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Ecuador would like Julian Assange out of their embassy by the sounds of it.

"He originally went to Sweden because he thought their extradition practise was more favourable to him."

Finding out that was an error so he left

So he's in Sweden cos he thinks they will be less likely than other countries to extradite him to the US. He discovers that he could be wrong about that so flees to the UK, America's lap-dog in Europe.

Falls at the first hurdle.
He originally went to Sweden because he thought their extradition practise was more favourable to him.

You need to separate out the two things here. The usefulness of the Wikileaks revelations is something that does not have any bearing on his guilt or innocence of rape. It is neither evidence for or against the sexual offence charges.

The absolute core of how we should approach the whole Assange affair.

I really don't like Assange's politics and I don't like his personality, but I have no problem saying I hope the Americans don't get their hands on him, even for the 5 year sentence it now looks like he would be facing. But I do think he should be facing rape charges in Sweden, whether he's proved guilty or not. The only way those 2 points could get remotely muddied was if there was proof the rape charges were genuinely manufactured/orchestrated by the Americans. And for all the attempts by the Assange supporters and conspiracists to do that, the notion is pretty thin. You'd certainly expect an organisation with the resources of WikiLeaks to have unearthed more.
Of course, there's a third set who accept his guilt but think that because of wikileaks he shouldn't have to face trial or punishment for the wider good. That he, in fact, gets a good boy rape pass. That is what's actually behind a lot of the thinking of the 2nd group above - not many actually are prepared to openly state it.
Galloway has at least one foot in that camp with his 'poor sexual etiquette'.
I wonder if there is an overlap between people who are eager to overlook sex crimes and people who would cheerlead brutal regimes just because they were labelled as being of the left / 'on the right side of the battle against imperialism'.

I know this century is a mess but at least it isnt the 20th century and all the stale and narrow shit that went with it. Fuck off with those massive blindspots and all the human detail that matters being rendered irrelevant by the shadow of an 'epic ideological struggle' that wasnt.
I wonder if there is an overlap between people who are eager to overlook sex crimes and people who would cheerlead brutal regimes...
Dunno...but there's certainly an overlap between brutal regimes and proclaiming people guilty without a trial.
Dunno...but there's certainly an overlap between brutal regimes and proclaiming people guilty without a trial.
Mass rape in syria not a fucking peep, hero (and play this old record with sheridan in the frame) all over it. Horrible, so glad your time is gone. Just fucking horrible monsters living out the past - dangers to others.
Mass rape in syria not a fucking peep, hero (and play this old record with sheridan in the frame) all over it. Horrible, so glad your time is gone. Just fucking horrible monsters living out the past - dangers to others.
^^^urban's guru for guidance^^^
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Dunno...but there's certainly an overlap between brutal regimes and proclaiming people guilty without a trial.

I didnt actually say he was guilty, I was speaking in general terms about those who clearly dont care about sex crimes if the possible perpetrator had some political attributes that float their boat. My language was a bit sloppy, mostly because I spent thousands of words arguing about this matter years ago, and am not looking to cover the same ground with as much tedium in my posts this time around. Assange is certainly guilty of evading the justice process in this matter, delaying any process and possible verdict on his guilt. Having read much detail about the cases back when they were still quite new (plenty of which I've since forgotten) I was looking forward to various things being tested by the justice system, including hearing his defence in a court of law. Not the same old obfuscations, no hiding behind other matters relating to Assange and wikileaks, no get out of jail free card just because he did a lot of good work for charity like Jimmy Savile, oops I mean leaked stuff for the good of humanity/personal profit.

No immunity for the powerful, no matter whether their power is of the establishment variety or is derived from being a declared hero of the common people.
In a single post you admit you haven't got a clue as to how rape victims might process events and then go on to leap in with both feet. FFS, have a word with yourself.

I believe you should read the words, "I would imagine", then go fuck yourself :)
He is innocent until proven otherwise. I'm sure there's something in many countries' laws about that.
...and that's the key word here: proven and that is done in a court of law. It is "Innocent until proven guilty" not "Proclaimed innocent and hiding in a wardrobe until the statute of limitations nullifies the question of guilt".

He should have answered his accusers in a court of law and not sequestered himself away in an embassy in the hopes that it would all go away the entitled schmuck.
I believe you should read the words, "I would imagine", then go fuck yourself :)
Could you clarify what it is you imagine the alleged victim was 'happy about'? The post below suggest you think she was happy about the incident itself.

I'm happy to say I have no clue as I've never committed that terrible crime, nor have I met any victims I'm aware of. I would imagine it's a very distressing time, and not something a victim would be so happy about in public.
Here's a piece to me that seems both wrong and right.
Why is the left blinkered to claims about Assange and sexual assault? | Nesrine Malik
I disagree with the author that there's a single hierarchy on the left as to which issues/people are championed/abandoned. It isn't that all women are relegated, class and other factors cut across. But she's right about the ability of many on the left to abandon core principles in the face of 'bigger issues':

It really doesn’t have to be this way. It is entirely possible to believe two things at the same time, that Assange should not face extradition to the US but that we should perhaps take a look at why he jumped bail and was in hiding for seven years
And she's certainly right about the Assange case.
I didnt actually say he was guilty, I was speaking in general terms about those who clearly dont care about sex crimes if the possible perpetrator had some political attributes that float their boat...
Oh you mean me?

I don't care about sex crimes if I've ulterior motives?

Bunch of pricks on this thread actually hoping someone's been raped because it suits their own ulterior motives, seems to me.
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