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EU watch

The EU seems to be moving further towards the right, despite portraying itself as a force for good:

Having once denounced Donald Trump’s plans to build a wall on the US border with Mexico as morally unacceptable, the bloc now has nearly 20 external steel walls or razor-wire fences, running to a combined length of nearly 2,000km. Twenty years ago there were no walls around the EU.

While these barriers were paid for by national governments, EU leaders have just agreed to “immediately mobilise substantial EU funds and means” to help member states bolster their “border protection capabilities and infrastructure”. In other words, more cameras, drones and watchtowers.

Britain’s blueprint for outsourcing asylum applications to African countries such as Rwanda is now also on EU leaders’ agenda, as are plans to make EU development assistance, trade deals and visa liberalisation policies conditional on countries’ readiness to take back people who are denied EU asylum.

The taboos are falling fast as the EU embraces the far-right racist approach to migration | Shada Islam
Reported in the Portuguese news today :

"The inflationary wave will still be felt with intensity in Portugal during this year. Calculations from Dinheiro Vivo based on the Brussels winter projections , released yesterday, show that the relief from the rise in prices will be the seventh weakest in the euro zone, with a retreat of only 2.7 percentage points (pp) between 2022, year which recorded the peak of inflation, of 8.1%, and 2023, which should cool down to 5.4%. And it's the fault of wage increases, signals the European Commission."

FACT: There are strikes by teachers, health workers transport and strikes in the private sector over pay. 72% of workers earn less than 1000 euros

Reported in the Portuguese news today :

"The inflationary wave will still be felt with intensity in Portugal during this year. Calculations from Dinheiro Vivo based on the Brussels winter projections , released yesterday, show that the relief from the rise in prices will be the seventh weakest in the euro zone, with a retreat of only 2.7 percentage points (pp) between 2022, year which recorded the peak of inflation, of 8.1%, and 2023, which should cool down to 5.4%. And it's the fault of wage increases, signals the European Commission."

FACT: There are strikes by teachers, health workers transport and strikes in the private sector over pay. 72% of workers earn less than 1000 euros

Whats the cost of living like there?
Whats the cost of living like there?
To o get some idea you need to start with where the 1000 a month would go . Accommodation is the biggest costs . Rent is anywhere between 6-800 for a two bed flat in cities and major towns obviously cheaper in the countryside. Then obviously there are utility bills , food etc on top. Inflation was 9% at the end of last year.
The Finns party (previously True Finns) coming second in Finnish election, and possibly heading back into government
With all of the votes counted on Sunday, the right-wing National Coalition party (NCP) won 20.8% of the vote, with the populist, nation-first Finns party scoring 20.1%. Marin’s SDP took 19.9% of the vote. Voter turnout was 71.9%.
So in both Sweden and Finland populists parties doing well.
Polling for the AfD up. Populists in government in Italy, achieving their best results France.

The idea that the genie was going to go back into the bottle post-Covid really has been debunked
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Except its not the US nor Taiwan that see the 29-47 civil war as unfinished business.

Still, there's an election in Taiwan next January ...see how that goes

Except its not the US nor Taiwan that see the 29-47 civil war as unfinished business.

Still, there's an election in Taiwan next January ...see how that goes
It's not even a coherent policy....The only reason they could do that is because the threat directly to the east Russia, is being burnt out by Ukraine with NATO's assistance. Macron would have appeased Putin.

The only reason. Taiwan didn't consider Rafaels is cos they had a bad experience with Mirage 2000s. Turns out Taiwan got lucky if Macon's attitude is placate the CCP.

The same CCP that has made massive in roads (quite literally) to Africa, an area France has always concerned itself with.

An EU without the UK in it was always going to be a different beast but I hope it doesn't just end up France and Grrmany bickering over whose play thing it is...the Poles for one have other ideas

Except its not the US nor Taiwan that see the 29-47 civil war as unfinished business.

Still, there's an election in Taiwan next January ...see how that goes
Most people believe the civil war ended in December 1949
Not seeing the case made for 1947 tho
As we both know. You are a cunt.

Currently. As in right now CCP warships are stopping ships going about their lawful business navigating the Staits of Taiwan, whist over 70 CCP military aircraft carry out exercises on either side of Taiwan.

CCPs One China is a China with boundaries that aren't in line with 1947. CCP is clearly expansionist
As we both know. You are a cunt.

Currently. As in right now CCP warships are stopping ships going about their lawful business navigating the Staits of Taiwan, whist over 70 CCP military aircraft carry out exercises on either side of Taiwan.

CCPs One China is a China with boundaries that aren't in line with 1947. CCP is clearly expansionist
1947 has nothing to do with it
9 warships and 70 aircraft currently encircling Taipai and doing live fire drills say different For CCP and 'One China poilcy' civil war is unfinished business. If youre Taipai its what part of not under CCP rule don't yunderstand ?

Can't even hide under a fig ear of one country two systems after the CCP blatantly disregarded its obligations to Hong Kong in the years since the hand over
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9 warships and 70 aircraft currently encircling Taipai and doing live fire drills say different For CCP and 'One China poilcy' civil war is unfinished business. If youre Taipai its what part of not under CCP rule don't yunderstand ?

Can't even hide under a fig ear of one country two systems after the CCP blatantly disregarded its obligations to Hong Kong in the years since the hand over
Pickmans is making fun of you. The Civil War ended in 1949, not 1947.
Pickmans is making fun of you. The Civil War ended in 1949, not 1947.
Well he can fuck off, mostly today' Ive been dealing with 4 separate engineers on the new place and it's looking like We are in a hotel for the next couple of days

Mr Macron later urged Europe not to get dragged into a confrontation between Washington and Beijing over Taiwan, in remarks that have attracted some criticism.
On his flight out of China, he told reporters that Europe risked getting "caught up in crises that are not ours" and this would make it harder to build "strategic autonomy".
Possible quid pro quo - China keeps out of Ukraine and Europe turns a blind eye to Taiwan ?
China won't invade Taiwan anytime soon, They are, if anything, more reliant on semiconductors coming out of Taiwan, and especially TSMC than 'we' in the West are. Any military action will destroy that industry. Taiwan is also just about to completely revamp their national service (currently four months with more of an emphasis on ;nation building' than modern tactics for a one year stint with a focus on lessons from Ukraine. Also the taiwanese seem to think China won't have sufficient sea lift capacity for five or six years, and finally the Taiwanese tactic seems to be to use threaten to use the thousands of short range they have to wreak havoc on most of the Chinese coastal area (i.e. the bit with the money) if there were landings.

As above, the Chinese strategy is up in the air since the actions they took in Hong Kong has put back the (re) unification political campaign.
You say that, but I seem to remember the "Russia won't invade Ukraine any time soon" comments (of which I was one of the doubters). In other words, don't fucking jinx it.
Indeed. But then, whatever else he is, Xi isn't fucking mental...
Indeed. But then, whatever else he is, Xi isn't fucking mental...

Neither is Putin, Ukraine was a miscalculation based on poor information. If it had worked out as Putin had intended people would still see him as a cold, calculating genius.

Xi is likely even more cloistered than Putin so make of that what you will. Hopefully he is more risk averse however.
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