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EU watch

I was reading this today and found it really interesting.
Interesting to contrast what happened (as described in that thread ) in dealing with a 'problematic' state versus what was America's initial thoughts, the Morgenthau Plan. Again whether the debate is relevant to the present conflict is a different matter.
I note on the other thread Portugal is also the EU's no. 1 remainiac country.
There is very little in terms of hurrah hurrah for the EU in Portugal. None of that mawkish guff that pervades many remainers in the UK. The Portuguese are quite happy to take any money and emigration for work is seen as a necessity for many workers due to the low wages here. At the same time, there is criticism of the EU favoring the northern European states, the EU's rules on state expenditure and there is still criticism of getting rid of the escudo and joining the Euro. The left outside of the Socialist Party is EU sceptic and campaigns for reform. It's a lot more rounded debate than the UK.
There is very little in terms of hurrah hurrah for the EU in Portugal. None of that mawkish guff that pervades many remainers in the UK.
There was none of that in the UK until the referendum campaign. The majority of sentiments to the EU have been stoked up, on both sides
There was none of that in the UK until the referendum campaign. The majority of sentiments to the EU have been stoked up, on both sides
I can even remember the let's reform the EU trend on the left before and at the start of the referendum. Sadly all gone now.
There is very little in terms of hurrah hurrah for the EU in Portugal. None of that mawkish guff that pervades many remainers in the UK.
It seems there is even less in terms of hurrah hurrah for leaving the EU.
And campaigning for reform is of course a fundamentally remainiac position.

The unelected Ursula reaches her pinnacle.

the article paints a different picture from your conclusion, it says "brussels" is not the centralised power hub it once was, and that power is ever-increasingly in the hands of member states, and it suggests her importance comes from her role as someone whose job it is is to try and find compromise between the competing 27 states pulling in different political directions
the article paints a different picture from your conclusion, it says "brussels" is not the centralised power hub it once was, and that power is ever-increasingly in the hands of member states, and it suggests her importance comes from her role as someone whose job it is is to try and find compromise between the competing 27 states pulling in different political directions
I disagree tat it has become this un-centralised democracy you imply, it is more so than previously yes, but this was not gifted by Germany and France it is the result of some member nations waking up to the negative aspects of the EU control system which is steered inequitably by 2 countries one which has tried and failed to control Europe by military force and the other that was a major victim of that regimes efforts and doesnt ever want to be in that position again
I disagree tat it has become this un-centralised democracy you imply, it is more so than previously yes, but this was not gifted by Germany and France it is the result of some member nations waking up to the negative aspects of the EU control system which is steered inequitably by 2 countries one which has tried and failed to control Europe by military force and the other that was a major victim of that regimes efforts and doesnt ever want to be in that position again
I'm not implying anything, I'm summarising the article
Despite his coolness on EU membership, Vučić said that the European Political Community (EPC) — an intergovernmental forum established in 2022 after the Russian invasion of Ukraine — is “important,” calling it “a good idea of [French President Emmanuel] Macron.”
“There is a cruel irony that the Council’s conclusions on building walls to stop people fleeing conflict and poverty across the world come on the same day that they welcomed the President of Ukraine."

“There is a cruel irony that the Council’s conclusions on building walls to stop people fleeing conflict and poverty across the world come on the same day that they welcomed the President of Ukraine."

White peoples with blonde hair matter more
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