15 yards, and to hell with where anyone else is on the track."

Never mind the brake test and the "strategic" giving back of the place.

In terms of speed, Verstappen is a generational talent right up there with Hamilton. In terms of racecraft and respect for other drivers, the rules (and accepted conventions which have played no small part in keeping drivers alive over the years) he's plum last of the current 20. And he's been (and continues to be) enabled by Horner, his utter cunt of a father, and weak application of the rules by race control. Charlie Whiting wouldn't have stood for some of this crap.
Remember when Verstappen first came into F1 and developed a signature move of weaving under braking to prevent overtaking? He didn't just do it once, it was obvious enough to be a pattern. Something so dangerous the rules were then changed.

I think it's fair to say he has a new signature move, done often enough to constitute a pattern of behaviour. "If you're going past me, I'm going to own the corner saying I was alongside by missing my braking point by 15 yards, and to hell with where anyone else is on the track."

Never mind the brake test and the "strategic" giving back of the place.

In terms of speed, Verstappen is a generational talent right up there with Hamilton. In terms of racecraft and respect for other drivers, the rules (and accepted conventions which have played no small part in keeping drivers alive over the years) he's plum last of the current 20. And he's been (and continues to be) enabled by Horner, his utter cunt of a father, and weak application of the rules by race control. Charlie Whiting wouldn't have stood for some of this crap.
All of this.

If Max wins the championship it’s a joke, for multiple reasons, Spa being the biggest one.
All of this.

If Max wins the championship it’s a joke, for multiple reasons, Spa being the biggest one.
I said at the time and still think that Spa was null and void. No points and no race win should have been awarded.

Bottas has a huge part to play in the last race. If Verstappen and Hamilton are competing for a spot of tarmac in Abu Dhabi, no question Verstappen will Senna/Prost it. If Hamilton is to get the win, he has to start from pole and there has to be a car in between them.
Spa was a farce, no doubt, but it only added 5 points to Max’s lead over Lewis, so if he does clinch the WDC title it will be an interesting exercise to subtract 5 from his total to see if he still would’ve won it without the Spa non-race.

Of course a race win with Lewis second or lower would pass that test and render Spa not relevant.
Spa was a farce, no doubt, but it only added 5 points to Max’s lead over Lewis, so if he does clinch the WDC title it will be an interesting exercise to subtract 5 from his total to see if he still would’ve won it without the Spa non-race.

Of course a race win with Lewis second or lower would pass that test and render Spa not relevant.
It's already had its effect, in terms of mindset and attitude. And it will have its biggest effect of all at the first corner of Abu Dhabi, where Verstappen won't give a crap about who else gets caught up in it as long as Hamilton is in a ditch.
It's already had its effect, in terms of mindset and attitude. And it will have its biggest effect of all at the first corner of Abu Dhabi, where Verstappen won't give a crap about who else gets caught up in it as long as Hamilton is in a ditch.
I hope he realises that a title he wins by knocking Lewis off the road will be forever devalued, but based on form to date it seems like when the red mist comes down, anything goes. 😢
Admittedly not a great fan of F1 and motor sports. However loving the drama of this.
Will definitely be tuning in again next week.
Should both drivers end on same points I assume most wins will decide?
I hope he realises that a title he wins by knocking Lewis off the road will be forever devalued, but based on form to date it seems like when the red mist comes down, anything goes. 😢
We as fans can discuss to the end of time the Senna, Prost, Schumacher incidents. But fact remains, history books show 7 titles to Schumacher, 3 to Senna, 4 to Prost. I think Verstappen would take that, win at all costs.

1997 is an interesting comparison. I think stripping Schumacher of his points was a far easier decision for stewards to take given that Villeneuve stayed on track to finish and won the title anyway. It would be a hell of a decision for the stewards to decide the championship (even if a non-decision is deciding the championship the other way, IYSWIM), and I have zero faith they'd have the balls to do that.
Hang on, I'm looking into my crystal ball...
Verstappen hits Hamilton, taking both off the circuit. Max retires from the race, Lewis has minor damage and continues to race & recovers to finish in 10th place... Winning the title by a single point.
Hang on, I'm looking into my crystal ball...
Verstappen hits Hamilton, taking both off the circuit. Max retires from the race, Lewis has minor damage and continues to race & recovers to finish in 10th place... Winning the title by a single point.

Hamilton 10th with damage, Verstappen finishes 11th but with fastest lap. Horner orders Perez to commit a series of technical infringements on the warm down lap to get disqualified from his 6th(ish) place, meaning Verstappen takes it on race wins (2 points each). Mercedes successfully appeal that Perez was just letting off some post-season steam and should be allowed to take his points, Horner's blood pressure sets a new world record high.
Just watched the ch4 highlights for an alternative commentary but mainly for a much needed reminder of what actually happened in that race - it was so hectic!

Really impressed with Alex Jaques as a commentator. Insightful, accurate, easy to listen to, perfect. I‘d forgotten how biased David “indeed“ Coulthard is - are Red Bull still paying him? He called every single incident in favour of Verstappen. Only ever criticised Lewis and Merc. Seemed to have no logical arguments or thought process, just “Red Bull good, Mercedes bad“. Shocking.

Alice Powell, on the rare occasions they let her say something, added lots of sensible analysis.
Just watched the ch4 highlights for an alternative commentary but mainly for a much needed reminder of what actually happened in that race - it was so hectic!

Really impressed with Alex Jaques as a commentator. Insightful, accurate, easy to listen to, perfect. I‘d forgotten how biased David “indeed“ Coulthard is - are Red Bull still paying him? He called every single incident in favour of Verstappen. Only ever criticised Lewis and Merc. Seemed to have no logical arguments or thought process, just “Red Bull good, Mercedes bad“. Shocking.

Alice Powell, on the rare occasions they let her say something, added lots of sensible analysis.
I've always thought that David "tight, white pants" Coulthard was an arse both in a car and out.
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