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Ecuador would like Julian Assange out of their embassy by the sounds of it.

tbh these latest charges are pretty grim and I do think the US has gone to far. His extradition to the US should be opposed.

Article here with more detail: Why Assange charges are a challenge to free press

He should be shipped off to Sweden and then the Swedish authorities should go through due legal process with regard to the rape allegations and after that they should refuse extradition to the US. The US situation should have no bearing on the UK process to extradite him to Sweden.

He's still a shit smearing, slimy and rapey cunt though. :thumbs:
What he is alleged to have done is not publish the leaks, but conspired with and encouraged someone to steal classified documents. That's what will see him sent down. That is what makes him not a journalist, but a co-conspirator to the very serious crime of stealing classified documents.

I think.
er he is as i have said alleged to have published the leaks.
Sloppy writing on my part: What he is alleged to have done is not just publish the leaks,
the charges relate to the publication being as that's what wikileaks does, obtain and publish leaked information. that he allegedly colluded with others to obtain the information matters not a jot as the aim of the operation wasn't the obtaining of the information but the publication of it.
the charges relate to the publication being as that's what wikileaks does, obtain and publish leaked information. that he allegedly colluded with others to obtain the information matters not a jot as the aim of the operation wasn't the obtaining of the information but the publication of it.

It does matter, as he will find out to his cost should he ever reach the US.

If as a journalist you conspire with or encourage others to steal classified documents then you cross a line from reporting what you are given in, to stealing classified documents, something every country treats with a hefty dollop of disdain.
It does matter, as he will find out to his cost should he ever reach the US.

If as a journalist you conspire with or encourage others to steal classified documents then you cross a line from reporting what you are given in to stealing classified documents, something every country treats with a hefty dollop of disdain.
i am not referring to the criminal penalties he might face but to the relevance of the charges to the publication of the information - what the aim of assange's alleged activity was rather than the punishment he might face.
i am not referring to the criminal penalties he might face but to the relevance of the charges to the publication of the information - what the aim of assange's alleged activity was rather than the punishment he might face.

The aim of his alleged activity was to conspire with others to affect he theft of classified documents with a view to publishing them. And that is what he's being charged with here.
The aim of his alleged activity was to conspire with others to affect he theft of classified documents with a view to publishing them. And that is what he's being charged with here.
you have all the right words only in the wrong order. the AIM of his alleged activity was the publication of classified documents for the possession of which he had conspired with others to obtain. the object, for him, was the publication. the object, for him, was not the acquisition without the publication. the conspiracy to obtain was a necessary step towards the publication but not the aim of the activity.
you have all the right words only in the wrong order. the AIM of his alleged activity was the publication of classified documents for the possession of which he had conspired with others to obtain. the object, for him, was the publication. the object, for him, was not the acquisition without the publication.

The aim of Howard Marks was to get everyone stoned by trafficking hashish. Still just as legally naughty as someone who traffics hashish for any other reason.
you have all the right words only in the wrong order. the AIM of his alleged activity was the publication of classified documents for the possession of which he had conspired with others to obtain. the object, for him, was the publication. the object, for him, was not the acquisition without the publication. the conspiracy to obtain was a necessary step towards the publication but not the aim of the activity.
What point are you trying to make? The major charges relate to the conspiracy, which is the crime. Why are you fixating on his intent?
What point are you trying to make? The major charges relate to the conspiracy, which is the crime. Why are you fixating on his intent?
the conspiracy is NOT 'the crime' :facepalm:

it is A crime.

for the hard of thinking
SEVENTEEN. not one.

of the seventeen charges (or crimes, if you will) only two relate to conspiracy.
the conspiracy is NOT 'the crime' :facepalm:

it is A crime.

for the hard of thinking
View attachment 172024
SEVENTEEN. not one.

of the seventeen charges (or crimes, if you will) only two relate to conspiracy.
This is just nonsense. Off course it's not the only thing he's being charged with and you're being disingenuous to suggest that anyone's said otherwise.

You've been banging on about his intent thing. It's practically irrelevant to this context. If I intend to fill my fridge with Champagne, and I get someone to steal it from Oddbins, we get done for theft.
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All the charges are interconnected, the conspiracy ones trump all the others, whatever his intent was.
i'm not sure they are interconnected even though the charges relate to a specific series of events - that is, i imagine that he can be found not guilty of some charges without all the charges falling - i don't see that they are jointly and severally linked.
This is just nonsense. Off course it's not the only thing he's being charged with and you're being disingenuous to suggest that anyone's said otherwise.

You've been banging on about his intent thing. It's practically irrelevant to this context. If I intend to fill my fridge with Champagne, and I get someone to steal it from Oddbins, we get done for theft.
i think you'd get done for conspiracy to theft.
tbh these latest charges are pretty grim and I do think the US has gone to far. His extradition to the US should be opposed.

Article here with more detail: Why Assange charges are a challenge to free press

He should be shipped off to Sweden and then the Swedish authorities should go through due legal process with regard to the rape allegations and after that they should refuse extradition to the US. The US situation should have no bearing on the UK process to extradite him to Sweden.

He's still a shit smearing, slimy and rapey cunt though. :thumbs:
Yep, every word of that.
His fan club are worried that he's at death's door.

Assange Is Reportedly Gravely Ill, And Hardly Anyone’s Talking About It

The guy may be a prick, but the conditions he's been living under are probably not what you would call healthy.

I just hope he doesn't die in jail: we'll never hear the end of the conspiracy theories.

Julian Assange’s Swedish lawyer Per Samuelson has told the press that “Assange’s health situation on Friday was such that it was not possible to conduct a normal conversation with him.”

Am I the only one thinking 'how convenient'? :hmm:
Am I the only one thinking 'how convenient'? :hmm:
Was Julian Assange on the grassy knoll? Release the files, Julian.

Yeah, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this was the work of someone who saw a 'convenient' opportunity. But most likely it's the result of him hiding from his rape charge in a broom cupboard for seven years.
His fan club are worried that he's at death's door.

Assange Is Reportedly Gravely Ill, And Hardly Anyone’s Talking About It

The guy may be a prick, but the conditions he's been living under are probably not what you would call healthy.

I just hope he doesn't die in jail: we'll never hear the end of the conspiracy theories.
From that article:

We have been watching the slow-motion assassination of Julian Assange. They have been choking him to death by tactical psyops, siege tactics, and wilful neglect as surely as if they placed a noose tied around his neck, not just in Belmarsh Prison but in the embassy as well. The only difference between his execution and someone on death row is the same as the difference between covert and overt warfare, which makes sense because the intelligence, judicial and military agencies who are carrying out his death sentence operate within the same power structure which carries out war. First came the smears (propaganda), then came the siege (sanctions), and they staged their coup (dragged him out of the embassy) and now they’ve got him in their clutches and they can do what they want behind closed doors. That’s how you kill a nation while still looking like a nice guy, and that’s how they’re killing Assange.

Caitlin Johnstone is a fuckwit.

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