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England local election results thread

Oh dear. Well and truly rumbled -a selection of weirdo views:

Earendel said:
I agree that an openly racist presentation (i.e. the Purist Trap) would not work, but playing the cagey game hasn't worked either. And in my view, compromise (i.e. the UKIP Trap) won't work any better. There is a middle path, which is that we stick to our core beliefs - i.e. the Fourteen Words - but we build a broad social and political coalition under the flag of 'identity' (rather than strict Nationalism).

Nationalism is what we stand for, yes, and its Rubrick represents the apotheosis of rational racial consciousness, but to become meaningful, Nationalism needs the stanchion of broader movements in society, some of which we might not find wholly palatable in the social or ideological senses, but which we need nonetheless. That's not compromise, just smart politics.

Earendel said:
All the best to the National Front candidate. There is potential for a big Nationalist vote in Doncaster

Earendel said:
Of course, for us, the existence of the far-Right in such numbers is only a problem in the sense that there just aren't enough of them.

Earendel said:
There do seem to be a high number of Jews and homosexuals, and those who aren't either seem to have a pronounced sympathy for both groups.

Earendel said:
I think you may be falling into the (understandable) error of venerating democracy as an abstract. Hitler despised mass enfranchisement democracy. He was very explicit about this in Mein Kampf and numerous speeches. But he didn't necessarily harbour the same contempt for democracy as an idealised concept in the sense of citizens deciding and running their own affairs. Much depends on what you define as a 'citizen' and also what you put above the citizenry.
This has been an instructive exchange in one sense; now we know what weirdos do with their Sunday afternoons.

Not all weirdos, to be fair.

Personally I'm far more into stuffing eels inside live chickens then heading into Truro town centre and juggling the aforementioned eel-stuffed birds while bellowing a crude version of 'The Wild Rover' before managing a neat (if somewhat implausible) segue into something more up-tempo like'Guantanamera' or 'Whoops, Mrs Miggins, You're Sitting On My Artichokes.'

But that's just me.
Not bullying me, really? And you and the other committee members decided this on your own, did you?

You obviously haven't actually bothered to read what I have said here anyway. I have never defended what he said. In fact, I have said quite pointedly that I do not defend it - and I have said this a number of times, but to no avail since you still think otherwise. There is a difference between approving of, or defending, what someone has said, and disapproving or questioning critically the reaction to what they have said.
Nobody's denying his right to his loathsome views,just his holding public office while having these views. And there are no "committees" on here
Not all weirdos, to be fair.

Personally I'm far more into stuffing eels inside live chickens then heading into Truro town centre and juggling the aforementioned eel-stuffed birds while bellowing a crude version of 'The Wild Rover' before managing a neat (if somewhat implausible) segue into something more up-tempo like'Guantanamera' or 'Whoops, Mrs Miggins, You're Sitting On My Artichokes.'

But that's just me.
Can't beat a bracing stroll in the fresh air, and fishy poultry can only improve your perambulations. You need to work on that disappointingly readable font size you've got there, mind.
Would it? Thanks for the tip. It's always good to know that you are spending time thinking about me and coming up with these suggestions. It shows initiative.
Thinking about you? Well knowing there are people like you about,is certainly food for thought.
:D Now could you simultaneously embrace the Fuhrerprinzip and whine about being bullied? Never realised the far right had an odd dialectics of their own too.

I'm oppressed by teh Jooz.

Jooz, check your privilege...
You'd have thought he'd be fully behind Brewer's views as a proud 14 word ethno-nationalist. Is he really prepared to sell his race out so cheaply?
Does Earendel think Mussolini marched on Rome in the company of weak-kneed bottle jobs such as himself? For shame. And country!
not cornish then.

there's a few oddballs in the cornish nationalists, but their tolerance for the far right is zero
He used to be, but is no longer a member of any nationalist party "for personal reasons". Whatever they may be.

The drive by the far-right to become 'respectable', probably, decreasing his chances to get acquainted with big, tattooed, crop-headed cavemen in leather Gestapo uniforms.
There is a middle path, which is that we stick to our core beliefs - i.e. the Fourteen Words - but we build a broad social and political coalition under the flag of 'identity'

wow, it's like a fash version of TUSC
Ethno-nationalism and a Tolkienesque username. Not complete red flags for someone whose thinking never got past the simple-mindedness of their troubled teen years, oh no.
Ethno-nationalism and a Tolkienesque username. Not complete red flags for someone whose thinking never got past the simple-mindedness of their troubled teen years, oh no.
Nah, tis originally Anglo-Saxon. Tolkien borrowed it.
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