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EU elections: a questionaire thingy to help discern your nearest party.

two words



As someone else said, this is partly down to fascists being for "expanded welfare state" though I would obviously take issue with any such vision of theirs.

The other thing is I suspect quite a lot of people here are so anti the neoliberal superstate that it has bumped up petty nationalists.

Still I dont see why Sinn Fein came in about no. 7 for me with no mention of Plaid, who I am more attuned to. maybe da Plaid aint in the mix.
Euro wide:
1. Socialist Party (CWI Ireland...) 93,8% :D
2.Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses 86,5%
3. Greek CP86,3%
4.Folkebevægelsen mod EU 85,0% (who are they?)
5 Junilistan 84,4%(And them, who the hell are they??)
6 Green Party England & Wales 84,0%
7.Green Party England & Wales 84,0%
8.Coligação Democrática Unitária 83,7%
9.Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste 83,3 %

The Pirate Party came in at 11...
:D - weirdly my nearest party is the greens... (in the UK) - all far to complicated to get simple head around

Yeah these kind of things are shit....It puts me closer to the Tories and the BNP than Labour.....Pity it dosent ask what i think of voting for Nazis or people who gave us Thatcher....
yeh mine came out as 79 something for the socialist party in ireland and im thinking of joining them :D maybe i should join the bnp instead eh ... :D
Green = 66
Lab = 56
Con = 53
BNP = 35
UKIP = 10

But although the Lib Dems were ranked 1 for UK parties, they only managed 14th out of EU parties. Makes sense I suppose - I'm very pro-European. In fact I consider myself mainly Australian but partly European and not at all English, despite the fact that I was born here.
Socialist Party (94.2)
SF (63.4)
GP (58.5)
Lab (44.8)
Libertas (41.4)
FG (14.2)
FF (8.8)

This is actually pretty good, given that it picked out the party I'm actually a member of as the one I'm by far the most likely to vote for. It then grouped the allegedly leftish parties as the next three and then the more openly right wing parties as the last three.

In European terms I get: The Irish Socialist Party, FolkeB (Denmark), KKE (Greece), LO (France), PCTP-MRPP (Portugal), NPA (France), Bloco de Esquerda (Portugal), POI (France), CDU (possibly Portuguese as well?)

That's mostly pretty accurate in that it turned up the Party I am in, two parties I would be in if I lived in the right countries and a bunch of other far left outfits. I don't know who the CDU are, by the way and for a bewildering second I thought it was the Bavarian Christian Democrats but they seem to be CPish.

The main anomoly is the FolkeB, who don't seem to have policies on a big range of issues. They get a high score because they don't like the EU (the same reason Libertas does better than FG and FF in Ireland).
Well if i get my voting papers thru:

PRC/PdCI (Communists) = 76.8%
Sinistra e Liberta (Dunno who they are look like a Green/Left bloc) = 75.5%

Well that's pretty clear then...

The closest match is the Piratpartiet, with Portuguese Maoists of the PCTP-MRPP picking up an 83.9% match :hmm:

In the UK its the Greens.

No surprises here then.
UK (England)
Green 78.1
LibDem 64.3
Con 49.2 (!)

Left Party 82.1%
Green 64.3%
Free Voters (Bourgeois Independents) 63.5%

Europe Wide
Izquierda Unida (Spain) 92.9%
ÖDP (Turkey, not EU ?) 86.8%
Pirate Party (Sweden) 83.3%
BNG - Nationalist Block Galicia(Spain) 83%
hmm, BNP and Plaid both have huge swathes of the answers as "no opinion", making the BNP closer and Plaid further away
Green 83 %
Plaid 80%
Lib Dem 66%
BNP 61%
Con 54%
Lab 52%
UKIP 26%

Apparently I didn't quite want as 'liberal a society' as Plaid Cymru :confused: probably didn't put the ID cards stuff as important enough.

The BNP closeness to me was on the welfare state. However i'm not too sure that in power they would be sympathetic to those that they consider 'scroungers'.

My nearest parties in Europe are the Pirate Party from Sweden (!), the Left Bloc in Portugal, Rifondazione in Italy and the Bloc Nacionalista Galego from Galicia.

Better than the political compass I think.
nah, prettier and more useful in terms of the parties to look at, but the second axis being pro/anti eu is to crude and just means that the first axis is the old fashioned left/right spectrum

but no, for comparing things, political compass is gash, i sent them an email 4 years ago asking if they were gonna even put plaid, snp and NI parties on their chart
Plaid Cymru actually came top of my European list.

But on two of the categories we matched 0%. When I did the sums, it didn't add up - the overall score must have been wrong. I think they have a problem with some of their calculations.

The most consistently matching (across categories) parties for me in Europe were the Swiss Socialist Party, and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (‘Republican Left of Catalonia'), followed by Groenlinks. Well, I did live for 6 years in Geneva. And I've always wanted to go to Barcelona. And my GF is from Te Netherlands. It all makes sense.
Plaid Cymru actually came top of my European list.

But on two of the categories we matched 0%. When I did the sums, it didn't add up - the overall score must have been wrong. I think they have a problem with some of their calculations.

the plaid answers are "No opinion" on about 8 of the questions, completely wrecks the methodology


I am assuming there is a big anti- EU streak among some posters, hence the relatively high % vote for BNP. Thsi survey also has BNP as neutral as to left right axis which is nonsense
I am assuming there is a big anti- EU streak among some posters, hence the relatively high % vote for BNP. Thsi survey also has BNP as neutral as to left right axis which is nonsense

My thoughts exactly. OTOH as an exercise in raising awareness of different Euro Parties at least it's a stab. Knocking together something like this must be really hard to get "right" when there are so many opinions of what "right" would mean.

It's very possible that the people who put this together are not UK based and fully aware of what horrors the BNP are. Or they just see them in the context of being a standard EU far right party which they are more used to over there,cos FPTP tends to keep out the fash here.
I am assuming there is a big anti- EU streak among some posters, hence the relatively high % vote for BNP. Thsi survey also has BNP as neutral as to left right axis which is nonsense

Nah, on most of the questions relating to the EU i ticked "neutral" and for some reason that had me agreeing with the BNP :rolleyes:
It doesn't really deal with the reality as I see it. Policies don't matter as such. What matters is how likely they are to actually happen, how they are likely to be administered, and how much covert agenda a party has.

With that reservation I get: LD 69.6%, Lab 62.9%, Gr 58.0%, Con 52.1%, Scum 31.9%, UKIP 21.5%.

Which is pretty much what I'd expect. I don't agree down the line with any party. Not even close at present. However I am strongly anti-racist and not even slightly xenophobic.
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