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EU watch

EU border policy in action: the EU supports "non EU partners" in keeping migrants out the bloc.

don't watch if you're not in a good place.

THis is one of 1000s of documented instances. Far right elements in the Croatian border police (Croatia has a massive razor wre fence with Bosnia) are off the leash. The high profile and embarrassing deportation of two Nigerian athletes in Croatia legitimately for a competition in late 2019, the tip of the iceberg.

One can only assume that well fed Europeans in 500 euro angora jumpers either don't know about this, or it's a minority who know about it and look the other way.

A far right populist Croat government is also colluding with Republika Srpska / Serbia proper and the OHR in Bosnia to destabilise the country and hive off territory with the tacit collusion of the EU and US. Hungary is the local, active and enthusiastic facilitator of this, being a hater of migrants and Muslims, yet somehow still in the EU. Presumably tossing out that fat prick Orban and his gang of elected fascists is just too much trouble.

I'm aware that the UK is currently "world-leading" in hateful policy towards migrants but nothing the EU is doing on this topic makes me feel re-joining is a desirable or worthwhile outcome here.

The thing is, this ground cannot hold and everyone knows it. The climate emergency is accelerating and within a few years enormous numbers of people will be seeking sanctuary in countries that human life can be sustained in. If the EU doesn't tear down the barbed wire fences, these desperate folk will. But in order for policy to be reversed the far right has to be confronted, defeated, the likes of Orban, Cović, Plenković need to be rotting in prison where they belong.

This latter is a fever dream unfortunately. Europe will continue to drift, squabbling and rudderless, into irrelevance, as the gap between its rhetorcial pieties and far right actions widen.
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Borrell is a deranged, senile, racist idiot.
Really piolitique. He's doing the right thing...A counter narrative of Taiwan is Nixon and Kissenger's Yalta...possibly but fuck that SAR proved China ain't yo be trusted . Though hanging on the coat tails of a US that might well go nuke over the issue ain't the best of looks. Its bigger than coat tails and it ain't UK that's corner painting yield and it's appeasement

.pressure. Pressure it needs
Uk nay not be in the EU anymorewith its single forirgn policy but our absence doesn't make it a purely a Franco German axis...that said. Germany largest investor in China bold responsible play France Louis Vitton vs High end chips fuck baggage
EU diplomat wants war with China.

There's nothing wrong with this.

War with Taiwan will happen when/if the Chinese government believes that their economic heft is significant enough that they can ensure there is no serious reaction to invading and re-educating Taiwan.

All this does is signal that the EU would take an invasion of Taiwan seriously and wouldn't turn a blind eye to keep trade with China as normal. Saying this means the EU wants "war with China" is ridiculous hyperbole.
There's nothing wrong with this.

War with Taiwan will happen when/if the Chinese government believes that their economic heft is significant enough that they can ensure there is no serious reaction to invading and re-educating Taiwan.

All this does is signal that the EU would take an invasion of Taiwan seriously and wouldn't turn a blind eye to keep trade with China as normal. Saying this means the EU wants "war with China" is ridiculous hyperbole.
the thing is war rarely happens when people want it and as anyone who follows what's going on in the south china sea will know, there's lots of provocations from the plan atm - eg Philippines rebukes Beijing for 'dangerous manoeuvres' in South China Sea so while everyone's got 2025 in their diaries there's always a chance things will get started before everyone's ready for the party
EU demands a new round of austerity and a simultaneous increase on defence spending from member countries.

"Around two dozen countries would fall under the scope of the new deficit and debt-reduction plans; the ones required to make the most stringent action would be Greece, Italy, France, Spain and Belgium. These nations would have to commit to a minimum deficit reduction of 0.5% of GDP every year, which could increase to 1.5% in some cases, mainly through budget cuts amounting to several billions of euros every year. In other words, austerity."

In the same way that UK nationals that have acquired EU passports in the last few years can be kicked out the UK for not attending celebrations over the weekend?

As far as I can tell they aren't dual citizens.

You don't seem to want to discuss it and that is fine.

So far you have seem to be saying that the EU should be responsible for non-EU citizens in something that falls within the remit of an individual state.
As far as I can tell they aren't dual citizens.

You don't seem to want to discuss it and that is fine.

So far you have seem to be saying that the EU should be responsible for non-EU citizens in something that falls within the remit of an individual state.
As I said traveling today . Hadn't read that art til after you but reckon they were in Latvia b4 Latvia was a thing. Always been scope for friction but the way the war has gone down for Russia probably better to be magnimous
As I said traveling today . Hadn't read that art til after you but reckon they were in Latvia b4 Latvia was a thing. Always been scope for friction but the way the war has gone down for Russia probably better to be magnimous

Fair enough.

They appear to have had a choice of passports but I’m not disputing what is right or otherwise. I was just finding it odd that it didn’t seem to have much to do with the EU.

This thread seems to a dumping ground for things that people don’t like, happening in the countries that are members of the EU.

Seems a bit Daily Mail to me, which is odd because the posters doing it all seem to be about “serious politics” outside this safe space for them to gripe about things happening in Europe that often aren’t anything to do with the EU.
The very post I quoted.

There have been many others.
Yeah I read the post you quoted but it's one example which does not go far to prove your point of this being a dumping ground for problems not the responsibility of the EU but which are being attributed to them. Can you link to a few of the "many others" that helped inform your view?
Yeah I read the post you quoted but it's one example which does not go far to prove your point of this being a dumping ground for problems not the responsibility of the EU but which are being attributed to them. Can you link to a few of the "many others" that helped inform your view?

I will point any future ones out that I see, since you are interested.

The original poster still hasn’t made a comment on why they thought it was relevant to the thread.
Yeah I read the post you quoted but it's one example which does not go far to prove your point of this being a dumping ground for problems not the responsibility of the EU but which are being attributed to them. Can you link to a few of the "many others" that helped inform your view?
And answers came not
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