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the death of alexei navalny 16.2.24

Looking at the media coverage there are definitely two strands. Brave opposition figure to Putin. Tragically murdered. Western commentators heap praise.

Then the other. Ultra nationalist opportunist. Racist bigot.
Looking at the media coverage there are definitely two strands. Brave opposition figure to Putin. Tragically murdered. Western commentators heap praise.

Then the other. Ultra nationalist opportunist. Racist bigot.

I think both strands accept that there was an ultra-nationalist, opportunist, racist bigot involved. They may disagree on whose head the cap fits best.
I dont think thats true at all
Isn't it?

One side would say that Putin is an ultra-nationalist, opportunist, racist bigot: the other sid that Navalny was. I'd agree with both. I can't think of anyone apart from you who would absolve both.
Some of the individuals involved in the NATO-Russia war over Ukraine aren't particuarly pleasant at all.

But there are bigger forces at work, the plates of the world moving, more than just individuals. Hero or villain, free agent or stooge, Navalny got crushed between them.

Sad for him and his family, but there you go.
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The hagiography for this guy is so fucking weird, especially when one considers that were he in Putin's place he'd probably be up to the same kind of shit in Ukraine. Not convinced that Navalny would be any better corruption-wise either.

Why is it so difficult to recognise that he was murdered by an oppressive regime without lionising him?
rightwingers here are "poiting out" that putin:navalny::biden:trump

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There’s some marvellous cognitive dissonance being evidenced in the last two sentences of that extract imo.
Why is it so difficult to recognise that he was murdered by an oppressive regime without lionising him?

Did he get accidentally tripped on those icy stairs on Kremlin orders? Possibly.

In this latest round of NATO's wars they've managed to drag much of the centrist to liberal-arty-metropolitan left on board and the propaganda is running overtime, so the pressure to think in black & white is much stronger.

i.e. If you aren't crying hard enough for Navalny, then you must be a friend of PUŢĹER!

Navalny's mother says she has been shown his body

Alexei Navalny's mother has said she has been shown his body, but added that the Russian authorities were pressuring her to allow a "secret" burial. In a video address, Lyudmila Navalnaya said she had been brought to a morgue on Wednesday night. She said she had signed a death certificate. Allies of the former opposition leader said it claimed he died of natural causes.
Very emotional day for a lot of Russians. Even those who didn't like Navalny will feel like something important died with him.
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