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EU watch

Posted this on the refugee crisis thread, it ought to be here too.
In 2024, Europe to hunt for new partners to offload asylum seekers
aljazeera. 3 Jan 2024
From Ghana to Georgia, Rwanda to Albania, the EU is looking for nations that will hold vulnerable people on its behalf.
Similarly to her British ally, Meloni had signed a deal to send asylum seekers arriving in Italy to another country. Albania had agreed to process their claims in two facilities run by Italian officials under Italian jurisdiction. The five-year deal, announced in November, was blocked by the Balkan country’s Constitutional Court for violating the constitution and international conventions.

Le Coz told Al Jazeera that Georgia, Ghana and Moldova were also in talks with European Union member states to sign deals to conduct part or all of their asylum procedures on their territory. Whether these agreements will be greenlit by courts next year is unclear.

“Deals that externalise asylum processing raise questions in terms of human rights standards but also on political and financial costs,” Le Coz said. “In the end, none of these deals are moving forward because their legal grounds are pretty shaky, and so far, they have provided no solutions while incurring many costs.”
This could be fun

Black cat deja vu.

The treaty allowing for a EU army (and Navy) was signed over 20 years ago...at the time the US sec of state were saying inside Nato outside Nato don't care just spend more on defense....though they changed there mind on that and wanted it in NATO...led to European Rapid Reaction Force which initially wasnt in NATO then was. Also led to formalising the2% of GDP thing

Ps Verhofstadt ignored that Belgium troops got to NATOs Romianian frontier PDQ at the start of Putin's 'special military operation' when he was calling for a EUro army then
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Ukraine’s European allies are either broke, small or irresolute
economist Mar 21st 2024 https://archive.is/JT9WL
If some countries are short on size and others on either money or ambition, why not join forces? EU schemes abound, some better than others. A boost to the “European Peace Facility” agreed on March 18th was meant to deliver military kit worth €5bn ($5.4bn) to Ukraine—but turns out to be in part recycled past commitments. A better idea, floated by Estonia and now backed by Mr Macron, might be for the EU to jointly borrow €100bn that would go towards bolstering the bloc’s defence. This would be a repeat of the pandemic-busting Next Generation EU fund worth €750bn.
Such a scheme could turn the EU into, in effect, a single large, solvent and potentially ambitious ally for Ukraine. For now it is being resisted by richer countries, mainly in the north of Europe, which end up repaying most of the money borrowed by the EU (and which agreed to the pandemic fund only as a one-off). Sceptics worry that a large defence fund would be hostage to a familiar type of sclerosis that befalls joint EU projects, often involving Hungarian vetoes. They may be right. But Ukraine might well prefer one big yet imperfect ally to lots of smaller ones that all fall short in their own different ways.
This is a very interesting talk by Cas Mudde on the Euro Elections. Dont be put off by the length , I did it in parts. His talk is only half an hour and originally I though ok I can put up with that length but no more however once it gets going the Q&A session that follows allows him to expand on a number of issues.

Shorthand highlights are :

The conservative right group EPP ( which also contains some populist right elements ) will have a majority if the ECR and ID groups ( populist and far right) vote with them .
Potential consequences are on immigration and green policies
The EU needs reform if it is to expand but the role of the right is going to be key to this
Supporting Ukraine is the new proxy for liberalism and both Melloni in Italy and Musar in Slovenia have benefitted from this. He finds the attitude of some European commentators who give Melloni a free ride on her domestic policies and say that she cannot be far right due to her support for Ukraine at odds with the fact that she "has lived her whole life in a truly fascist subculture".
There is no 'cordon sanitaire ' against the far right across Europe. Around a quarter of states have the far right in government or as part of an alliance. In over half of the European states, the far right is in the top 3 big parties. They are no longer outsiders. The states that say that they do have a 'cordon sanitaire' ie Germany and Belgium are already involved in potential regional deals and in his opinion the cordon sanitaire in France will end once Le Pen is elected.
If Trump wins then the EU will have less time than if Bidens wins to fund and set up a European army however that is the direction either way

Goodbye Green and Fair, Hello Fortress Europe – Eco Ambitions dropped from EU leaders’ draft 5-year plan
April 10, 2024
It’s back to the future as the EU’s green ambitions face the chopping block, with priorities shifting to security and competition. That’s according to the European Council’s vision for the next 5 years, as revealed in a leaked internal draft of EU leaders’ ‘strategic agenda’.
This is a massive volte-face to the 2019-2024 agenda which included a core focus of building a “climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe” as one of four overarching priorities.
This core goal has been dropped from the vision for the next 5 years, according to the leaked draft, which we publish here in the interests of transparency.
Climate action is relegated to mere adaptation, along with a passive call to “promote innovation and research to accompany Europe towards climate neutrality” all that remains.
The leak of the plan instead proposes a three-pronged approach centred on creating a “strong, prosperous and democratic” Union.
Every five years, EU leaders agree on their political priorities for the future, outlined in a so-called ‘strategic agenda’. The agenda for 2024-2029 is currently under discussion between EU leaders, with the aim to adopt it in June 2024.
With the EU elections approaching two things caught my eye recently

Von der Leyen's recent speech which indicates that some far right groups are ok to work with, which mainly seems to be if they support Ukraine. So say hallo to her little friends Brothers of Italy , Vox and the Law and Justice Party .

France's National Rally real their latest acquisition , the former executive-director of the European Union's border agency Frontex, Fabrice Leggeri .

Tomorrow belongs to us

(from the BBC)

Far-right parties are on the rise in much of Europe, and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni senses a big moment.

“We are on the eve of a decisive election,” the Brothers of Italy leader tells a packed hall in Madrid by video link. Marine Le Pen of France’s National Rally is in the front row, alongside Santiago Abascal, who heads Spain’s Vox party. “We are the engine of our continent’s renaissance,” the Italian prime minister declares, before rousing her audience to a standing ovation.

"Ms von der Leyen’s European People’s Party is likely to end up as the biggest group and she has left the door open to an alliance with the ECR as long as they are pro-Europe, pro-Ukraine and in favour of rule of law.
The ECR includes not only Brothers of Italy, but also Poland’s right-wing populist opposition party, Law and Justice, Spain’s Vox, Riikka Purra’s Finns Party - part of the Finnish government - and Jimmy Akesson’s Sweden Democrats, who work with the Swedish government without being in it."

The other far right grouping in which Le Pen is the big wig , the Identity and Democracy (ID) group have just excluded the AfD due to allegations of key figures pro Nazi comments and Russian finance connections. Meloni may make a bid to get Le Pen to join the ECR or may think Von Der leydons embrace is more attractive .

What we are seeing is the equivalent of the Azov narrative in which the far right under the centrist's wooing have shed their skin and previous sins and become one of them.

The Socialist grouping, which in most cases is a name rather than a political belief, has said that they will not support von der Leyen's bid for a further term in the European Parliament unless she distances herself from Meloni. Whatever principles the Socialist grouping has the truth is that if von der Leyen doesn't like them, they will have others.

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