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DUP and Tory f*ck up thread

I'll need to dig up the links, but the DUP/UVF/UDA have had extensive links to the British far right. Fairly certain David Copeland the Admiral Duncan bomber got Loyalist paramilitary training.

from sky news ireland correspondent.


Something funny going on there . There's been a " fuck me..the DUP :facepalm: " moment somewhere among the Tory ranks I reckon . or quite possibly somebody with half a brain has had a look at one of the DUP concessions ...thought it through ..and gone " whhoooahh " . If the Tories are going to let orange marches through nationalist districts the " peace process ", Stormont...the lot..is over and done with . It's kaput . And yet it'll be a major DUP demand , if not a key one . That bit on their website about " strengthening British identity and the union " ..that's precisely what that means . Something along those lines .
Wrong statement in error. What are the chances, eh?

As slim as a gay brontosaurus line dancing through the Vatican while singing the sash . Pretty much . I'd believe creationism before I'd believe that massive fib .

There's been a huge policy related fuck up already is what's happened .
It seems all is not well with the CON-DUP pact. The DUP are still not happy with what May is offering them as well as Tories getting itchy about the whole thing being too "Nasty Party". I mean on climate and social issues it's like Donald Trump was US President and you had to work with him. Yes that bad. With the added complication of slanting the British position on island of Ireland issues that only a handful of Tories give a damn about.

However look at the DUP voting record:

From Slugger Our Friends in the North? The DUP and the Tories aren’t ideologically close
The DUP were essentially halfway between the two largest parties, tending to vote with Labour on fiscal matters but further to the right on social policy. Bear in mind that this was when the Liberal Democrats were in a coalition government, and therefore voted with the Tories more often than they do now.
Oh dear, oh dear. Fiscally the DUP are basically Ed Milliband. This could impede May's state shrinking agenda which is the basic Tory mission. At best every time May hacks away public services the DUP will pop up demanding an exception for Northern Ireland. At worst they'll say "Ulster is British" and block it entirely. This is likely to be very divisive amongst Tories.

And then there's the DUP's frustrating preference for not proudly flouncing out of the EU the Customs Union which will inflame Hard Brexiters. Staying in the Customs Union also may not even be something the Brexit talks can achieve at least not with a good deal of grovelling. This is a recipe for Tory humiliation.

It's these last two things that'll really bugger this up.
Something funny going on there . There's been a " fuck me..the DUP :facepalm: " moment somewhere among the Tory ranks I reckon . or quite possibly somebody with half a brain has had a look at one of the DUP concessions ...thought it through ..and gone " whhoooahh " . If the Tories are going to let orange marches through nationalist districts the " peace process ", Stormont...the lot..is over and done with . It's kaput . And yet it'll be a major DUP demand , if not a key one . That bit on their website about " strengthening British identity and the union " ..that's precisely what that means . Something along those lines .

Maybe they want a hard border and even the conservatives are saying 'you mental bastards are going to start the troubles again'
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