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"Everybody has to have guns" says rock bellend in Eagles of Death Metal

I grant you it was traumatic, but he's had more than enough time, since then, to think it through fully, considering all aspects etc. No excuses, especially given the horrific gun death rate in the US.
i'd also have thought the band's management would have the sense to tape his gob shut, if that's the best use he can put it to.

If I witnessed a massacre that led to 89 deaths; I'd probably be traumatised for the rest of my days. And I'm sure I'd be spewing a lot more guff than I usually do.

And I hate guns, btw.
After Sandy Hook a lot of the parents went out and armed themselves to the teeth.

I suppose the reasoning is, guns are readily available so if you are in the vicinity the next time a murderous psychopath goes on a spree, you can take him downtown, to chinatown
This chap was just trying to keep people safe:

Biggest hoard of illegal firearms found in secret room in late parish councillor's house


He"s american and sings death metal leaving out the massacre he was never going to have very sane views on guns in the first place.
He"s american and sings death metal leaving out the massacre he was never going to have very sane views on guns in the first place.

Despite the name they are not a death metal band. And from older interviews I've seen it seems like he was often slightly infuriated or exasperated that some people had trouble consolidating his 'rock star persona' with the fact he wanted to be a Republican politician and is a social conservative. There are a few indications that he perhaps trolls or deliberately stirs things up on this front, but nothing to suggest he doesn't believe the shit he spouts.
The bellendery continues:

Eagles of Death Metal frontman Jesse Hughes is backtracking on comments he made earlier this week suggesting that security at Paris' Bataclan theater may have been in on the attacks that killed 89 people during the band's show on November 13, calling them "absurd accusations."

On Wednesday, Hughes told Fox Business Network that before the show, he found out that "six or so" security guards failed to show up that night. "It seems rather obvious that they had a reason not to show up," he said.

The venue responded Thursday calling his statements not only defamatory, but "insane."

Eagles of Death Metal's Jesse Hughes apologizes for 'absurd accusations' against Bataclan
The bellendery continues:
It was those Joos again, i knew they were behind it.
Am inclined to cut this tosser a tiny bit of slack though, if he was in his right mind he'd have kept his theory to himself, not told it to Fox news. :facepalm:
Why would someone who in earlier in their life wanted to be a Republican politician not share shit theories with Fox news?
Why do revolutionary socialists/ anarchists not want the proletariat to have ready access to and experience of firearms ?
Honest question . They often sound more horrified than the cops . Strikes me as a bit of a bizarre attitude tbh .

Personally I blame the all too pervasive influence of American liberals . Jazz hands down to that .
Why do revolutionary socialists/ anarchists not want the proletariat to have ready access to and experience of firearms ?
Honest question . They often sound more horrified than the cops . Strikes me as a bit of a bizarre attitude tbh .

Personally I blame the all too pervasive influence of American liberals . Jazz hands down to that .

Here's one pro-gun anarcho-wosit
Here's one pro-gun anarcho-wosit

Methinks some envisage a revolution consisting of groups of people running about earnestly waving flags in a determined manner, while the state merely crumbles in awe beneath their earnestness and awesomeness. Sort of like Bono earnestly running about a stage at a concert .

But I digress. Twat that the lead singer may be..is..anyone stuck in a Bataclan type situation who'd be glad there weren't guns available to shoot back with is a twit .
The stinking shitbubble scumbag has excelled himself, attacking children demonstrating against his precious guns.

Bataclan survivor Jesse Hughes calls March for Our Lives 'pathetic'

The Eagles of Death Metal frontman also compared handing in guns to prevent gun violence to men dismembering themselves to end rape, and accused Parkland shooting survivor Emma González of treason

In one of the remaining posts, Hughes shared an illustration of a woman telling a man, “I turned in my gun to do my part in ending violence,” to which he replies, “I chopped off my own dick to stop rape.” In a caption beneath the post, Hughes questions the efficacy of passing new legislation as a way of “[combating] chronic abusers and disregarders of the law (like the law against Murder)” and accuses the Parkland survivors of “exploiting the death of 16 of our fellow students for a few Facebook likes and some media attention”.
Yep he’s a knob.

I cut him a bit of slack after the Bataclan because that must’ve been a shit situation to have to overcome so I forgave his reactionary comments after seeing friends/fans killed, but he can fuck off with his verbal attacks on kids and pro gun shit now.
Like I said before, there is not a shortage of evidence about what sort of prick he was in terms of political persuasion years before the terrorist incident.

This video has been on youtube since 2011, and he is hardly a complete monster but in 4 minutes its not hard to judge plenty of his politics and attitudes.

And that video is very mild shit compared to stuff I posted about years ago in this thread - eg I shouldnt miss the opportunity to call him birther scum again.

In some way the occasional signs of cognitive dissonance some have with accepting that a character from the rock world was always a republican dick of a particular flavour, long before getting caught up in a terrorist attack, reminds me of the documentary about Eraserhead actor Jack Nance, 'I dont know Jack'. Because he was another kind of moody republican dick whose conservatism was at obvious odds with the more liberal persuasion of many of his peers in that entertainment world. Not that Nance one known to shout about stuff in the media but the theme of this non-liberal in the liberal arts/entertainment world was touched on in the documentary.
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