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Ecuador would like Julian Assange out of their embassy by the sounds of it.

Fuck off. You're all wetting yourself hoping he's raped someone so he can be found guilty, it's been obvious since the beginning, it reeks from your posts.

Fucking pathetic. Arseholes.
Bunch of pricks on this thread actually hoping someone's been raped because it suits their own ulterior motives, seems to me.
You don't deserve a reply for that nasty little slur, but here goes: 2 allegations of rape/sexual assault were made and processed through the Swedish legal system, as described by Butchers above. Normally, that's as straightforward as can be, the claims should be tested in court. Assange then left the country and ultimately skipped bail to the Ecuadorian Embassy. We know the American's want him and at the time of the original investigations there was 'noise' about his accusers, about whether the American's had a hand in the process, whether a trial in Sweden would lead to onwards extradition and the rest. However much I dislike Assange and his Messiah Complex politics, had all that been watertight, clear, convincing I'd have considered whether even the fundamental rights of his accusers should have been overturned and he be allowed to stay in Britain. But the evidence of collusion between the Swedes and the American's just wasn't there or existed merely as speculation, even conspiraloonery. Without evidenced that there was a grand conspiracy against him, which is what it would be, what else can you do but revert to normal practices in terms of a rape case and extradition requests?

FWIW, I don't really blame Assange for diving into the Embassy, regardless of how farcical it became and how badly he behaved. I don't know what he was thinking about facing the rape charges, but he was certainly shitting it about ending up in America. But this isn't about what he was thinking, it's about whether the charges against him were reasonable and whether he should be treated like anyone else. It's about saying loud and clear that doing anti-American things in one sphere doesn't give you a pass elsewhere.
You have a very strange world view. One I hope is not widely shared.
The question is, did this start before 'tommy's' legal problem or before. This poster's degeneration from then to here seems to be directly connected. I wonder if other elements of the once socialist now nationalist left have gone down the same path. In my experience of them i'm afraid this is the case - and what's more, it's spreading.
The question is, did this start before 'tommy's' legal problem or before. This poster's degeneration from then to here seems to be directly connected. I wonder if other elements of the once socialist now nationalist left have gone down the same path. In my experience of them i'm afraid this is the case - and what's more, it's spreading.
It very much fits the pattern: “my hero, right or wrong”.
You don't deserve a reply for that nasty little slur,...
Oh...that's a slur is it?..but it's not a slur for your cunty mates to be saying shit like some people wouldn't care about rape if it suited their political agenda?

Like danny just did. And you gave it a like.

Two-faced prick, fuck off.

You're all so obvious. Like I said you're all frantic that someone has been raped just so you can do the charge of the right brigade. You just don't like it being pointed out.
Oh...that's a slur is it?..but it's not a slur for your cunty mates to be saying shit like some people wouldn't care about rape if it suited their political agenda?

Like danny just did. And you gave it a like.

Two-faced prick, fuck off.

You're all so obvious. Like I said you're all frantic that someone has been raped just so you can do the charge of the right brigade. You just don't like it being pointed out.
oh dear oh dear

there's only one way this can end
Oh...that's a slur is it?..but it's not a slur for your cunty mates to be saying shit like some people wouldn't care about rape if it suited their political agenda?

Like danny just did. And you gave it a like.

Two-faced prick, fuck off.

You're all so obvious. Like I said you're all frantic that someone has been raped just so you can do the charge of the right brigade. You just don't like it being pointed out.

I've seen people missing the point sometimes, but this takes the biscuit, absolutely bloody ridiculous.
Oh...that's a slur is it?..but it's not a slur for your cunty mates to be saying shit like some people wouldn't care about rape if it suited their political agenda?

Like danny just did. And you gave it a like.

Two-faced prick, fuck off.

You're all so obvious. Like I said you're all frantic that someone has been raped just so you can do the charge of the right brigade. You just don't like it being pointed out.
In case you think I'm being two faced or unclear in any way, I think you lack even the most basic decency when it comes to the likes of Galloway, Assange and Sheridan. Your 'big man who sticks it the other man' politics is ludicrous and undermines the possibility of any kind of mature politics.
Oh...that's a slur is it?..but it's not a slur for your cunty mates to be saying shit like some people wouldn't care about rape if it suited their political agenda?

Like danny just did. And you gave it a like.

Two-faced prick, fuck off.

You're all so obvious. Like I said you're all frantic that someone has been raped just so you can do the charge of the right brigade. You just don't like it being pointed out.
I’ve no idea what you’re accusing me of, but let’s be clear, you’re the one saying that people are “hoping someone was raped” and calling people cunts for saying that the allegations should be tested in court.

Your bizarre tantrum is testament to the incoherence of the position you’re trying to hold, and I hope you eventually find ethical equilibrium.
Dexter, the only person I can remember 'hoping someone would get raped' is you, about a fictional character (cersie). I mean I only mention it because you appear to be projecting your own fucked views onto everyone else. I'll not link to it, but I haven't forgotten it, ya grubby prick
The question is, did this start before 'tommy's' legal problem or before. This poster's degeneration from then to here seems to be directly connected. I wonder if other elements of the once socialist now nationalist left have gone down the same path. In my experience of them i'm afraid this is the case - and what's more, it's spreading.


And it’s spreading itself everywhere.

Fuck identity.
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