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EU watch

You said it makes you think the right side won, which is quite different to what you're saying in the post above which seems to be that there is no difference between EU xenophobia and British xenophobia. I don't think it is disingenuous for me to read it that way.

fuck off with your sentence parsing you hand wringing cunt
How are these FBPE types responding to Borrell’s statements ? . I haven’t seen any indignation from any on Twitter , mind you a lot of these types have little idea about who is who , what is said and what happens on the EU unless they retweet something thats in their timeline

I barely use Twitter so I have no idea. I will probably delete my account when I can be bothered.
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I don't owe you an answer on anything, particulalrly as you've already come to a view regardless of what I might say in reply.

Get yourself to fuck.

That's your assumption that I've already come to a view.

And you don't owe anyone an answer but you immediately jumped into personal abuse because I supposedly misunderstood what you said, and when I tried to figure out what you actually meant you got even more abusive, and then told me to fuck off when I asked for clarification. Don't you think you overreacted?
The remain mob like to think their vote to remain was a progressive vote and absolutely refuse to address the structural racism and xenophobic attitudes contained in EU policy and pronouncements.
Lexiteers think theirs was a progressive vote too. Much to the delight of Aron Banks
EU is now complaining to the USA that the tax credits to US producers of green hydrogen, renewable energy, zero-emission vehicles and sustainable aviation fuels in its Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) puts EU-based producers at a disadvantage.
Until last week, anyone wanting to know the ultimate owner of an EU-based company could consult databases held by member states. But, in a ruling last week in a case centred on privacy and data protection, the Court of Justice of the EU has in effect shut such registers to public view.

Big polluting industries have been given almost €100bn (£86bn) in free carbon permits by the EU in the last nine years, according to an analysis by the WWF. The free allowances are “in direct contradiction with the polluter pays principle”, the group said.
Following the unfortunate garden and the savages analogy , Borrell now calms things down by announcing "Like the conquistadors, we must invent a new world"

( needs chrome translation)

Thread reader on Paul Poast's contention that the foundation of what was to become the EU was actually about trying to resolve 'The German problem' ie how to try and deal with a country that began a series of wars, 1870, 1914, and 1939. ( whether or not there is a parallel with how to deal with Russia is open to discussion)

The EU corruption scandal is of the "utmost concern" after investigators charged four people with allegedly receiving money and gifts from Qatar, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has said.

Germany's foreign minister Annalena Baerbock has said "the credibility of Europe" is at stake due

No Mrs just another full of shit politician, the credibility of some of your mates in the EU Parliament are under investigation not Europe. Typical fucking deflection from another shithole with her finger in the Pie
Thread reader on Paul Poast's contention that the foundation of what was to become the EU was actually about trying to resolve 'The German problem' ie how to try and deal with a country that began a series of wars, 1870, 1914, and 1939. ( whether or not there is a parallel with how to deal with Russia is open to discussion)

I was reading this today and found it really interesting.
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