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England local election results thread

Bit of a philosopher this angel:

'Marxist' and 'Marxism' (and 'socialist', 'liberal', etc.) are widely-abused terms. Those who positively advocate multi-culturalism have little knowledge or understanding of Marxism, nor any conscious desire to fulfil Marx's stated aims. Marx wanted to unite workers, not exploit them. The people who twisted his ideas are 'neo-Marxists' or 'Marxoid' and are influenced by the Frankfurt School, but my personal view is that such people do not themselves understand Marxism and have corrupted the original writings of Marx/Engels.
It's not LOTR (coincidence that Tolkien also drew on Norse mythology) it's Aryan/Norse fascist symbolism.
No, I'm telling you, his idea of casual wear is tights, a jerkin and a cloak of invisibility.

Though more seriously, that fash view of Anglo-Saxon culture has now gone through the Tolkien lens of misty romanticism.
No, I'm telling you, his idea of casual wear is tights, a jerkin and a cloak of invisibility.

Though more seriously, that fash view of Anglo-Saxon culture has now gone through the Tolkien lens of misty romanticism.

I guess it's more populist than scouring the Book of Kells ever was.
Tories have lost control of Norfolk. Previously held 60 of 84 seats

Not surprised. My dad was saying UKIP had been canvassing the villages near him pretty thoroughly the last couple of weeks, offering a lift to the polls etc.
Only one area in Wales had voting, 30 seats up for grabs, UKIP fielded a candidate in every ward but failed to win a single seat, they got 7% of the vote which compared very badly to what they got in England, but still beat the Tories who only had 6% of the vote and also won no seats although over in England the Tories still dominated in most areas where there was voting.

Wales and England politically miles apart so it seems, Wales on the left, England on the extreme right.

Same old shit from a shitcunt.
Yeah, I know, you mentioned it on a thread from earlier on - I said it because it looked like you were replying to butchers inquisition as if you were under sort of some obligation to, like your an errant schoolboy and he's the headmaster, marking your work and letting you know where you've been going wrong. This is a webforum not a court, and butchers isn't the forum police (as much as the idea must appeal to the inner-policeman buried deep inside every Anarchist I've ever met) so don't feel like you have tell anyone about where you live, what you do, and all the other pedantry.

Inner policeman, eh?
(puts Delroy on the list for the wet blanket treatment).
Just found out my cousin got elected as a Tory borough councillor :facepalm: he's officially disowned (I haven't talked to him since he went off on a rant about how anyone who took part in the London riots 'should have their benefits removed')

Sorry to hear that, weeps. Always sad when someone confirms their wrong'un status so publicly. :(
Who the hell did vote for him? Given what he said,there must be some very twattish people in that bit of Cornwall.

It's not exactly a novel phenomenon. This bloke has played it as him "provoking debate" and "speaking his mind". There's a long history of councillors and MPs pulling the same flanker and getting away with it.
And, frankly, his vote was tiny, so it's only a small number of twats among a much larger constituency of good people.
I am glad that Collin Brewer was re-elected. I cannot and do not condone his original comment (as reported), but I think the reaction was irrational and hysterical. The comments on the subject in this thread and elsewhere are symptomatic of a new phenomenon in which people feel the need to react emotionally to issues and assume they have a licence to denigrate and abuse others at will without any thought or consideration in the belief that they are morally right. One comment made by a local councillor was blown out of all proportion and then exploited cynically by a rather obnoxious and self-satisfied young lady whose tactics, I am glad to see, have soundly back-fired. No-one here or elsewhere has considered whether it is cruel or unfair to subject Cllr. Brewer to such disproportionate and hysterical comment and scrutiny in local and national media, and in social media, for what was an off-hand remark. It seems to me that Cllr. Brewer has, rightly, been judged on his record and has been re-elected fairly in accordance with the rules. This should be accepted, and in my view he should now be left-alone and allowed to serve those who elected him.

Public office requires the holder of the office to be circumspect with their opinions, because those opinions (rightly or wrongly) will carry an official imprimatur. That Brewer was taken to task for his comments is right and proper - voicing support for eugenic policies isn't an acceptable part of the public discourse of a public office holder. If the man had any honour, he would have stood down from public office, and contemplated the disgrace he brought upon that office.
It's not exactly a novel phenomenon. This bloke has played it as him "provoking debate" and "speaking his mind". There's a long history of councillors and MPs pulling the same flanker and getting away with it.
And, frankly, his vote was tiny, so it's only a small number of twats among a much larger constituency of good people.

Now, I'll be the first to admit your better informed than me as regards politics and politicians but I can't recall someone coming out with something as loathsome as this and being re-elected and yes,in the greater constituency his vote/following is small but worryingly significant in that he felt he could stand and actually win,and gives others encouragement to slide out from under their stones.
No, they are not, its gut instinct, compassion, empathy, etc, that means people feel genuinely outraged and physically sick , that in the 21st C, a person can make a comment like that, stop being an apologist for him..

Absolutely. What Brewer did (whether he meant it or was "provoking debate") was propose a eugenic solution to the issue of the cost of care of children born with certain health and/or developmental issues. Whether he's an idiot or Machiavelli isn't an issue, but that he felt it appropriate to say something of that sort, in his position as a holder of public offoce, is.
Now, I'll be the first to admit your better informed than me as regards politics and politicians but I can't recall someone coming out with something as loathsome as this and being re-elected and yes,in the greater constituency his vote/following is small but worryingly significant in that he felt he could stand and actually win,and gives others encouragement to slide out from under their stones.

Just read Private Eye's "Rotten Boroughs" column once a fortnight, and you can "enjoy" a veritable shit-rain of loathesome mouthings by local pols who then get re-elected. The sharpest point about Brewer is merely that he got re-elected quite so soon after shitting on his own shoes.
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